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Tooro rhymes

  • Rhymes in Wiktionary are organized using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). See Wiktionary:IPA pronunciation key for examples demonstrating the sound that each IPA symbol makes.
  • To find rhymes for a word:
    • determine which vowel has a high tone (or a falling tone in some circumstances),
    • find the sound in the table below, which gives examples of words containing each of the vowel sounds of Tooro,
    • and follow the appropriate link.
  • Notes
    • Words with a high tone on rising diphthongs in Tooro, such as the /wíː/ in entwiga (giraffe) (pronounced /entwíːɡa/), rhyme with words stressed on monophthongal vowels if that vowel is the same constituent vowel of the diphthong. Therefore, entwiga /entwíːɡa/ rhymes with okusiiga (painting (verbal noun)) /okusíːɡa/.
    • If a word has a high tone on a falling diphthong, such as the /óí/ in ekikoikyo (riddle), the rhyme page for that diphthong can be found on the page of the diphthong's onset vowel. For example, the /óí/ of ekikoikyo would be listed on the page for /ó/.
/á/ entama
/â/ -bara
/áː/ entaama
/é/ -meza
/ê/ ekigere
/éː/ meeza
/í/ -gira
/íː/ -giira
/ó/ omukora
/ô/ ekisoro
/óː/ omukoora
/ú/ okukura
/û/ omukaikuru
/úː/ okukuura

See also
