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Latest comment: 15 years ago by Bogorm

Would anyone denote how the verb is connected with the object? The Bulgarian æquivalent жадувам requires за, but cognate Russian жаждать requires genitive, so I do not know how to use this verb... with за or with genitive? The uſer hight Bogorm converſation 14:31, 23 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

A quotation resolving this issue would be much appreciated. The uſer hight Bogorm converſation 14:32, 23 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

It can be used in various ways, the most commonly with the preposition za "for" + object of desire in instrumental case. Here are some excerpts from the Google search for inflected forms[1]:
Indija žudi za investicijama
Žene tijekom trudnoće žude za seksom
Za tobom moje srce žudi i vječno plamti čežnja ta što drugo mogu da ti nudim od srca svoga i života.
Ako primijetite da žudite za kombinacijom slatkog i slanog, znajte da vašem organizmu nedostaje glukoze i natrija.
or alternatively, with infinitive, or with da (+optional pronoun in dative) + present tense (i.e. Western vs. Eastern Serbo-Croatian, or both as is in the first quote below :D)
Ja prosto žudim, žudim da dodirnem ti meki dlan / ja prosto žudim, žudim, da ostvarim sa tobom jedan san / ja žudim ljubiti tvoje usnice bar / jer samo ti u meni budiš tu divnu čudesnu stvar.
Kad tako žudim da se vratim starome sebi, sjetim se da sam u tim danima imao neke nejasne susrete sa besmrtnošću.
Ja žudim, da tijelom poteče mi krv, jer kamen je samo kamen
Or alternatively it can be used without preposition at all, simply being followed by an object in accusative, but Google search shows that this is apparently less common usage nowadays.. --Ivan Štambuk 14:55, 23 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
Ok, thanks for the circumstantial explanation. The uſer hight Bogorm converſation 16:04, 23 November 2009 (UTC)Reply