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Two syllables

  • bæra (to carry”, “to bring”; “to bare offspring”; “to move something a little”; “to drift”; “to be seen in front of something”; “to have to”; “to behave (in set phrases)”; “to make a profit (in set phrases)”; “to arise of an issue (in set phrases)”; “capable (dated))
  • færi (to go”; “to behave”; “to turn out in the end”; “to suit”; “to start”; “to become”; “move something a short distance”; “immediate work”; “tools or luggage”; “opportunity”; “distance of shooting”; “fishing hooks”; “trafic”; “skilled”; “travelable”; “possible)
  • glæri (transparent”; “pale and ragged)
  • hræri (to stir food or emotions”; “to move oneself”; “to change”; “ladle”, “kettle lid”, “rolling pin”; “groin”, “thigh”, “small intestine”; stirrer“)
  • hæri (to pluck)
  • kæri (to report a crime”; “to be uninterested”, “not to want to”; “which is cared about)
  • læri (to learn”; “thigh”; “leg of animals”; “study especially of a trade)
  • mæri (to praise”; “marshland or flatland”; “slim”; “famous”; “bright)
  • Mæri
  • næri (to feed)
  • skæri (to cut something with a knife”; “lawn mower”; “scissors”; “bright”, “pure”, “untainted of a woman)
  • snæri (to light a fire”; “to intensify”; “strong string)
  • stæri (to boast)
  • særi (to hurt someone physically or emotionally”; “to cut hair”; “to perform magic”; “wound (dated)”; “oath (dated))
  • tæri (to corrode”; “provider”; “transparent)
  • væri (to be”; “supplies”; “place of being”; “calm)
  • æri (to drive someone crazy”; “demented”; “excited)

Six syllables
