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From Latin Nicolaus, from Ancient Greek Νικόλαος (Nikólaos), from νίκη (níkē, victory) +‎ λαός (laós, people).

Proper noun



  1. a surname
    • 1996, Leo Õispuu, compiler, Poliitilised arreteerimised Eestis: 1940-1988 [Political Arrests in Estonia: 1940-1988], volume 1, Tallinn: Eesti Represseeritute Registri Büroo, →ISBN, page 326:
      NIGULAS, Artur-Johannes, Hendrik. s. 1891 Tartu, arr. 09.12.44 []
      NIGULAS, Endel, Anton. s. 1922 Harjumaa Anija v. []
    • 2010, Reigo Rosenthal, Marko Tamming, Sõda pärast rahu [War After Peace], SE & JS, →ISBN, page 458:
      August Nigulas asus ilmselt teisel pool piiri. Tegu oli enamlaste partei liikmega aastast 1917. Järgmisel aastal tegutses Nigulas Tartus põranda all []
      August Nigulas was probably on the other side of the border. He was a member of the Bolsheviks from 1917. The following year, Nigulas operated underground in Tartu []
    • 2014, Leo Õispuu, compiler, Eestist 1945-1953 küüditatute nimekiri [Name list of persons deported from Estonia 1945-1953] (Represseeritud isikute registrid (RIR); 8/3), Tallinn: Eesti Represseeritute Registri Büroo, →ISBN, page 178:
      18291. Nigulas Liisbet, 1903, R5, ✝
      18292. Nigulas Rein, 1938, R5
      18293. Nigulas Vaike, 1935, R5, ✝
  2. (rare, dated) a male given name, equivalent to English Nicholas
    • 1965, Eestimaa Kommunistlik Partei, compiled by Rudolf Lumi, Rahvatasujad. 2. raamat: mälestusi ja jutustusi partisanivõitlusest ning antifašistlikust liikumisest [Avengers of the People. Book 2: Memories and Stories of the Partisan Struggle and the Antifascist Movement], volume 2, Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, →ISBN, page 90:
      Mahu vallas Toomiku külas asus väike Lokotari talu. Seal elasid Õilme Lutsiku õde Aino ja ta mees Nigulas koos kolme tütrega.
      The small Lokotar farmstead was located in Toomiku village in Mahu parish. Õilme Lutsik's sister Aino and her husband Nigulas lived there with their three daughters.
    • 1966, Tuudur Tamm, Need teod süüdistavad: dokumentaalteos Eesti kannatusaastast 1941 [These Deeds Accuse: a Documentary about Estonia's Year of Suffering in 1941], New York: Kultuur, page 92:
      10. augustil ütlesid taluomaniku Nigulas Tanki kaks täisealist poega, et nad lähevad metsa varjule, sest punased tõivad[sic] talust läbi tulla ja nad mõrvata.
      On August 10th, the two grown-up sons of the farm owner Nigulas Tank said that they were going to hide in the forest because the Red Army could to drop by at the farm and murder them.
    • 1972, Alma Vaarman, Vennad Kreuksid ja nende aeg [The Kreuks Brothers and their Time], Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 267:
      Nigulas ühes vana ema ja oma noore naisega pidasid talu, kuni vanem vend Jüri ise ohjad jälle enda kätte võttis ja vennale üle maantee krundi eraldas, kuhu Nigulas ehitas maja, mille ta Kaasikuks nimetas.
      Nigulas, together with his old mother and his young wife, managed the farm until his elder brother Jüri took the reins again and allocated a plot of land for his brother across the highway, where Nigulas built a house, which he called Kaasiku.
    • 1992, Mart Orav, “Algus: Sissejuhatus Aleksander Aspelisse I. II [Beginning: Introduction to Aleksander Aspel I. II]”, in Akadeemia, volume 4, number 9, Tartu: Perioodika, →ISSN, page 1831:
      Jätkuv vaidlus viis juhatuse (esimees Nigulas Loone) tagasiastumiseni, mida Aleksander Aspel nimetas demokraatia vähesuseks.
      The ongoing dispute led to the resignation of the board (chairman Nigulas Loone), which Aleksander Aspel called a lack of democracy.
    • 1996, Ruth Mirov, “A. A. Laanessaare luule [The Poetry of A. A. Laanessaar]”, in Keel ja Kirjandus, number 3, Tallinn: Perioodika, →ISSN, page 162:
      Surnud oli aatekaaslane, noorsoo- ja karskusliikumise eestvedaja, üliõpilasseltsi Veljesto liige Nigulas Käbin.
      Nigulas Käbin, an ideological companion, leader of the youth and abstinence movement, member of the sorority Veljesto, had died.
  3. (archaic) St. Nicholas
    • 19351936, Richard Kleis, editor, Eesti entsüklopeedia, 6, Muther-Rakitse, Tartu: Loodus, →ISBN, page 214:
      Nikolaus [-a´-], rahvapäraselt Nigulas, kat. kirikus merimeeste kaitsepühak, oli arvatavasti IV s. Myra linna (Lüükias) piiskopp[sic], kellele omistakse palju imesid.
      Nikolaus [-a´-], popularly Nigulas, the patron saint of sailors in the Catholic Church, was a 4th century bishop of the city of Myra (in Lycia), to whom many miracles are attributed.
    • 1964, Theodor Saar, “Kihnlaste eesnimedest [Given Names of the Inhabitants of Kihnu]”, in Emakeele Seltsi aastaraamat [Yearbook of the Mother Tongue Society], volume 10, Tallinn: Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, →ISSN, page 234:
      [] Nicolaus 1684; Nikolai XIX s. lõpp; Koella, vanas keelepruugis ka Nigulas []
      [] Nicolaus 1684; Nikolai end of 19th century; Koella, in the old language also Nigulas []
    • 1996 [1932], Juhan Libe et al., Eesti rahva ajalugu [History of the Estonian Nation], 2nd edition, volume 2, JK, page 545:
      Erilist hindamist leidsid need pühakud [] Mihkel (Michael) (29. septembril), Kadri (Katariina) (25. novembril), Nigulas (Nikolai) (6. detsembril), Toomas (21. detsembril) jne.
      These saints found special appreciation [] Mihkel (Michael) (September 29th), Kadri (Catherine) (November 25th), Nigulas (Nicholas) (December 6th), Thomas (December 21th), etc.