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Rhymes stressed on /eɪ/

Rhymes ending in Examples Longer endings
/eɪ/ bay /eɪ.../
/eɪb/ babe /eɪb.../
/eɪbz/ babes
/eɪtʃ/ aitch /eɪtʃ.../
/eɪx/ scraich
/eɪd/ fade /eɪd.../
/eɪdz/ AIDS
/eɪf/ safe /eɪf.../
/eɪɡ/ vague /eɪɡ.../
/eɪdʒ/ age /eɪdʒ.../
mayhem, etc /eɪh.../
/eɪk/ bake /eɪk.../
/eɪks/ bakes
/eɪkt/ baked
/eɪl/ bail /eɪl.../
/eɪlz/ Wales
/eɪm/ game /eɪm.../
/eɪmd/ framed
/eɪmz/ games
/eɪn/ rain /eɪn.../
/eɪnd/ drained /eɪnd.../
/eɪndʒ/ change
/eɪnt/ paint /eɪnt.../
/eɪnz/ rains /eɪnz.../
/eɪŋ/ bang (some dialects)
/eɪŋgəl/ angle (some dialects)
/eɪp/ ape /eɪp.../
/eɪps/ apes /eɪps.../
/eɪpt/ shaped
hayrick, etc /eɪɹ.../
/eɪs/ face /eɪs.../
/eɪst/ waist /eɪst.../
/eɪʃ/ creche (one pronunciation) /eɪʃ.../
/eɪʒ/ beige /eɪʒ.../
/eɪt/ gate /eɪt.../
/eɪts/ gates
/eɪtθ/ eighth
/eɪθ/ faith /eɪθ.../
/eɪð/ bathe /eɪð.../
/eɪv/ gave /eɪv.../
Jaywick, etc /eɪw.../
/eɪvz/ staves
/eɪz/ maze /eɪz.../