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Parliament Hill

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From parliament +‎ hill.

  • (Ottawa): From being a rise and promontory over the Ottawa River hosting parliament buildings.
  • (Quebec): Calque of French Colline parlementaire From being a rise and promontory over the Saint-Lawrence River hosting parliament buildings.
  • (London): From being a gathering place for troops of the Parliamentarians (Roundheads) during the English Civil War. Apocryphally, the location where the Gunpowder Plot was planned, to blowup the Palace of Westminster (Parliament).

Proper noun


Parliament Hill

  1. (Canada) A hill in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Synonym: (former name) Barrack Hill
  2. (Canada, politics) The Canadian federal government and its houses of parliament
  3. (Quebec) A hill in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
    Synonym: Parlement Hill
  4. (UK) A hill in North London, England, United Kingdom
    Synonym: (former name) Traitors' Hill



See also
