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NtenqF saA kwenC

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San Juan Quiahije Chatino


Alternative forms


Proper noun


NtenqF saA kwenC

  1. A mountain north of San Juan Quiahije, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Ntenqᶠ qyaᶜ shqyaᴵ (alphabetic tones)

Example sentences

  • Neqᴬ klaᴬ Saᴬriᴴloᴮ qoᴱ neqᴬ klaᴬ Wiᴬ lonᴴ, kanqᴳ ngaᴶ ntenᴮ Ntenqᶠ saᴬ kwenᶜ.
 * English translation: The elders Odilon and Cirilo are originally from Ntenqᶠ saᴬ kwenᶜ.