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From Mandarin 泰武 (Tàiwǔ).

Proper noun



  1. A mountain indigenous township in Pingtung County, Taiwan.
    • 2016 September 14, Jane Onyanga-Omara, Doyle Rice, “Typhoon Meranti slams into China after battering Taiwan”, in USA Today[1], →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on 15 September 2016, Weather‎[2]:
      Rainfall totals in excess of 20 inches were measured in the mountains of Taiwan, while Taiwu Township in Pingtung County recorded just over 30 inches of rain.
    • 2016 September 14, Angela Fritz, “Typhoon Meranti blasted Taiwan, and now it’s headed to China”, in The Washington Post[3], →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on 2016-09-15[4]:
      Pingtung, Taitung and Hualien counties all reported one-day rainfall totals over 19 inches. The mountainous Taiwu Township measured an incredible 31 inches.
    • 2017 March 10, Diane Baker, “Highlight: Singing of life and history”, in Taipei Times[5], →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on 12 March 2023, Features, page 13[6]:
      The performers are students from the Taiwu Elementary School in Pingtung County’s Taiwu Township (泰武) who belong to the Taiwu Children’s Ancient Ballads Troupe (泰武古謠傳唱), as well as elders of the Puljetji community.
    • 2020 September, Lan-Shu (曾蘭淑) Tseng, “公部門刊物華麗變身《Amazing Pingtung》、《本事》 [The Metamorphosis of Government Magazines—Amazing Pingtung and Benshi]”, in 台灣光華雜誌 [Taiwan Panorama]‎[7], volume 45, number 9, →ISSN, →OCLC, page 21, column 1:
      Hou has been well regarded since her earlier days editing magazines for Pingtung's Taiwu Township and Mutan Township, with some remarking at the time that "these township magazines are better produced than central government magazines."
    • 2021 October 13, M. Chuang, “圓規外圍雲系發展旺盛 東部.恆春豪雨特報 [Firefighters Rescue Family of Seven in Hualien]”, in Public Television Service[8], archived from the original on 19 October 2022[9]:
      Pingtung's Taiwu Township, meanwhile, has gotten over 1,000 millimeters of rain in the last two days.

