[edit]Proper noun
- Obsolete form of Anatolia.
- 1771, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1st ed., Vol. II, p. 192:
- CHIO, Chios, Xio, or Scio, an Aſiatic iſland, lying near the coaſt of Ionia, in Natolia or Leſſer Aſia, about one hundred miles weſt of Smyrna. It is called by the Turks Sakiſaduci, and is about one hundred miles in circumference; being chiefly inhabited by Chriſtians of the Greek church, who are ſaid to have three hundred churches in the iſland...
- 1771, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1st ed., Vol. II, p. 192: