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This Proto-Samoyedic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



Alternative reconstructions




From Proto-Uralic *wajŋe.[1]




  1. breath
  2. spirit



From *wajŋ:

From *wajŋtɜt:


  1. ^ Entry #1107 in Uralonet, online Uralic etymological database of the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics.
  2. ^ Janhunen, Juha. 1977. Samojedischer Wortschatz: Gemeinsamojedische Etymologien ('Samoyedic Vocabulary: Common Samoyedic Etymologies'). Castreanianumin toimitteita 17. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura. →ISBN.
  3. ^ T. Janurik (2023) “A protoszölkup nyelvállapot és fejleményei. Elektronikus kézirat.”, in Szamojéd Tudástár[1] (in Hungarian), page 36
  4. ^ O. A. Kazakevich, Ye. M. Budyanskaya (2010) Диалектологический словарь селькупского языка (северное наречие) [Dialectological dictionary of the Selkup language (Northern continuum)], Yekaterinburg: Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS; Баско, →ISBN, page 38 of 368
  5. ^ I. A. Korobeynikova (2020) Родное слово [Native word], Tomsk: Аграф-Пресс; Вайар, →ISBN, pages 47, 57
  6. ^ G. Yu. Kostyuchenko (2023) Тюйкуй Йэжиссан – Селькупский словарь для остяков Молчановского района [Tjuykuy Yezhissan – Selkup dictionary for Molchanovo district Selkup people], Molchanovo, page 30 of 109
  7. ^ Donner, Kai R. (1944) Kamassisches Wörterbuch nebst Sprachproben und Hauptzügen der Grammatik[2], Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 37
  8. ^ E. Helimski (1997) N. Beáta, editor, Die Matorische Sprache[3] (in German), Szeged: JATE Finnugor Tanszék, →ISBN, page 307
  9. ^ N. T. Kosterkina, A. C. Momde, T. Y. Zhdanova (2001) Словарь нганасанско-русский и русско-нганасанский, St. Petersburg: Просвещение, →ISBN, page 22
  10. ^ P. N. Sorokina (2001) C. D. Bolina, editor, Словарь Энецко-русский и Русско-Энецкий [Forest Enets-Russian and Russian-Forest Enets dictionary]‎[4], Saint-Petersburg, page 18
  11. ^ N. M. Tereschenko (2005) Словарь ненецко-русский и русско-ненецкий, 3rd edition, Saint Petersburg: Просвещение, →ISBN, page 37