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San Fransicko

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Blend of San Francisco +‎ sicko.

Proper noun


San Fransicko

  1. (slang, derogatory, offensive, sometimes humorous) San Francisco, viewed in terms of its population afflicted with mental illness.
    • 2007 October 18, Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam, “BREAKING -- Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) tells it like it is”, in alt.politics.republicans[1] (Usenet):
      right after hitting his Bong he bought in downtown San Fransicko crack row
    • 2007 October 30, Jan Orme, “OT ~ And Then The Room Was Silent”, in rec.outdoors.rv-travel[2] (Usenet):
      All you have to do is look closely at the deranged
      view of the San Fransicko Board of Supervisors.
      They hate the military and make no bones about it.
    • 2008 April 3, is the Real Man@election2008 Another McCain Voting Democrat, “Coming soon: ‘George W. Bush Sewage Plant.'”, in alt.fan.rush-limbaugh[3] (Usenet):
      Considering the Shit hole cesspool that San fransicko has become after being
      represented by DemoncRATS Pelosi and Frankenstein , it should be named
      Pelosi Sewage plant .
    • 2011 July 4, Chauncey Chilton, “California Supreme Court Creates a Supreme Disaster in Supporting Gay Marriage”, in alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic[4] (Usenet):
      Naturally, the sexually disoriented in San Fransicko
      were ecstatic, no doubt squealing with delight and celebrating with all manner
      of unspeakable vice.

See also
