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Naçones Ounidas

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Proper noun


Naçones Ounidas f pl

  1. (geopolitics) United Nations (an international coalition)
    Synonyms: Ourganizaçon de las Naçones Ounidas, ONU
    • 2020 April 23, Carlos Ferreira, “De l mundial al global”, in Diário de Trás-os-Montes[1], retrieved 2024-07-21:
      Apuis de la sigunda Grande Guerra, la criaçon de bárias anstituiçones supra nacionales, sobretodo las Naçones Ounidas, fui la melhor respuosta que se puodo dar para ampedir nuobas guerras mundiales.
      After World War II, the creation of various supranational institutions, above all the United Nations, was the best possible response to prevent new world wars.
    • 2024 July 21 (last accessed), António Bárbolo Alves, “La pruma braba 149”, in Mensageiro de Bragança[2]:
      La lhénguas son un de ls strumentos mais poderosos para preserbar i zambulber l nuosso patrimonho material i eimaterial. - Naçones Ounidas
      Language is the most powerful tool for protecting and improving our tangible and intangible heritage. - United Nations