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Blend of Republican +‎ coon.



Republicoon (plural Republicoons)

  1. (US politics, slang, vulgar, derogatory) A Republican.
    • 2003 June 18, Polybius, “Bush”, in alt.politics.democrats[1] (Usenet):
      WOW!!!! That's a great photo of my hero...got one with him and a rope and a
      republicoon or jewdough republicoon...:o))))))))))))))
    • 2004 September 15, Pennsylvania Dutch, “~ BUSH'S GENOCIDE FOR OIL FUELS TALIBAN ~”, in alt.politics.gw-bush[2] (Usenet):
      The bill pushed by anti-labor republicoon Oxley
      of Ohio( ask anyone about this a$$hole), makes it legal for an illegal
      alien to use any foreign issued id in a banking transaction in the USA.
    • 2011 April 15, Lost In Space, “America Haters: "Yeah! America Is Crumbling!!!"”, in austin.general[3] (Usenet):
      Republicoons hate Americas[sic]. They want Americans to work until they
      are 70,
      as to not be a burden , prevent Americans retrieve the *entitlements*
      they paid for.



Republicoon (not comparable)

  1. (US politics, slang, vulgar, derogatory) Republican.
    • 2002 October 29, TL, “DEM Communication two days after Wellstone's Death”, in alt.politics.democrats[4] (Usenet):
      This sounds like republicoon mumbo jumbo to me. Probably written by one
      of Mista Lincoln's mexicoons or cubacoons, because of the reference to
      fast track.
    • 2003 May 2, Polybius, “Senate Dems Continue to Obstruct Economic Recovery”, in alt.politics.democrats[5] (Usenet):
      Second, there is the republicoon negro ass reduction tax credit, for all negroes
      who get special ass reduction surgery.
    • 2011 March 14, Michael Snyder, “Wisconsin -- Asswipes fuked themselve in the a-s trying to fuk Obama, by voting for the Union Killing Republicoon Neo-Coons -- HE,HE,HAW”, in alt.flame.cincinnati[6] (Usenet):