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This Proto-Celtic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



Alternative reconstructions




Only possible cognates in Baltic (such as Lithuanian bręsti (to ripen)) have been identified, leading to a possible root *bʰrendʰ- to be reconstructed to cover both the Baltic and Celtic material.[2]




  1. to gush forth, pour out


Thematic present, suffixless preterite
Active voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *brendū *brendemam *bibrantsū *bebronda
2nd singular *brendesi *brendetās *bibrantsesi *bebrondas?
3rd singular *brendeti *brendeto *bibrantseti *bebronde
1st plural *brendomosi *brendemo *bibrantsomosi *bebrondmo
2nd plural *brendetesi *brendestē *bibrantsetesi *bebronsse
3rd plural *brendonti *brendento *bibrantsonti *bebrondars
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *brentsū ?
2nd singular *brentsesi ? *brende
3rd singular *brentseti ? *brendetou
1st plural *brentsomosi ? *brendomos
2nd plural *brentsetesi ? *brendete
3rd plural *brentsonti ? *brendontou
Passive voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *brendūr *bibrantsūr *bebrondra
2nd singular *brendetar *bibrantsetar *bebrondras?
3rd singular *brendetor ? *bibrantsetor *bebrondre
1st plural *brendommor *bibrantsommor ?
2nd plural *brendedwe *bibrantsedwe ?
3rd plural *brendontor ? *bibrantsontor ?
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *brentsūr
2nd singular *brentsetar
3rd singular *brentsetor
1st plural *brentsommor
2nd plural *brentsedwe
3rd plural *brentsontor
Declension of the present participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *brendonts *brendonte *brendontes
vocative *brendonts *brendonte *brendontes
accusative *brendontam *brendonte *brendontans
genitive *brendantos *? *brendantom
dative *brendantei *brendantbom *brendantbos
instrumental *brendantī? *brendantbim *brendantbis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *brendantī *brendantī *brendantiyās
vocative *brendantī *brendantī *brendantiyās
accusative *brendantīm *brendantī *brendantiyans
genitive *brendantyās *? *brendantyom
dative *brendantyāi *brendantyābom *brendantyābos
instrumental *? *brendantyābim *brendantyābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *brendont *? *brendonta
vocative *brendont *? *brendonta
accusative *brendont *? *brendonta
genitive *brendantos *? *brendantom
dative *brendantei *? *brendantbos
instrumental *brendantī? *? *brendantbis
Declension of the middle participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *brendomnos *brendomnou *brendomnoi
vocative *brendomne *brendomnou *brendomnoi
accusative *brendomnom *brendomnou *brendomnons
genitive *brendomnī *brendomnous *brendomnom
dative *brendomnūi *brendomnobom *brendomnobos
instrumental *brendomnū *brendomnobim *brendomnobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *brendomnā *brendomnai *brendomnās
vocative *brendomnā *brendomnai *brendomnās
accusative *brendomnam *brendomnai *brendomnans
genitive *brendomnās *brendomnous *brendomnom
dative *brendomnai *brendomnābom *brendomnābos
instrumental *? *brendomnābim *brendomnābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *brendomnom *brendomnou *brendomnā
vocative *brendomnom *brendomnou *brendomnā
accusative *brendomnom *brendomnou *brendomnā
genitive *brendomnī *brendomnous *brendomnom
dative *brendomnūi *brendomnobom *brendomnobos
instrumental *brendomnū *brendomnobim *brendomnobis

Derived terms

  • *brondīti
    • Middle Irish: bruinnid
    • Old Irish: do·bruinn (present stem)
  • *to-exs-brendeti
  • *to-brendeti


  1. ^ Schumacher, Stefan, Schulze-Thulin, Britta (2004) Die keltischen Primärverben: ein vergleichendes, etymologisches und morphologisches Lexikon [The Celtic Primary Verbs: A comparative, etymological and morphological lexicon] (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft; 110) (in German), Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck, →ISBN, page 233
  2. ^ Matasović, Ranko (2009) “*brend-o-”, in Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 9), Leiden: Brill, →ISBN, page 76