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Rhymes stressed on /ɒ/

Rhymes ending in Example Longer endings
/ɒb/ job /ɒb.../
/ɒbz/ Jobs
/ɒtʃ/ botch /ɒtʃ.../
/ɒtʃt/ blotched
/ɒd/ odd /ɒd.../
/ɒdz/ odds
/ɒf/ cough /ɒf.../
/ɒfs/ coughs
/ɒft/ soft /ɒft.../
/ɒɡ/ dog /ɒɡ.../
/ɒɡz/ Bloggs
/ɒdʒ/ dodge /ɒdʒ.../
/ɒk/ dock /ɒk.../
/ɒks/ box /ɒks.../
/ɒkst/ boxed
/ɒkt/ locked /ɒkt.../
/ɒx/ loch
/ɒl/ doll /ɒl.../
/ɒlf/ golf /ɒlf.../
/ɒlv/ solve /ɒlv.../
/ɒlz/ dolls
/ɒm/ from /ɒm.../
/ɒmp/ pomp /ɒmp.../
/ɒmpt/ prompt
/ɒmz/ bombs
/ɒn/ on /ɒn.../
/ɒntʃ/ conch (one pronunciation) /ɒntʃ.../
/ɒnd/ pond /ɒnd.../
/ɒns/ bonce /ɒns.../
/ɒnt/ want /ɒnt.../
/ɒnz/ bronze /ɒnz.../
/ɒŋ/ long /ɒŋ.../
/ɒŋk/ honk /ɒŋk.../
/ɒŋks/ Bronx
/ɒŋkt/ zonked
/ɒp/ cop /ɒp.../
/ɒps/ copse /ɒps.../
/ɒpt/ opt /ɒpt.../
horror, etc /ɒɹ.../
/ɒs/ boss /ɒs.../
/ɒsk/ mosque /ɒsk.../
/ɒst/ cost /ɒst.../
/ɒʃ/ wash /ɒʃ.../
/ɒʃt/ washed
Rozhok, Łoźnik, etc /ɒʒ.../
/ɒt/ hot /ɒt.../
/ɒts/ lots /ɒts.../
/ɒθ/ cloth /ɒθ.../
bother, etc /ɒð.../
/ɒv/ of /ɒv.../
Połoch, etc /ɒw.../
/ɒz/ was /ɒz.../