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Etymology Of Teotihuacan
[edit]From Template:Marinos-AEZ As everybody knows, the word 'Teotihuacan' means "The City Of The Gods". In Greek Language the word "GOD" translated as -Theos- (Θεός). Now, a part of the word (Teo)tihuacan means God. In some other language use the greek word "Teos" ie in Romania language use the word "Ateous" (A)teous "a non bealiver in God person". In greek language using the letter "A" its the same in eaglish as "UN" (Un)believable (Α)πιστευτο-{Apistefto}. Also in Italy using the word theologue as (teo)-logo teologo θεολόγος or you may see theocracy (teo)-crazia teocrazia θεοκρατία and so on. The rest of the word teo(tihuacan) propably means "the city of".
Marinos Symeonides
Cyprus (EU)
- I highly doubt this with the Aztecs having been a highly isolated society. The historical migration patterns of European and Mesoamerican civilizations also disprove of your theory. Sorry, no source, no inclusion.
- I don't think that you are wrong dear Marinos-AEZ. In Nahuatl language(the language of Aztecs) the word Teotl means "god". There is also a wikipedia's and a wiktionary's page about it. Probaly, the words "teo" from Teotihuacan and "teotl" have the same roots. I don't know now if it is also relative with the greek word "Θεός". It may be, but we can't be sure. If yes, that means that ancient greeks had traveled to America. Many theories support this opinion. But they are just theories.