1998 April 9, holl...@mailexcite.com, “Re: Where Is Everyone?”, in alt.tv.sentinel[1] (Usenet):
A lot of Senners went to the Con (and had a blast!) are are busily reporting in on the events to their mailing list sibs.
1998 September 4, maha...@ix.netcom.com, “Filming has begun!”, in alt.tv.sentinel[2] (Usenet):
Two Senners have personally verified that filming has begun, having stumbled upon (okay, hunted down) a location shoot on Sept 9.
1999 September 4, Chaomath, “new Senfic review site”, in alt.tv.sentinel[3] (Usenet):
Sentineldom is a rich and complex place, and it is my hope that this site will encourage discussion and participation among Senners as well as help people find senfic that they will appreciate.