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Sranan Tongo




Ultimately from Middle High German Swīzer.




  1. Swiss (inhabitant of Switzerland)
    • 1968, R. Dobru, “A feti fu Gado Sabi [The war of Gado Sabi]”, in Moetete[1], number 2, Paramaribo: Eldorado, page 2:
      Na ini den jari 1772 kon miti 1777, wan kapten di den kari John Gabriel Stedman, ben teki prati na ini a feti foe makti den lowenengre na ini Sranankondre. A Ingrisman ben de kapten foe den matrosi foe Kononèl Fourgeoud, wan Swiska.
      In the years from 1772 to 1777, a captain called John Gabriel Stedman took part in the war to subdue the Maroons in Suriname. This Briton was captain of the marines of colonel Fourgeoud, a Swiss.