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Proper noun


Rhamsesis m sg (genitive Rhamsesis); third declension

  1. Ramesses

Usage notes

  • The form Rhamsesis occurs in some editions of Gaius Plinius Secundus' Naturalis historia lib. 36 in the wording "Rhamsesis autem". Some editions have:
    • "Rhamsesis autem" (ed. Iulius Sillig, 1851; ed. D. Detlefsen, 1873)
    • "Rhamses is autem" (ed. Ludovicus Ianus, 1860)
    • "Rhamses autem is" (ed. Iulius Sillig, 1836, giving Codex Bambergensis as source for Rhamses and mentioning Ramises, Ramisesis, Ramiseis, Famisesis as variants)
    • "Ramises autem is" (ed. Joannes Harduinus, 1784; ed. Emerico-David & [Gabriel] Delafosse, 1831)
    Alfred von Gutschmid cited it as "Rhamessis (Rhamsesis cod. Bamb.) autem" with Rhamessis resembling Ῥαμέσσης (Rhaméssēs) and called Rhamsesis a wrong reading.



Third-declension noun (i-stem), singular only.

Case Singular
Nominative Rhamsesis
Genitive Rhamsesis
Dative Rhamsesī
Accusative Rhamsesem
Ablative Rhamsese
Vocative Rhamsesis

Further reading
