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Latest comment: 10 years ago by Whym in topic Older sense (Japanese)

Older sense (Japanese)


How should this usage in Japanese be explained: いと大事にはあらねど、起き臥し悩みたまふを in 落窪物語 (10th century)? I'm wondering if this might prove that my removal was wrong and that this entry should have "heavily wounded, dying" as another sense. 日本国語大辞典 attributes the usage, along with four other quotations, to the sense of 命にかかわるほど、病気や傷が重いこと. The full quotation list from 日本国語大辞典's entry is:

  • 落窪物語〔10C後〕三「いと大事にはあらねど、起き臥しなやみ給ふを」
  • 殿暦‐康和四年〔1102〕正月一七日「斎院頗御心地不快御歟、雖然不及大事」
  • 古本説話集〔1130頃か〕五「いづみへくだるみちにて、たかちか、れいならず大事にて、かぎりになりたりければ」
  • 愚管抄〔1220〕六・順徳「もがさと云病おこりたりしを、大事にわづらひて十一月十一日にうせ給にけり」
  • 読本・春雨物語〔1808〕宮木が塚「診(こころ)みて、あな大事也。日過ぎては斃れん。よき時見せしとて」

I'm not too sure how to do because I'm that confident in parsing old/middle Japanese. Whym (talk) 03:42, 14 November 2014 (UTC)Reply

Update: Special:Permalink/30168195/#大事#Japanese. Whym (talk) 11:48, 23 November 2014 (UTC)Reply