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This Proto-Semitic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





*ṯ̣ill- m

  1. A shadow


Declension of *ṯ̣ill-
case singular dual plural
nominative *ṯ̣illum *ṯ̣illāna plural stem + *-ūna
accusative *ṯ̣illam *ṯ̣illayna plural stem + *-īna
genitive *ṯ̣illim
possessive forms
1st person *ṯ̣illī / *ṯ̣illVya *ṯ̣illVni
2nd person m *ṯ̣illVka *ṯ̣illVkumā / *ṯ̣illVkumay *ṯ̣illVkum(ū)
2nd person f *ṯ̣illVki *ṯ̣illVkin(ā)
3rd person m *ṯ̣illVšu *ṯ̣illVšumā / *ṯ̣illVšumay *ṯ̣illVšum(ū)
3rd person f *ṯ̣illVša *ṯ̣illVšin(ā)

the endings -m and -na are dropped in the bound form, which may also undergo syncopation of an unstressed final vowel where possible. Note: the ending -V before the possessive endings responds to case: *ṯ̣illuya for nom. case, *ṯ̣illiya for gen. case, *ṯ̣illaya for acc. case, etc.

