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S@Side-PalmBack CirclesHoriz

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

American Sign Language


Alternative forms

  • (regional variation, palm forward and vertical circles) 𝤃𝪜𝧥



From initial S of English Saturday, plus location, orientation, and movement matching other days of the week (e.g. M@Side-PalmBack CirclesHoriz (Monday)).


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  • This one-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
    1. Posture the dominant hand in the “S” handshape about half an arm’s length in front of the shoulder, dominant palm facing back.
    2. Move the dominant hand in horizontal circles.



If you can, please upload a png or jpg image showing the production of this sign. (ASL gloss: SATURDAY)

  1. Saturday

Derived terms


See also
