[edit]SSDL (plural SSDLs)
- (technology) Initialism of secondary standard dosimetry laboratory.
- 2009, Hetland et al.: Calibration of reference KAP-meters at SSDL and cross calibration of clinical KAP-meters, title:
- 2002, Meghzifene et al.: Calibration factor or calibration coefficient?, abstract:
- The IAEA/WHO network of SSDLs was set up in order to establish links between SSDL members and the international measurement system.
- 1996, Aaltonen et al.: The role of SSDL-Helsinki for dosimetry and quality audit in radiotherapy, title:
Proper noun
- (computer languages, databases) Initialism of SOAP Service Description Language.
- 2008, Nitzsche J. et al.: WSDL 2.0 message exchange patterns: limitations and opportunities, page 1:
- The SOAP Service Description Language (SSDL) [20] describes a message exchange from the point of view of a single service...
- 2008, Rosenberg et al.: Integrated metadata support for web service runtimes, page 1:
- In [13], Parastatidis and Webber propose SSDL (SOAP Service Description Language) as a language to describe Web services...
- 2005, Parastatidis et al.: The SOAP Service Description Language (SSDL) is a SOAP-centric contract definition language for Web Services, abstract:
- (mathematics) Initialism of sample-set differential logic.
- 2007, Fornasier: Soya: a programming model and runtime environment for component composition using SSDL, title:
- 1986, Grotjohn: Sample-set differential logic (SSDL) for complex high-speed VLSI, title:
- 1988, Lu: Implementation of iterative networks with CMOS differential logic, page 1:
- Grotjohn and Hoefflinger [2] further improved the clocked CVSL and named it sample-set differential logic (SSDL)...
- (mathematics) Initialism of small-swing differential logic.
- 2002, Pogrebnoy: High-speed low-power sense amplifying half-latch and apparatus thereof for small-swing differential logic (SSDL):
- 2002, Fiedler: High-speed differential sampling flip-flop, page 1:
- High-speed low-power sense amplifying half-latch and apparatus thereof for small-swing differential logic (SSDL)
- 1995, Matsui: A low-voltage 32/spl times/32-bit multiplier in dynamic differential logic, page 1:
- ...small swing differential logic (SSDL) whose outputs are not full-swing can be used...
- (computer science) Initialism of social semantic digital library.
- 2007, Oh & Won: Designing an architecture for social semantic digital libraries (SSDL), title:
- 2010, Alotaibi: Semantic web technologies for digital libraries: from libraries to social semantic digital libraries (SSDL), over semantic digital libraries (SDL), title:
- 2017, Noh: A study on next-generation digital library using context-awareness technology, page 1:
- Oh and Won (2007) defined the Social Semantic Digital Library (SSDL) as consisting of an ontology system and supporting user participation and collaboration
- (education) Initialism of Staged Self-Directed Learning.
- 1994, Grow: In defense of the staged self-directed learning model;;:
- (technology) Initialism of SYLPH services definition language.
- 2010, Corchado et al.: Using heterogeneous wireless sensor networks in a telemonitoring system for healthcare, page 1:
- The messages specify the origin and target nodes, and the service invocation in a SYLPH services definition language (SSDL) format.
- 2001, Merriam: Andragogy and self‐directed learning: Pillars of adult learning theory, page 1:
- The best known of these is Grow's (1991, 1994) Staged Self-Directed Learning (SSDL) model.
- 1992, Tennant: The staged self-directed learning model, page 1:
- Grow's article Teaching Learners to be Self-Directed (Adult Education Quarterly, Spring 1991), in which he presents his Staged Self-Directed Learning (SSDL) Model...
- (physics) Initialism of solid-state dye laser.
- 2002, Ahmad: Highly photostable laser solution and solid-state media based on mixed pyrromethene and coumarin:
- 2007, Costela, Solid state dye lasers: new materials based on silicon:
- 2009, Garcia‐Moreno et al.: Materials for a Reliable Solid‐State Dye Laser at the Red Spectral Edge:
- In addition to SSDL output, the unit provides radiation at 532 nm.
Proper noun
- Initialism of Space Systems Development Laboratory.
- 1994, Kitts: The satellite quick research testbed (squirt) program:
- ...the Satellite Systems Development Laboratory (SSDL) is the focal point of Stanford University's spacecraft design program.
- 1999, Kitts: The ParaSat Space Flight Program:
- Given the author’s affiliation with Stanford University’s Space Systems Development Laboratory (SSDL), this comparison can easily be done with SSDL’s primary microsatellite program, the Satellite Quick Research Testbed (SQUIRT) program.
- 2000, Heidt: CubeSat: A new generation of picosatellite for education and industry low-cost space experimentation:
- Microsatellite Development program plan The program plan1-2 at the Space Systems Development Laboratory (SSDL) was to have programs with the following attributes...