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Latest comment: 15 years ago by Bogorm
Would anyone denote how the verb is connected with the object? The Bulgarian æquivalent жадувам requires за, but cognate Russian жаждать requires genitive, so I do not know how to use this verb... with за or with genitive? The uſer hight Bogorm converſation 14:31, 23 November 2009 (UTC)
A quotation resolving this issue would be much appreciated. The uſer hight Bogorm converſation 14:32, 23 November 2009 (UTC)
- It can be used in various ways, the most commonly with the preposition za "for" + object of desire in instrumental case. Here are some excerpts from the Google search for inflected forms[1]:
- Indija žudi za investicijama
- Žene tijekom trudnoće žude za seksom
- Za tobom moje srce žudi i vječno plamti čežnja ta što drugo mogu da ti nudim od srca svoga i života.
- Ako primijetite da žudite za kombinacijom slatkog i slanog, znajte da vašem organizmu nedostaje glukoze i natrija.
- or alternatively, with infinitive, or with da (+optional pronoun in dative) + present tense (i.e. Western vs. Eastern Serbo-Croatian, or both as is in the first quote below :D)
- Ja prosto žudim, žudim da dodirnem ti meki dlan / ja prosto žudim, žudim, da ostvarim sa tobom jedan san / ja žudim ljubiti tvoje usnice bar / jer samo ti u meni budiš tu divnu čudesnu stvar.
- Kad tako žudim da se vratim starome sebi, sjetim se da sam u tim danima imao neke nejasne susrete sa besmrtnošću.
- Ja žudim, da tijelom poteče mi krv, jer kamen je samo kamen
- Or alternatively it can be used without preposition at all, simply being followed by an object in accusative, but Google search shows that this is apparently less common usage nowadays.. --Ivan Štambuk 14:55, 23 November 2009 (UTC)
- Ok, thanks for the circumstantial explanation. The uſer hight Bogorm converſation 16:04, 23 November 2009 (UTC)