[edit]Two syllables
[edit]- ráðin n (“to negotiate the beginning of someone’s employment; to deduce; to have fury; to control; to advise”; “counsel, council; plan; determined”)
Four syllables
[edit]- orðabókin f (“dictionary, lexicon”)
Five syllables
[edit]- sambandslýðveldin n (“federal republic”)
Six syllables
[edit]- orðabókaefnin n (“dictionary content”)
- orðabókafræðin n pl or f sg (“lexicography”)
- orðabókardæmin n (“dictionary example”)
- orðabókarformin n (“dictionary format”)
- orðabókargjörðin f (“creation of a dictionary”)
- orðabókargreinin f (“dictionary entry”)
- orðabókarnefndin f (“dictionary committee”)
Eight syllables
[edit]- nútímamálsorðabókin f (“modern language dictionary”)