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Alternative forms




Blend of Republican (the U.S. Republican Party) +‎ Trump (Donald Trump). From the takeover of the Republican Party by Donald Trump.



Retrumplican (comparative more Retrumplican, superlative most Retrumplican)

  1. Pertaining to the Republican Party in the United States, under the actual and philosophical leadership of Donald Trump.
    • 2020, Paul Moser, “Retrumplican senators: Stark naked and squirming”, in Napa Valley Register:
      Thus liberated to be the kind of principle-free, gutless toadies that the “president” made it clear he prefers, the Retrumplican leaders have spent the last few years casting votes and engaging in debate that would have embarrassed and shamed just about anyone.
    • 2018, Peter Goodman, “Need to get congressional seat out of GOP hands”, in Las Cruces Sun News:
      We need to get the seat out of ReTrumplican hands. For everyone's sake.
    • 2015, Peter Grier, “'Retrumplican Party': Accurate or unfair to equate Trump and GOP?”, in Christian Science Monitor:
      The real issue that interests us in the Retrumplican controversy, however, is whom the DNC’s video is aimed at.



Retrumplican (plural Retrumplicans)

  1. A Republican who subscribes to the form of Republicanism (U.S. conservatism) espoused by Donald Trump.
    • 2020, Celine Castronuovo, “Chris Cuomo on Lindsey Graham: 'You don't mean save the country. You mean save your ass'”, in The Hill:
      "The ReTrumplicans who fear his return and covet his base are all in,” he added before cutting to a Fox News interview Monday night with Graham.
    • 2020, Jay Greeson, “ReTrumplican convention will be long on First Family, short on political platform”, in Chattanooga Times Free Press:
      This week, many ReTrumplicans will gather in Charlotte, North Carolina, begrudgingly put on masks, tell everyone how great The Donald is and make a couple of sleepy Sleepy Joe Biden zingers.
    • 2016, Mike DeBonis, “‘ReTrumplican’ senators in new national campaign”, in The Washington Post:
      The DSCC is promising a “sustained campaign” on the “Party of Trump” theme, starting with the web ad and a new website featuring a list of “ReTrumplicans,” and expanding to television, radio, and social media ads. The committee reported having $13.6 million in its coffers last month.
    • 2018, Jim Stanton, “What ReTrumplicans actually stand for”, in Daily Chronicle, DeKalb:
      In response to the Wednesday letter to the editor, we ReTrumplicans actually stand for America – as it is defined by our Constitution – not as it is defined by career politicians who take themselves much more seriously than they take their jobs. And not as defined by many Dummycrats who want to give many things away free and let others pay for it and who want non-citizens and criminals to be able to vote as long as they contribute to the Dummycrat power base.

