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Old Tupi




From reri (oyster) +‎ tyba (gathering).


  • IPA(key): /ɾɛ.ɾiˈtɨ.βa/
  • Rhymes: -ɨβa
  • Hyphenation: Re‧ri‧ty‧ba

Proper noun



  1. (now historical) A former Tupian village in Espírito Santo, Brazil, which originated nowadays Anchieta.
    • 16th century, Joseph of Anchieta, chapter XXXI, in [livrinho de variaſ poeziaſ] [Booklet of various poems], page 31, column 1, lines 17–20; republished as Maria de Lourdes de Paula Martins, compiler, Poesias, São Paulo, 1956, page 70:
      Rereritiba[sic] xeretãma / taba angaturãgatu / xeanãma xembou / tupã cig repiacarãma.
      [Rerityba xe retama / tabangaturãngatu / Xe anama xe mboú / Tupã sy repîakarama.]
      Rerityba, my land, a very prosperous village. My family made me come and see the mother of God.


  • Portuguese: Reritiba