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This module needs documentation.
Please document this module by describing its purpose and usage on the documentation page.

local export = {}

local m_str_utils = require("Module:string utilities")
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local audio_module = "Module:audio"
local links_module = "Module:links"
local parse_utilities_module = "Module:parse utilities"

local u = m_str_utils.char
local rfind = m_str_utils.find
local rmatch = m_str_utils.match
local rsplit = m_str_utils.split
local rsubn = m_str_utils.gsub
local ulen = m_str_utils.len
local ulower = m_str_utils.lower
local uupper = mw.ustring.upper
local usub = mw.ustring.sub


local vowels = "aãăɒeɛɜɘiĭɨɪoõŏɔɞɵuŭʉy"

-- In cases where there are two possible stresses (e.g. in words ending in -ika/-yka), we put ALTSTRESS where both
-- stresses can go, and handle this later in multiword().
local ALTSTRESS = u(0xFFF0)
-- Lect data later retrieved in the module.
local lectdata

-- FIXME: Implement optional assimilation across word boundaries.
local assimilate_across_word_boundaries = false

local function track(page)
    require("Module:debug/track")("zlw-lch-IPA/" .. page)
    return true

-- Version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value.
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
	local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
	return retval

-- apply rsub() repeatedly until no change
local function rsub_repeatedly(term, foo, bar)
	while true do
		local new_term = rsub(term, foo, bar)
		if new_term == term then
			return term
		term = new_term

-- Flat-map a function `fun` over `items`. This is like `map` over a sequence followed by `flatten`, i.e. the function
-- must itself return a sequence and all of the returned sequences are flattened into a single sequence.
local function flatmap(items, fun)
	local new = {}
	for _, item in ipairs(items) do
		local results = fun(item)
		for _, result in ipairs(results) do
			m_table.insertIfNot(new, result)
	return new

local function generate_obj(respelling)
	return {respelling = respelling}

-- Combine two sets of qualifiers, either of which may be nil or a list of qualifiers. Remove duplicate qualifiers.
-- Return value is nil or a list of qualifiers.
local function combine_qualifiers(qual1, qual2)
	if not qual1 then
		return qual2
	if not qual2 then
		return qual1
	local qualifiers = m_table.deepCopy(qual1)
	for _, qual in ipairs(qual2) do
		m_table.insertIfNot(qualifiers, qual)
	return qualifiers

local function split_on_comma(term)
	if not term then
		return nil
	if term:find(",%s") or term:find("\\") then
		return require(parse_utilities_module).split_on_comma(term)
		return rsplit(term, ",")

-- Remove any HTML from the formatted text and resolve links, since the extra characters don't contribute to the
-- displayed length.
local function convert_to_raw_text(text)
	text = rsub(text, "<.->", "")
	if text:find("%[%[") then
		text = require(links_module).remove_links(text)
	return text

-- Return the approximate displayed length in characters.
local function textual_len(text)
	return ulen(convert_to_raw_text(text))

local function parse_respellings_with_modifiers(respelling, paramname)
	if respelling:find("[<%[]") then
		local put = require(parse_utilities_module)
		-- Parse balanced segment runs involving either [...] (substitution notation) or <...> (inline modifiers).
		-- We do this because we don't want commas inside of square or angle brackets to count as respelling
		-- delimiters. However, we need to rejoin square-bracketed segments with nearby ones after splitting
		-- alternating runs on comma. For example, if we are given
		-- "a[x]a<q:learned>,[vol:vôl,ks]<q:nonstandard>", after calling
		-- parse_multi_delimiter_balanced_segment_run() we get the following output:
		-- {"a", "[x]", "a", "<q:learned>", ",", "[vol:vôl,ks]", "", "<q:nonstandard>", ""}
		-- After calling split_alternating_runs(), we get the following:
		-- {{"a", "[x]", "a", "<q:learned>", ""}, {"", "[vol:vôl,ks]", "", "<q:nonstandard>", ""}}
		-- We need to rejoin stuff on either side of the square-bracketed portions.
		local segments = put.parse_multi_delimiter_balanced_segment_run(respelling, {{"<", ">"}, {"[", "]"}})

		local comma_separated_groups = put.split_alternating_runs_on_comma(segments)

		-- Process each value.
		local retval = {}
		for _, group in ipairs(comma_separated_groups) do
			-- Rejoin runs that don't involve <...>.
			local j = 2
			while j <= #group do
				if not group[j]:find("^<.*>$") then
					group[j - 1] = group[j - 1] .. group[j] .. group[j + 1]
					table.remove(group, j)
					table.remove(group, j)
					j = j + 2

			local param_mods = {
				q = {type = "qualifier"},
				qq = {type = "qualifier"},
				a = {type = "labels"},
				aa = {type = "labels"},
				ref = {item_dest = "refs", type = "references"},

			table.insert(retval, put.parse_inline_modifiers_from_segments {
				group = group,
				arg = respelling,
				props = {
					paramname = paramname,
					param_mods = param_mods,
					generate_obj = generate_obj,
		return retval
		local retval = {}
		for _, item in ipairs(split_on_comma(respelling)) do
			table.insert(retval, generate_obj(item))
		return retval

-- Parse a pronunciation modifier in `arg`, the argument portion in an inline modifier (after the prefix), which
-- specifies a pronunciation property such as rhyme, hyphenation/syllabification, homophones or audio. The argument
-- can itself have inline modifiers, e.g. <audio:Foo.ogg<a:Masovia>>. The allowed inline modifiers are specified
-- by `param_mods` (of the format expected by `parse_inline_modifiers()`); in addition to any modifiers specified
-- there, the modifiers <q:...>, <qq:...>, <a:...>, <aa:...> and <ref:...> are always accepted. `generate_obj` and
-- `parse_err` are like in `parse_inline_modifiers()` and specify respectively a function to generate the object into
-- which modifier properties are stored given the non-modifier part of the argument, and a function to generate an error
-- message (given the message). Normally, a comma-separated list of pronunciation properties is accepted and parsed,
-- where each element in the list can have its own inline modifiers and where no spaces are allowed next to the commas
-- in order for them to be recognized as separators. This can be overridden with `splitchar` (which can actually be a
-- Lua pattern). The return value is a list of property objects.
local function parse_pron_modifier(arg, paramname, generate_obj, param_mods, splitchar)
	splitchar = splitchar or ","
	if arg:find("<") then
		param_mods.q = {type = "qualifier"}
		param_mods.qq = {type = "qualifier"}
		param_mods.a = {type = "labels"}
		param_mods.aa = {type = "labels"}
		param_mods.ref = {item_dest = "refs", type = "references"}
		return require(parse_utilities_module).parse_inline_modifiers(arg, {
			param_mods = param_mods,
			generate_obj = generate_obj,
			paramname = paramname,
			splitchar = splitchar,
		local retval = {}
		local split_arg = splitchar == "," and split_on_comma(arg) or rsplit(arg, splitchar)
		for _, term in ipairs(split_arg) do
			table.insert(retval, generate_obj(term))
		return retval

local function parse_audio(lang, arg, pagename, paramname)
	local param_mods = {
		IPA = {
			sublist = true,
		text = {},
		t = {
			item_dest = "gloss",
		-- No tr=, ts=, or sc=; doesn't make sense for Polish.
		gloss = {},
		pos = {},
		-- No alt=; text= already goes in alt=.
		lit = {},
		-- No id=; text= already goes in alt= and isn't normally linked.
		g = {
			item_dest = "genders",
			sublist = true,
		bad = {},
		cap = {
			item_dest = "caption",

	local function process_special_chars(val)
		if not val then
			return val
		return (val:gsub("[#~]", {
			["#"] = pagename,
			["~"] = pagename .. " się",

	local function generate_audio_obj(arg)
		return {file = process_special_chars(arg)}

	-- Split on semicolon instead of comma because some filenames have embedded commas not followed by a space
	-- (typically followed by an underscore).
	local retvals = parse_pron_modifier(arg, paramname, generate_audio_obj, param_mods, "%s*;%s*")
	for _, retval in ipairs(retvals) do
		retval.lang = lang
		retval.text = process_special_chars(retval.text)
		retval.caption = process_special_chars(retval.caption)
		local textobj = require(audio_module).construct_audio_textobj(retval)
		retval.text = textobj
		-- Set to nil the fields that were moved into `retval.text`.
		retval.gloss = nil
		retval.pos = nil
		retval.lit = nil
		retval.genders = nil
	return retvals

local function parse_homophones(arg, paramname)
	local function generate_obj(term)
		return {term = term}
	local param_mods = {
		t = {
			-- [[Module:links]] expects the gloss in "gloss".
			item_dest = "gloss",
		gloss = {},
		-- No tr=, ts=, or sc=; doesn't make sense for Polish.
		pos = {},
		alt = {},
		lit = {},
		id = {},
		g = {
			-- [[Module:links]] expects the genders in "genders".
			item_dest = "genders",
			sublist = true,

	return parse_pron_modifier(arg, paramname, generate_obj, param_mods)

Given a single word in `txt`, compute its "lightly phonetic" IPA representation. If there are multiple possible outputs
(e.g. because of -yka/-ika words or words with clitics such as -by- or -śmy/-ście), we signal this through special
symbols such as ALTSTRESS or capital letters (on input, capital letters have been lowercased so we can use capital
letters as special symbols). The actual generation of multiple outputs happens in multiword() after the full term's IPA
has been generated. Return two values: the IPA representation and the hyphenation.
local function single_word(data)
	local txt, lang, lect = data.txt, data.lang, data.lect
	-- This is the number of syllables before the penultimate syllable onto which to add the stress.
	local penultimate_offset = 0
	local is_prefix = not not txt:find("%-$")
	local is_suffix = not not txt:find("^%-")
	local unstressed = data.is_prep or is_prefix
	-- If penultimate_offset > 0, add a second stress onto the penult.
	local double_stress = false

	function tsub(s, r)
		local c
		txt, c = rsubn(txt, s, r)
		return c > 0
	function tsub_repeatedly(s, r)
		txt = rsub_repeatedly(txt, s, r)
	function lg(s) return s[lang] or s[1] end
	function tfind(s) return rfind(txt, s) end

	if tfind("[Åå]") then error("Please replace å with á") end

	-- Save indices of uppercase characters before setting everything lowercase.
	local uppercase_indices
	uppercase_indices = {}
	local capitals = ("[A-Z%s]"):format(lg {
		pl = "ĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻ" --[[and the dialectal]] .. "ÁÉÔÛÝ" --[[and the MPl]] .. "ḾṔẂ",
		szl = "ÃĆŁŃŌŎÔÕŚŹŻ",
		["zlw-slv"] = "ÃÉËÊÓÕÔÚÙŃŻ",
	if tfind(capitals) then
		local i = 1
		local str = rsub(txt, "[.\"'^*+&]", "")
		while rfind(str, capitals, i) do
			local r, _ = rfind(str, capitals, i)
			table.insert(uppercase_indices, r)
			i = r + 1
	if #uppercase_indices == 0 then
		uppercase_indices = nil

	txt = ulower(txt)

	-- Replace digraphs with single capital letters to simplify the code below.
	tsub("[crsd][hzżź]", {
		cz = "C",
		rz = "R",
		sz = "S",
		dz = "D",
		ch = "H",
		["dż"] = "Ż",
		["dź"] = "Ź",
	if lect == "mpl" then
		tsub("b́", "B")
	if lang == "zlw-slv" then
		tsub("gh", "G")
		tsub("y̆", "Y")

	local function undo_digraph_replacement(txt)
		return rsub(txt, "[CRSDHŻŹBG]", {
			C = "cz",
			R = "rz",
			S = "sz",
			D = "dz",
			H = "ch",
			["Ż"] = "dż",
			["Ź"] = "dź",
			B = "b́",
			G = "gh",
			Y = "y̆",

	-- Vowels, both spelled and IPA vowels. To make the distinction easier, we separate the IPA-only vowels and
	-- concatenate them at the end. For Polish, we additionally separate the spelled Middle Polish vowels.
	local V_no_IU = lg {
		pl = "aąeęioóuy" .. "áéôûý" .. "ɛɔɘ",
		szl = "aãeéioōŏôõuy" .. "ɛɔɪ",
		csb = "aãąeéëioôòóuùy" .. "ɛɜɔõɞ",
		-- NOTE: DO NOT include ɔ̃ here because it's not a single Unicode character.
		["zlw-slv"] = "aãāăeéëêEiĭoóõôŏuúùŭŭùyY" .. "ɛɪɔɵʉə",
	local V = V_no_IU .. "IU"
	local C = ("[^%sU.'\"]"):format(V_no_IU)

	if txt:find("^%*") then
		-- The symbol <*> before a word indicates it is unstressed.
		unstressed = true
		txt = txt:sub(2)
	elseif txt:find("^%^+") then
		-- The symbol <^> before a word indicates it is stressed on the antepenult,
		-- <^^> on the ante-antepenult, etc.
		penultimate_offset = txt:match("^(%^+)"):len()
		txt = txt:sub(penultimate_offset + 1)
	elseif txt:find("^&+") then
		-- The symbol <&> before a word indicates it has double stress on both the antepenult (prescriptive) and on
		-- the penult (colloquial); <&&> is similar but for ante-antepenult and penult, etc.
		penultimate_offset = txt:match("^(&+)"):len()
		txt = txt:sub(penultimate_offset + 1)
		double_stress = true
	elseif txt:find("^%+") then
		-- The symbol <+> indicates the word is stressed regularly on the penult. This is useful
		-- for avoiding the following checks to come into place.
		txt = txt:sub(2)
		if tfind(".+[łlb][iy]") then -- this first check is an optimization only
			-- Some words endings trigger stress on the antepenult or ante-antepenult regularly.
			if tfind("łybyśmy$") or tfind("libyśmy$") or tfind("łybyście$") or tfind("libyście$") then
				penultimate_offset = 2
			elseif tfind("ł[aoy]?by[mś]?$") or tfind("liby[mś]?$") then
				penultimate_offset = 1
			elseif tfind("łyśmy$") or tfind("liśmy$") or tfind("łyście$") or tfind("liście$") then
				penultimate_offset = 1
				double_stress = true
		-- FIXME, is the following correct?
		if lect == "mpl" then
			if tfind(".+[yi]j.+") then
				local endings = { "[ąáéo]", "[ée]j", "[áo]m", "ach" }
				for _, v in ipairs(endings) do
					if tfind(("[yi]j%s$"):format(v)) then
						penultimate_offset = 1
						-- FIXME: correct?
						-- double_stress = true

	-- TODO: mpl, csb, szl, zlw-slv
	-- Syllabify common prefixes as separate; note that since we replaced digraphs above with single
	-- chars, we need to use the replacement chars here. Longer prefixes must precede shorter subprefixes,
	-- e.g. niedo- must precede nie- for the former to be recognized.
	local prefixes = {
		'a"?ero', '"?anty', '"?arcy', "bez",
		"Ctero", "ćwierć", "dwu", "mało", "niby", "niedo", "nie",
		"[pt]Ry", "pRed?", "roze?", "wielo", "współ", "wy",
		-- <do-, na-, po-, o-, u-> would hit too many false positives
	for _, prefix in ipairs(prefixes) do
		if tfind("^" .. prefix) then
			-- Make sure the suffix is followed by zero or more consonants (including - but not
			-- including a syllable divider) followed by a vowel. We do this so that we don't put
			-- a syllable divider when the user specified the divider in a different place.
			tsub(("^(%s)(%s*[%s])"):format(prefix, C, V), "%1.%2")

	-- syllabify common suffixes as separate
	local suffixes = lg {
		pl = {
			"[sc]tw[aou]", "[sc]twie", "[sc]tw[eo]m", "[sc]twami", "[sc]twach",
			"dztw[aou]", "dztwie", "dztw[eo]m", "dztwami", "dztwach",
			"dł[aou]", "dł[eo]m", "dłami", "dłach",
			"[czs]j[aeięąo]", "[czs]jom", "[czs]jami", "[czs]jach",
		}, szl = {
			"nōńć", "dło",
		}, csb = {
			"nąc", "dło"
		}, ["zlw-slv"] = {
			"nõc", "dlô"

	for _, v in ipairs(suffixes) do
		-- Make sure there's no syllable divider elsewhere in the consonant cluster
		-- preceding the suffix. Same logic as above for prefixes.
		if tsub(("([%s]%s*)(%s)$"):format(V, C, v), "%1.%2") then break end

	-- Syllabify <-Ctka> as /Ct.ka/, e.g. in [[-istka]], [[haftka]], [[adiunktka]], [[abiturientka]], [[ćwiartka]],
	-- [[adeptka]], etc. Same for any case form.
	local C_before_t = "łrnfskp"
	if tfind(("[%s][%s]+t[kc]"):format(V, C_before_t)) then
		local endings = lg {
			-- As with prefixes above, must use digraph replacement codes.
			{ "k[aąęio]", "ce", "kaH", "kom", "kami" },
			szl = { "k[aãio]", "ce", "kami", "kacj", "kacaH", "kōma" },
			csb = { "k[aãąioôòùó]", "ce", "kami", "kacj", "kacaH", },
		for _, ending in ipairs(endings) do
			-- Make sure there's no syllable divider elsewhere in the consonant cluster
			-- preceding the suffix. Same logic as above for prefixes.
			if tsub(("([%s][%s]+t)(%s)$"):format(V, C_before_t, ending), "%1.%2") then

	if lang == "pl" then
		-- FIXME: Add support for other languages and lects.
		-- Syllabify <-Ctny> as /Ct.ny/, and <-Ctnik> as <Ct.nik>; same for any case form.
		if tfind(("[%s][%s]+tn"):format(V, C_before_t)) then
			local endings = lg {
				-- As with prefixes above, must use digraph replacement codes.
				   -- -ny
				{ "n[yaeią]", "nego", "nej", "nyH", "nemu", "nymi?",
				   -- -nik, -nica
				  "nik[aui]?", "nikowi", "nikiem", "ników", "ni[kc]om", "ni[kc]ami", "ni[kc]aH", "nic[ayeęąo]?",
			for _, ending in ipairs(endings) do
				-- Make sure there's no syllable divider elsewhere in the consonant cluster
				-- preceding the suffix. Same logic as above for prefixes.
				if tsub(("([%s][%s]+t)(%s)$"):format(V, C_before_t, ending), "%1.%2") then

	-- falling diphthongs <au> and <eu>, and diacriticised variants
	tsub(lg { "([aeáé])u", csb = "([ae])ù" }, "%1U")

	-- rising diphthongs with <iV>
	tsub(("([^%s])" .. (lang == "zlw-slv" and "j" or "i") .. "([%s])"):format(V, V), "%1I%2")

	-- Prevent palatalization of the special case kwazi-.
	tsub("^kwazi", "kwaz-i")

	-- Syllabify by adding a period (.) between syllables. There may already be user-supplied syllable divisions
	-- (period or single quote), which we need to respect. This works by replacing each sequence of VC*V with
	-- V.V, V.CV, V.TRV (where T is an obstruent and R is a liquid) or otherwise VTR.C+V or VC.C+V, i.e. if there are
	-- multiple consonants, place the syllable boundary after the first TR sequence or otherwise the first consonant.
	-- We need to repeat since each VC*V sequence overlaps the next one. Digraphs have already been replaced by single
	-- capital letters.
	-- FIXME: I don't believe it's necessarily correct in a sequence of obstruents to place the boundary after the
	-- first one. I think we should respect the possible onsets.

	tsub(("qu([%s])"):format(V), "Q%1") -- replace qu before vowel with Q for easier syllabifying
	-- List of obstruents and liquids, including capital letters representing digraphs. We count rz as a liquid even
	-- in Polish.
	local obstruent = "bBcćCdDfgGhHkpṕQqsSśtxzźżŹŻ"
	local liquid_no_w = "IjlrR"
	local liquid = liquid_no_w .. "łwẃ"
	-- We need to treat I (<i> in hiatus) as a consonant, and since we check for two vowels in a row, we don't want
	-- U to be one of the second vowels.
	tsub_repeatedly(("([%sU])(%s*)([%s])"):format(V_no_IU, C, V_no_IU), function(v1, cons, v2)
		local cons_no_hyphen = cons:gsub("%-", "")
		-- If there's only one consonant, or just an obstruent-liquid sequence, or any single consonant followed by
		-- written i in hiatus, put the syllable break before the consonant(s); but don't do this for -ńj-, or -ńi-
		-- in hiatus, or in the sequence -nii- (which later gets handled specially and converted to -ńji-).
		if (ulen(cons_no_hyphen) < 2 or rfind(cons_no_hyphen, ("^[%s][%s]I?$"):format(obstruent, liquid)) or
			rfind(cons_no_hyphen, ("^%sI$"):format(C))) and not rfind(cons_no_hyphen, "^ń[Ij]$") and
			not (cons_no_hyphen == "nI" and v2 == "i") then
			cons = "." .. cons
			local nsubs
			-- Don't syllabify [[niósłby]] as niósł.by or [[jabłczan]] as jabłczan.
			-- FIXME: Not sure if this is quite right.
			cons, nsubs = rsubn(cons, ("^(%%-?[%s]%%-?[%s])"):format(obstruent, liquid_no_w), "%1.")
			if nsubs == 0 then
				cons = rsub(cons, "^(%-?.)", "%1.")
		return ("%s%s%s"):format(v1, cons, v2)
	tsub("Q", "qu") -- undo qu -> Q replacement

	-- Ignore certain symbols and diacritics for the hyphenation.
	local hyph = txt:gsub("['\"]", "."):gsub("^%.", ""):gsub("-", ""):gsub(",", "")
	if lang == "zlw-slv" then
		hyph = rsubn(hyph, "[IăĭŏŭYā]", {
			["I"] = "j",
			["ă"] = "a", ["ĭ"] = "i", ["ŏ"] = "o",
			["ŭ"] = "u", ["Y"] = "y", ["ā"] = "a",
	hyph = undo_digraph_replacement(hyph)
	hyph = hyph:lower()
	-- Restore uppercase characters.
	if uppercase_indices then
		-- str_i loops through all the characters of the string
		-- list_i loops as above but doesn't count dots
		-- array_i loops through the indices at which the capital letters are
		local str_i, list_i, array_i = 1, 1, 1
		function h_sub(x, y) return usub(hyph, x, y) end
		while array_i <= #uppercase_indices do
			if h_sub(str_i, str_i) ~= "." then
				if list_i == uppercase_indices[array_i] then
					hyph = ("%s%s%s"):format(h_sub(1,str_i-1), uupper(h_sub(str_i,str_i)), h_sub(str_i+1))
					array_i = array_i + 1
				list_i = list_i + 1
			str_i = str_i + 1

	tsub("'", "ˈ")
	tsub('"', "ˌ")

	txt = undo_digraph_replacement(txt)

	-- handle <x>; must precede ch -> [x]; use - to prevent palatalization by following i
	tsub("x", "ks-")
	-- move syllable boundary between [ks] if preceded by a vowel
	tsub(("([%s])([.ˈˌ])ks"):format(V), "%1k%2s")

	-- handle digraphs
	tsub("ch", "x")
	tsub("[cs]z", { ["cz"]="t_ʂ", ["sz"]="ʂ" })
	tsub("rz", "R")
	tsub("d([zżź])", "d_%1")
	tsub("qu", "kw")
	if lect == "mpl" then tsub("b́", "bʲ") end
	if lang == "zlw-slv" then tsub("gh", "ɣ") end

	-- basic orthographical rules

	-- replacements that are the same (almost) everywhere; can be overridden
	local replacements = {
		-- vowels
		["e"] = "ɛ", ["o"] = "ɔ",

		-- consonants
		["c"] = "t_s", ["ć"] = "t_ɕ",
		["ń"] = "ɲ", ["ś"] = "ɕ", ["ź"] = "ʑ",
		["ł"] = "w", ["w"] = "v", ["ż"] = "ʐ",
		["g"] = "ɡ", ["h"] = "x",

	local function override(tbl)
		for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
			replacements[k] = v

	-- not using lg() here for speed
	if lang == "pl" then
		override {
			-- vowels
			["ą"] = "ɔN", ["ę"] = "ɛN",
			["ó"] = "u", ["y"] = "ɘ",
		if lect then
			override {
				["é"] = "e", ["á"] = "ɒ",
			if lect == "mpl" then
				override {
					["ę"] = "ɛ̃",
					["ą"] = "ɔ̃",
					["y"] = "ɨ",
					["ó"] = "o",
					["ł"] = "ɫ",
					["ṕ"] = "pʲ",
					["ḿ"] = "mʲ",
					["ẃ"] = "vʲ",
				-- <b́> has no unicode character and hence is handled above
				override {
					["ô"] = "wɔ",
					["û"] = "wu",
					["ý"] = "Y",
				if lectdata.lects[lect].mid_o then
					replacements["ó"] = "o"
				elseif lect == "ekr" then
					replacements["ó"] = "O"
				if lectdata.lects[lect].front_y then
					replacements["y"] = "Y"
				if lectdata.lects[lect].dark_l then
					replacements["ł"] = "ɫ"
					replacements["l"] = "lʲ"
				if lectdata.lects[lect].glottal_h then
					replacements["h"] = "h"
		tsub(".", replacements)
	elseif lang == "szl" then
		override {
			-- vowels
			["ō"] = "o", ["ŏ"] = "O",
			["ô"] = "wɔ", ["õ"] = "ɔ̃",
			["y"] = "ɪ",
		tsub(".", replacements)
	elseif lang == "csb" then
		override {
			-- vowels
			["é"] = "e",
			["ó"] = "o", ["ô"] = "ɞ", ["ë"] = "ɜ",
			["ò"] = "wɛ", ["ù"] = "wu", ["y"] = "Y",
			["ą"] = "ɔ̃",
		tsub(".", replacements)
	elseif lang == "zlw-slv" then
		override {
			-- vowels
			["ó"]="o", ["ô"]="ɵ", ["ë"]="ə", ["ê"]="E",
			["y"]="ɪ", ["ú"]="ʉ", ["ù"]="y",
			["õ"]="ɔ̃", ["ā"]="aː", -- ãăĭŏŭ
			-- breves remain (FIXME: correct?)
			["ń"] = "n", -- purely etymological
		tsub(".", replacements)

	if lang == "csb" or lang == "zlw-slv" then
		tsub("ʂ", "ʃ")
		tsub("ʐ", "ʒ")

	-- palatalization
	local palatalize_into = { ["n"] = "ɲ", ["s"] = "ɕ", ["z"] = "ʑ" }
	tsub("([nsz])([.ˈˌ]?)Ii", function (c, divider) return palatalize_into[c] .. divider .. "ji" end)
	tsub("([nsz])I", function (c) return palatalize_into[c] end)
	tsub("([nsz])i", function (c) return palatalize_into[c] .. "i" end)

	-- velar assimilation
	tsub("n([.ˈˌ]?[kɡx])", "ŋ%1")

	-- voicing and devoicing

	local devoice = {
		["b"] = "p",
		["d"] = "t",
		["ɡ"] = "k",
		["z"] = "s",
		["v"] = "f",
		["ʑ"] = "ɕ",
		["ʐ"] = "ʂ",
		["ʒ"] = "ʃ",
		-- NOTE: was not here before but I think we need it for Polish; if we remove it, we have
		-- to add x manually to `T` below, the list of unvoiced obstruents
		["ɣ"] = "x",
		["R"] = "S",

	local trilled_rz = lang == "csb" or lang == "zlw-slv"
	if not trilled_rz and lect then
		trilled_rz = lectdata.lects[lect].trilled_rz

	if trilled_rz then
		devoice["R"] = nil

	--if lang == "zlw-slv" then
	--	devoice["ɣ"] = "x"

	local voice = {}
	for k, v in pairs(devoice) do
		voice[v] = k

	local function concat_keys(tbl, exclude)
		local keys = {}
		for k, _ in pairs(tbl) do
			if not exclude or not exclude[k] then
				table.insert(keys, k)
		return table.concat(keys)

	-- Forward assimilation is only devoicing of <w> and <rz>. Backward assimilation both voices and devoices,
	-- but <w> and <rz> do not cause backward assimilation. (Since we do forward assimilation first, occurrences
	-- of <w> and <rz> following a voiceless obstruent should not occur in standard Polish when we do backward
	-- assimilation, but <rz> may occur in lects that have trilled <rz>.) Note that in the event of <w> and <rz>
	-- between a voiceless obstruent and a voiced one, forward assimilation will devoice them and then they will
	-- get voiced again by backward assimilation.
	local T_causes_forward_assim = concat_keys(voice)
	local T_causes_backward_assim = T_causes_forward_assim
	local T_gets_backward_assim = T_causes_forward_assim
	local D_causes_backward_assim = concat_keys(devoice, {v = true, R = true})
	local D_gets_backward_assim = concat_keys(devoice)
	-- FIXME! The following operates only in Slovincian and I assume <w> and <rz> do not cause forward voicing
	-- assimilation.
	local D_causes_forward_assim = D_causes_backward_assim

	local transparent_liquid = "rlɫw"
	if trilled_rz then
		-- FIXME! I hope this is correct.
		transparent_liquid = transparent_liquid .. "R"
	-- forward (progressive) assimilation of <w> and <rz>; proceeds left to right
	tsub_repeatedly(("([%s]ʲ?[.ˈˌ]?[%s]?ʲ?[.ˈˌ]?)([vR])"):format(T_causes_forward_assim, transparent_liquid),
		function(prev, cons)
			return prev .. (cons == "v" and "f" or "S")

	-- forward (progressive) assimilation of [ɣ] and [x] in Slovincian; proceeds left to right
	if lang == "zlw-slv" then
		-- FIXME! Does this occur across an intervening liquid, as in Polish?
		tsub(("([%s][.ˈˌ]?)ɣ"):format(T_causes_forward_assim), "%1x")
		tsub(("([%s][.ˈˌ]?)x"):format(D_causes_forward_assim), "%1ɣ")

	-- final devoicing
	if not data.is_prep then
		tsub(("([%s])(ʲ?)$"):format(D_gets_backward_assim), function (a, b)
			return devoice[a] .. b

	-- Backward (regressive) assimilation. It both voices and devoices, and needs to proceed right to left
	-- in case of sequences of obstruents. The way to do that is to add a .* at the beginning of each pattern
	-- to replace so we do the rightmost cluster first, and then repeat till nothing changes.
	local prev_txt
	local devoice_string = ("^(.*)([%s])(ʲ?[._ˈˌ]?[%s])"):format(
		D_gets_backward_assim, T_causes_backward_assim)
	local voice_string = ("^(.*)([%s])(ʲ?[._ˈˌ]?[%s])"):format(
		T_gets_backward_assim, D_causes_backward_assim)
	local function devoice_func(prev, c1, c2) return prev .. devoice[c1] .. c2 end
	local function voice_func(prev, c1, c2) return prev .. voice[c1] .. c2 end
	while txt ~= prev_txt do
		prev_txt = txt
		tsub(devoice_string, devoice_func)
		tsub(voice_string, voice_func)

	tsub("Y", "i")

	if lang == "csb" then
		tsub("([pbmfvkɡx])o", "%1wo")
		tsub("vw", "w")

	if lang == "zlw-slv" then
		tsub("nj$", "n")
		tsub("nj([^" .. V .. "])", "n%1")
		tsub("ɲ([" .. V .. "])", "nj%1")
		tsub("ɛ$", "ə")

	if trilled_rz then
		tsub("R", "r̝")

	if lect ~= "mpl" then
		tsub("S", "ʂ")
		tsub("R", "ʐ")

	if lang == "pl" then
		-- nasal vowels
		tsub("N([.ˈˌ]?[pb])", "m%1")
		tsub("N([.ˈˌ]?[td]_[ɕʑ])", "ɲ%1")
		tsub("N([.ˈˌ]?[td])", "n%1")
		tsub("N([.ˈˌ]?[wl])", "%1")
		if data.match_pl_p_output then
			tsub("N([.ˈˌ]?[kɡ])", "ŋ%1")
			tsub("ɛN$", "ɛ")
			tsub("N([.ˈˌ]?[ɕʑ])", "ɲ%1")
			tsub("N", "w̃")
			tsub("N([.ˈˌ]?[kɡxɣ])", "ŋ%1")
			-- For now, we have two outputs for final -ę for standard (nasal and non-nasal), but nasal-only
			-- for Middle Polish and non-nasal-only for all modern dialects.
			if not lect then
				tsub("ɛN$", "Ẽ")
			elseif lect ~= "mpl" then
				tsub("ɛN$", "ɛ")
			-- Turn this off for now; too simplistic.
			-- tsub("ɔN$", "Õ")
			tsub("N([.ˈˌ]?[ɕʑszʂʐ])", "Ñ%1")
			tsub("N", "w̃")

	-- Hyphen separator, e.g. to prevent palatalization of <kwazi->.
	tsub("-", "")

	tsub("_", OVERTIE)
	tsub("I", "j")
	tsub("U", "w")

	-- Handles stress.
	local function add_stress(first_penultimate_offset, second_penultimate_offset)
		local stressed_txt
		-- Return a regex that matches a syllable divider at the beginning of the appropriate syllable, where offset
		-- counts backwards from the penultimate (1 = antepenultimate, 2 = ante-antepenultimate, etc.).
		local function get_stress_regex(offset)
			local regex = ""
			for _ = 0, offset do
				regex = regex .. "[^.ˌ]+[.ˌ]"
			return "([.ˌ])(" .. regex .. "[^.ˌ]+)$"

		if first_penultimate_offset < 0 then
			-- Deals with initially stressed lects.
			stressed_txt = is_suffix and txt or "ˈ" .. txt
			local stress_regex = get_stress_regex(first_penultimate_offset)
			stressed_txt = rsub(txt, stress_regex, function(syldiv, rest)
				if syldiv == "ˌ" then
					error("Attempt to assign primary stress to syllable already containing secondary stress: " .. txt)
					return "ˈ" .. rest
			-- If no stress mark could have been placed, it can only be initial, e.g. in monosyllables or a 3-syllable
			-- word when ante-antepenultimate stress is requested (e.g. [[szłybyśmy]]). Overly short suffixes (normally
			-- single-syllable, but also disyllabic if stress is antepenultimate, etc.) don't get stress; nor do words
			-- without vowels.
			if not stressed_txt:find("ˈ") and rfind(stressed_txt, ("[%s]"):format(V)) and
				(not is_suffix or rfind("[.ˌ]" .. stressed_txt, stress_regex)) then
				stressed_txt = "ˈ" .. stressed_txt
		if rfind(stressed_txt, "ˈˌ") then
			error("Attempt to assign primary stress to syllable already containing secondary stress: " .. txt)
		if second_penultimate_offset then
			-- If the stress is farther back than penultimate and `second_penultimate_offset` is set, there is an
			-- additional variant with stress on the specified syllable (penultimate or sometimes antepenultimate, in
			-- the case of "ora" and "zag" lects with -śmy/-ście words not in -by-). We handle this by putting ALTSTRESS
			-- at both stress points and converting this later to two outputs with appropriate qualifiers. Note that
			-- this substitution may not succeed (e.g. if antepenultimate stress is called for but there are only two
			-- syllables); that is fine and just means we don't get two outputs in this case.
			stressed_txt = rsub(stressed_txt, "ˈ(.+)" .. get_stress_regex(second_penultimate_offset),
				ALTSTRESS .. "%1" .. ALTSTRESS .. "%3")
		return stressed_txt

	local should_stress = not (unstressed or txt:find("ˈ"))
	-- "Oscillating stress" lects have initial stress in some subvarieties; in others, normally penultimate, but
	-- antepenultimate or ante-antepenultimate in words with clitics (-by-, -śmy/-ście). (That is, they behave like
	-- standard Polish other than not having the colloquial penultimate stress with certain clitics.)
	local oscillating_stress = lang == "pl" and (lect == "ora" or lect == "zag")
	-- "Always initial stress" lects have initial stress in all subvarieties.
	local always_initial_stress = lect and lectdata.lects[lect].initial_stress
	local first_penultimate_offset, second_penultimate_offset
	if oscillating_stress or always_initial_stress then
		first_penultimate_offset = -1 -- initial stress
		first_penultimate_offset = penultimate_offset
	if oscillating_stress then
		second_penultimate_offset = penultimate_offset
	elseif always_initial_stress then
		second_penultimate_offset = nil
		-- Standard Polish stress; if double_stress is set and the first (prescriptive) stress is antepenultimate or
		-- earlier, there's a second (colloquial) stress on the penultimate.
		second_penultimate_offset = penultimate_offset > 0 and double_stress and 0 or nil
	if should_stress then
		txt = add_stress(first_penultimate_offset, second_penultimate_offset)
	-- This must follow stress assignment because it depends on whether the E is stressed.
	if lang == "zlw-slv" and tfind("E") then
		txt = txt:gsub("([ˈˌ][^" .. V .. "]*)E", "%1i̯ɛ")
		txt = txt:gsub("E$", "ə")
		txt = txt:gsub("E", "ɛ")

	if data.is_prep then
		txt = txt .. "$"

	return txt, hyph

-- Determine number of syllables of a pronunciation. For this to work, there must be either stress marks or syllable
-- divisions at each syllable boundary.
local function count_syllables(pron)
	-- Convert prosodic boundaries to regular spaces; ignore stress markers at the beginning
	-- of a word; and then count occurrences of spaces, syllable dividers and stress marks.
	return 1 + ulen(rsub(rsub(rsub(pron:gsub(" | ", " "), " [ˈˌ]", " "), "^[%[/]?[ˈˌ]", ""), "[^.ˈˌ ]", ""))

-- Returns rhyme from a transcription.
local function do_rhyme(pron, lang)
	-- No rhymes for multiword terms.
	if pron:find(" ") then
		return nil
	-- Combined list of single-Unicode-character vowels for all lects. FIXME: Consider using definition of V from above.
	-- DO NOT include multi-character sequences such as ɛ̃ ɔ̃ i̯ aː because that will mess everything up. The regex below
	-- looks for a sequence of non-vowels followed by a vowel and truncates the non-vowels. The above sequences have the
	-- vowel first, which means things will work out fine without the diacritics included among the vowel characters.
	local V = vowels
	return {
		rhyme = rsub(rsub(pron:gsub("^.*ˈ", ""), ("^[^%s]-([%s])"):format(V, V), "%1"), "[.ˌ]", ""),
		num_syl = { count_syllables(pron) },

Handles a single input, returning a table of transcriptions. Returns also a string of hyphenation and a table of rhymes
if it is a single-word term.
local function multiword(term, lang, period, lect, match_pl_p_output)
	if term:find("^raw:%[.+%]$") then
		return {{ phonetic = term:gsub("^raw:", "") }}
	local ipa, hyph
	term = rsub(term, "%s*,%s*", " | ")
	if term:find(" ") then
		-- TODO: repeated
		function lg(s)
			return s[lang] or s[1]

		local prepositions = lg {
				"beze?", "na", "dla", "do", "ku", "nade?", "o", "ode?", "po", "pode?", "przede?", "przeze?", "przy",
				"spode?", "u", "we?", "z[ae]?", "znade?", "zza",
				-- clitic conjunctions and adverbs
				"a", "i", "nie",
				-- clitic pronouns; less common variants with stress need an explicit stress mark (e.g. [[mi]] = variant
				-- of Greek letter [[my]] or the third note in a musical scale; [[go]] = the game of go; [[mu]] = the
				-- sound "moo" of a cow; note that [[ci]] is also a stressed pronoun, the nominative virile plural of
				-- [[ten]])
				"mi", "ci", "cię", "go", "mu", "się",
			}, szl = {
				"bezy?", "na", "dlŏ", "d[oō]", "ku", "nady?", "ô", "ôdy?", "po", "pody?", "przedy?", "przezy?", "przi",
				"spody?", "u", "w[ey]?", "z[aey]?", "[śs]", "znady?"
			}, csb = {
				"beze?", "na", "dlô", "do", "kù", "nade?", "ò", "òde?", "pò", "pòde?", "przede?", "przeze?", "przë",
				"spòde?", "ù", "we?", "wew", "z[ae]?", "zez", "zeza", "zó", "znade?"
			}, ["zlw-slv"] = {
				"dlo", "dô", "na", "nade?", "przêde?", "przêze?", "przë", "pô", "pôde?", "sê?", "vô", "we?", "wôde?",
				"wù", "za"

		local ipaparts, hyphparts = {}, {}
		local contains_preps = false

		local words = rsplit(term, " +")
		for i, word in ipairs(words) do
			if word == "|" then
				-- prosodic boundary, from a comma
				table.insert(ipaparts, word)
				if hyphparts[#hyphparts] then
					hyphparts[#hyphparts] = hyphparts[#hyphparts] .. ","
					hyphparts[1] = ","
				local is_prep = false
				if word == "nie" and words[i + 1] == "ma" then
					is_prep = false
				elseif word == "ma" and words[i - 1] == "nie" then
					is_prep = true
					for _, prep in ipairs(prepositions) do
						if (rfind(word, ("^%s$"):format(prep))) then
							is_prep = true
				contains_preps = contains_preps or is_prep
				local wordipa, wordhyph = single_word {
					txt = word,
					lang = lang,
					is_prep = is_prep,
					period = period,
					lect = lect,
					match_pl_p_output = match_pl_p_output,
				table.insert(ipaparts, wordipa)
				table.insert(hyphparts, wordhyph)
				if i < #words then
					local separator = is_prep and "‿" or " "
					table.insert(ipaparts, separator)
					table.insert(hyphparts, separator)

		ipa = table.concat(ipaparts)
		hyph = table.concat(hyphparts)

		local function assimilate_preps(str)
			local function assim(from, to, before)
				str = rsub(str, ("%s(%%$‿[ˈˌ]?[%s])"):format(from, before), to .. "%1")
			local T = "fptsʂɕkx"
			assim("d", "t", T)
			assim("v", "f", T)
			assim("z", "s", T)
			if lang == "szl" then
				local D = "bdzʐʑɡ"
				assim("s", "z", D)
				assim("ɕ", "ʑ", D)
			return rsub(str, "%$", "")

		if contains_preps then
			ipa = assimilate_preps(ipa)
			-- Move stress before non-syllabic clitics attached with tie bar. FIXME: We should be using # or similar
			-- at string boundaries to avoid the need to substitute twice.
			local C = "[^" .. vowels .. "]"
			ipa = rsub(ipa, ("([‿ ])(%s+)‿([ˈˌ])"):format(C), "%1%3%2")
			ipa = rsub(ipa, ("^(%s+)‿([ˈˌ])"):format(C), "%2%1‿")
		ipa, hyph = single_word {
			txt = term,
			lang = lang,
			is_prep = false,
			period = period,
			lect = lect,
			match_pl_p_output = match_pl_p_output,

	local result = {{
		pron = ipa,
		norhyme = false,

	-- Map over each element in `result`. If `from` is found in the element, replace the element with up to three
	-- elements, respectively replacing `from` with `to1` (with accent qualifiers `a1`), `to2` (with accent qualifiers
	-- `a2`) and `to3` (with accent qualifiers `a3`). If `to2` or `to3` are nil, no replacement is done for them.
	-- If `nr1` is true, this variant should not have rhymes generated; likewise for `nr2` and `nr3`.
	local function flatmap_and_sub_post(from, to1, a1, nr1, to2, a2, nr2, to3, a3, nr3)
		local any_change = false
		result = flatmap(result, function(item)
			if rfind(item.pron, from) then
				any_change = true
				local retval = {
						pron = rsub(item.pron, from, to1),
						a = combine_qualifiers(item.a, a1),
						norhyme = item.norhyme or nr1,
				if to2 then
							pron = rsub(item.pron, from, to2),
							a = combine_qualifiers(item.a, a2),
							norhyme = item.norhyme or nr2,
				if to3 then
							pron = rsub(item.pron, from, to3),
							a = combine_qualifiers(item.a, a3),
							norhyme = item.norhyme or nr3,
				return retval
				return {item}
		return any_change

	-- Replace the first ALTSTRESS with a syllable divider but not at the beginning of a word.
	local function stress_second(before_first, before_second)
		if before_first == "" then
			return before_second .. "ˈ"
			return before_first .. "." .. before_second .. "ˈ"
	if lang == "pl" and lect == "ekr" then
		flatmap_and_sub_post("O", "o", {"pre-21<sup>st</sup> c."}, false, "u", {"21<sup>st</sup> c."}, false)
	elseif lang == "pl" and lect == "mpl" then
		if period == "early" then
			flatmap_and_sub_post("[RS]", "r̝", nil, false)
		elseif period == "late" then
			flatmap_and_sub_post("[RS]", {R = "ʐ", S = "ʂ"}, nil, false)
		elseif not period then
			flatmap_and_sub_post("[RS]", "r̝", {"16<sup>th</sup> c."}, false,
				{R = "ʐ", S = "ʂ"}, {"17<sup>th</sup>–18<sup>th</sup> c."}, false)
			error(("'%s' is not a supported Middle Polish period; try with 'early' or 'late'"):format(period))
	elseif lang == "pl" and lect == "ora" then
		flatmap_and_sub_post("([^ ‿]*)" .. ALTSTRESS .. "([^ ‿]-)" .. ALTSTRESS, "%1ˈ%2.", {"Poland"}, false,
			stress_second, {"Slovakia"}, false)
	elseif lang == "pl" and lect == "zag" then
		flatmap_and_sub_post("([^ ‿]*)" .. ALTSTRESS .. "([^ ‿]-)" .. ALTSTRESS, stress_second, {"north"}, false,
			"%1ˈ%2.", {"south"}, false)
	elseif lang == "pl" then
		flatmap_and_sub_post("([^ ‿]*)" .. ALTSTRESS .. "([^ ‿]-)" .. ALTSTRESS, "%1ˈ%2.", {"prescriptive"}, false,
			stress_second, {"colloquial"}, false)
	elseif lang == "szl" then
		flatmap_and_sub_post("O", "ɔ", {"non-Western"}, false, "ɔw", {"Western"}, false, "ɛw", {"Głogówek"}, false)
	-- Two outputs from nasal before sibilant, if not converted to one above.
	flatmap_and_sub_post("Ñ([.ˈˌ]?)([szɕʑʂʐ])", "w̃%1%2", nil, false, function(syldiv, sib)
		return ((sib == "ɕ" or sib == "ʑ") and "ɲ" or "n") .. syldiv .. sib
	end, nil, true)
	flatmap_and_sub_post("Ẽ", "ɛ", {"normal speech"}, true, "ɛw̃", {"careful speech"}, false)
	-- Turn this off for now; too simplistic.
	-- flatmap_and_sub_post("Õ", "ɔw̃", {"standard"}, false, "ɔm", {"regional", "or", "dialectal", "proscribed"}, true)
	while true do
		-- Make all primary stresses but the last one in a given word be secondary.
		-- FIXME: Remove this.
		if not flatmap_and_sub_post("([^ ‿]*)ˈ([^ ‿]-)ˈ", "%1ˌ%2ˈ") then
	return result, hyph

-- Given a single substitution spec, `to`, figure out the corresponding value of `from` used in a complete
-- substitution spec. `pagename` is the name of the page, either the actual one or taken from the `pagename` param.
-- `anchor_begin`, if set, indicates that the match must be to the beginning of a word (it was preceded by ~).
-- `anchor_end`, if set, indicates that the match must be to the end of a word (it was followed by ~). If there is a
-- second return value, it indicates that the `from` is a Lua pattern and doesn't need to be pattern-escaped.
local function convert_single_substitution_to_original(to, pagename, anchor_begin, anchor_end)
	-- Replace specially-handled characters with a class matching the character and possible replacements.
	local escaped_from = to
	-- If the entire single substitution spec is one of the special stress-controlling symbols (&, &&, +, etc.),
	-- place it at the very beginning of the pagename. We do this by returning a Lua pattern that matches the
	-- beginning of the string, using the %f notation. (%f[^%z] means a transition from %z, or the NUL character, to
	-- not-%z; strings are treated for this purpose as if they begin and end with a NUL character.)
	if escaped_from:find("^[+*^&]+$") then
		return "%f[^%z]", true
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("[.'\"]", "")
	-- Call the equivalent of pattern_escape() in [[Module:string utilities]] but leave out +, *, ^ and -, which we match below.
	local chars = {
		["\0"] = "%z", ["$"] = "%$", ["%"] = "%%", ["("] = "%(", [")"] = "%)",
		["."] = "%.", ["?"] = "%?", ["["] = "%[", ["]"] = "%]",
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("[%z$%%().?[%]]", chars)
	-- A special stress-controlling symbol (&, &&, +, etc.) that occurs in a single substitution expression but
	-- is not the entire expression matches the beginning of a word. (Contrast the case above when the symbol stands
	-- alone and matches the beginning of the entire term.) This makes it possible e.g. with an expression like
	-- [[Koreańska Republika Ludowo-Demokratyczna]] to write the substitution spec [&R] and have it work; it matches
	-- R at the beginning of a word and converts it to &R, which makes [[Republika]] have optional antepenultimate
	-- stress. This must precede other replacements esp. k -> [kc]+, otherwise the + will wrongly get matched.
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("[&+*^]+", "%%f[%%a]")
	-- j can match against i in e.g. [[aikido]] respelled <ajkido> and [[apeiron]] respelled <apejron>
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("j", "[ji]")
	-- ń can match against n; in combination with the preceding, ńj can match against ni in e.g. [[Albania]] respelled
	-- <Albańja>.
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("ń", "[ńn]")
	-- k can match against c or cc in e.g. [[altocumulus]] respelled <altokumulus> or [[piccolo]] respelled <pikolo>
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("k", "[kc]+")
	-- A hyphen can match against a hyphen or nothing in the original. We have to take into account escaping the hyphen
	-- in the from side, adding a % sign in the replacement to escape the hyphen in the later rmatch, and escaping the
	-- percent sign in the replacement.
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("%-", "%%-?")
	-- A space can match against space or hyphen in the original, so e.g. [[agar-agar]] can use [ ] to respell it as
	-- <agar agar>.
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub(" ", "[ -]")
	-- Middle Polish á can match against a, and similarly for é, ó, ḿ, ṕ, ẃ and b́. The latter is tricky because it's
	-- two characters in Unicode. (Even though ó exists in modern Polish, Middle Polish often has ó where the spelling
	-- has o, and sometimes vice-versa.)
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("á", "[aá]")
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("é", "[eé]")
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("ó", "[oó]")
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("ḿ", "[mḿ]")
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("ṕ", "[pṕ]")
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("ẃ", "[wẃ]")
	escaped_from = escaped_from:gsub("b́", "b́?")
	escaped_from = "(" .. escaped_from .. ")"
	if anchor_begin then
		escaped_from = "%f[%a]" .. escaped_from
	if anchor_end then
		escaped_from = escaped_from .. "%f[%A]"
	local match = rmatch(pagename, escaped_from)
	if match then
		if match == to then
			error(("Single substitution spec '%s' found in pagename '%s', replacement would have no effect"):
				format(to, pagename))
		return match
	error(("Single substitution spec '%s' couldn't be matched to pagename '%s' (escaped_from: %s"):format(
		to, pagename, mw.dumpObject(escaped_from)))

local function apply_substitution_spec(respelling, pagename, parse_err)
	local subs = split_on_comma(rmatch(respelling, "^%[(.*)%]$"))
	respelling = pagename
	for _, sub in ipairs(subs) do
		if sub:find("%^") or sub:find("%$") then
			-- Changed to use ~ at beginning or end to avoid clashing with other use of ^; catch old uses
		local from, escaped_from, to, escaped_to, anchor_begin, anchor_end
		if sub:find("^~") then
			-- anchor at beginning
			sub = rmatch(sub, "^~(.*)$")
			anchor_begin = true
		local already_escaped
		if sub:find(":") then
			from, to = rmatch(sub, "^(.-):(.*)$")
			if from:find("~$") then
				-- anchor at end
				from = rmatch(from, "^(.*)~$")
				anchor_end = true
			if sub:find("~$") then
				-- anchor at end
				sub = rmatch(sub, "^(.*)~$")
				anchor_end = true
			to = sub
			from, already_escaped = convert_single_substitution_to_original(to, pagename, anchor_begin, anchor_end)
		if from then
			escaped_from = already_escaped and from or m_str_utils.pattern_escape(from)
			if anchor_begin then
				escaped_from = "%f[%a]" .. escaped_from
			if anchor_end then
				escaped_from = escaped_from .. "%f[%A]"
			escaped_to = m_str_utils.replacement_escape(to)
			local subbed_respelling, nsubs = rsubn(respelling, escaped_from, escaped_to)
			if nsubs == 0 then
				parse_err(("Substitution spec %s -> %s didn't match processed pagename '%s'"):format(
					from, to, respelling))
			elseif nsubs > 1 then
				parse_err(("Substitution spec %s -> %s matched multiple substrings in processed pagename '%s', add " ..
					"more context"):format(from, to, respelling))
				respelling = subbed_respelling

	return respelling

-- This handles all the magic characters <*>, <^>, <&>, <+>, <.>, <#>.
local function normalise_input(term, pagename, paramname)
	local function check_af(str, af, reg, repl, err_msg)
		reg = reg:format(af)
		if not rfind(str, reg) then
			error(("The word %s does not %s with %s"):format(str, err_msg, af))
		return str:gsub(reg, repl)

	local function check_pref(str, pref) return check_af(str, pref, "^(%s)", "%1.", "start") end
	local function check_suf(str, suf) return check_af(str, suf, "(%s)$", ".%1", "end") end

	if term:find("^%[.*%]$") then
		local function parse_err(msg)
			-- Don't call make_parse_err() until we actually need to throw an error, to avoid unnecessarily loading
			-- [[Module:parse utilities]].
		return apply_substitution_spec(term, pagename, parse_err)
	if term == "#" then
		-- The pound sign stands simply for {{PAGENAME}}.
		return pagename
	elseif (term == "+") or term:find("^%^+$") or term:find("^&+$") or (term == "*") then
		-- Inputs that are just '+', '*', '^', '^^', '&', '&&', etc. are treated as
		-- if they contained the pagename with those symbols preceding it.
		return term .. pagename
	-- Handle syntax like <po.>, <.ka> and <po..ka>. This allows to not respell
	-- the entire word when all is needed is to specify syllabification of a prefix
	-- and/or a suffix.
	elseif term:find(".+%.$") then
		return check_pref(pagename, term:sub(1, -2))
	elseif term:find("^%..+") then
		return check_suf(pagename, term:sub(2))
	elseif term:find(".+%.%..+") then
		return check_suf(check_pref(pagename, term:gsub("%.%..+", "")), term:gsub(".+%.%.", ""))

	return term


-- This converts the raw information, the arguments and pagename, into tables to be handed over to the IPA module.
-- It is called externally by [[Module:zlw-lch-IPA/testcases/driver]].
function export.get_lect_pron_info(terms, pagename, paramname, lang, lect, period, match_pl_p_output)
	if #terms == 1 and terms[1].respelling == "-" then
		return {
			pron_list = nil,
			rhyme_list = {},
			hyph_list = {},

	local pron_list = {}
	local rhyme_list = {}
	local hyph_list = {}

	local brackets = "/%s/"
	if lect then
		if lectdata.lects[lect].phonetic then
			brackets = "[%s]"

	-- Loops over the terms given as arguments.
	for _, term in ipairs(terms) do
		local respelling = term.respelling
		-- Handles magic symbols in the input.
		respelling = normalise_input(respelling, pagename, paramname)
		-- Obtains the transcription and hyphenation for the current index.
		local prons, hyph = multiword(respelling, lang, period, lect, match_pl_p_output)

		for i, pron in ipairs(prons) do
			if pron.phonetic then
				table.insert(pron_list, {
					pron = pron.phonetic,
					pron_with_syldivs = pron.phonetic,
					q = term.q,
					qq = term.qq,
					a = term.a,
					aa = term.aa,
					refs = i == 1 and term.refs or nil,
				local bracketed_pron = brackets:format(pron.pron)
				table.insert(pron_list, {
					pron = bracketed_pron,
					pron_with_syldivs = bracketed_pron,
					q = term.q,
					qq = term.qq,
					a = combine_qualifiers(pron.a, term.a),
					aa = term.aa,
					refs = i == 1 and term.refs or nil,
				if not pron.norhyme then
					-- Make sure to pass a version of the pronunciation with syllable dividers.
					table.insert(rhyme_list, do_rhyme(pron.pron, lang))

		-- If a hyphenation value had been returned by multiword(), make sure it matches the pagename; otherwise
		-- don't add. FIXME: This should be smarter in the presence of hyphens in the lemma.
		if hyph and hyph:gsub("%.", ""):gsub("‿", " ") == pagename then
			m_table.insertIfNot(hyph_list, hyph)

	return {
		pron_list = pron_list,
		hyph_list = hyph_list,
		rhyme_list = rhyme_list,

function export.get_lect_pron_info_bot(frame)
	local iargs = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, {
		[1] = {},
		["lang"] = { default = "pl" },
		["lect"] = {},
		["period"] = {},
		["pagename"] = {}, -- for debugging or demonstration only
		["plp"] = { list = true },
		["match_pl_p_output"] = { type = "boolean" },

	local termspec = iargs[1] or "#"
	local terms = parse_respellings_with_modifiers(termspec, 1)

	local retval = export.get_lect_pron_info(
		iargs.pagename or mw.loadData("Module:headword/data").pagename,
		"[from bot]",

	if iargs.plp[1] then
		retval.plp_prons = {}
		for _, plp in ipairs(iargs.plp) do
			table.insert(retval.plp_prons, "/" .. require("Module:pl-IPA").convert_to_IPA(plp) .. "/")

	return require("Module:JSON").toJSON(retval)

function export.show(frame)
	local process = require("Module:parameters").process
	local lang = process(frame.args, {
		["lang"] = { required = true, type = "language" }
	local langcode = lang:getCode()

	if langcode == "pl" then
		lectdata = require("Module:zlw-lch-IPA/data/pl")

	local params = {
		[1] = {},
		["hyphs"] = true, ["h"] = { alias_of = "hyphs" },
		["rhymes"] = true, ["r"] = { alias_of = "rhymes" },
		["audios"] = true, ["a"] = { alias_of = "audios" },
		["homophones"] = true, ["hh"] = { alias_of = "homophones" },
		["pagename"] = true, -- for debugging or demonstration only
		["indent"] = true,

	if langcode == "pl" then
		params["mpl_period"] = true
		params["mp_period"] = { alias_of = "mpl_period" }

		for lect, _ in pairs(lectdata.lects) do
			params[lect] = true

		for alias, lect in pairs(lectdata.lect_aliases) do
			params[alias] = { alias_of = lect }

	local args = process(frame:getParent().args, params)

	local termspec = args[1] or "#"
	local terms = parse_respellings_with_modifiers(termspec, 1)
	local pagename = args.pagename or mw.loadData("Module:headword/data").pagename
	local indent = args.indent or "*"

	local pronobj = export.get_lect_pron_info(terms, pagename, 1, langcode)
	local hyph_list, rhyme_list = pronobj.hyph_list, pronobj.rhyme_list
	local hyph_automatic = true
	local do_hyph

	local pl_lect_prons

	if langcode == "pl" then
		for lect, _ in pairs(lectdata.lects) do
			if args[lect] then
				if pl_lect_prons == nil then pl_lect_prons = {} end
				pl_lect_prons[lect] = export.get_lect_pron_info(
					parse_respellings_with_modifiers(args[lect], lect), pagename, lect, "pl", lect,
					args[lect .. "_period"]

	if args.hyphs then
		hyph_automatic = false
		if args.hyphs == "-" then
			do_hyph = false
			hyph_list = split_on_comma(args.hyphs)
			do_hyph = true
	elseif terms[1].respelling == "-" then
		do_hyph = false
		do_hyph = true

	if args.rhymes then
		if args.rhymes == "-" then
			rhyme_list = {}
		elseif args.rhymes ~= "+" then
			rhyme_list = {}
			for _, rhyme in ipairs(split_on_comma(args.rhymes)) do
				if rfind(rhyme, ".+/.+") then
					table.insert(rhyme_list, {
						rhyme = rsub(rhyme, "/.+", ""),
						num_syl = { tonumber(rsub(rhyme, ".+/", "")) },
					error(("The manual rhyme %s did not specify syllable number as RHYME/NUM_SYL"):format(rhyme))

	-- This deals with duplicate values in rhymes.
	if #rhyme_list > 0 then
		local temp_rhyme_list = {}
		local indices = {}
		for _, rhymeobj in ipairs(rhyme_list) do
			local index = indices[rhymeobj.rhyme]
			if index == nil then
				table.insert(temp_rhyme_list, rhymeobj)
				indices[rhymeobj.rhyme] = #temp_rhyme_list
				local different_num_syl = true
				for _, ns in ipairs(temp_rhyme_list[index].num_syl) do
					if ns == rhymeobj.num_syl[1] then
						different_num_syl = false
				if different_num_syl then
					table.insert(temp_rhyme_list[index].num_syl, rhymeobj.num_syl[1])
		rhyme_list = temp_rhyme_list

	local m_IPA_format = require("Module:IPA").format_IPA_full
	local parts = {}
	local function ins(text)
		table.insert(parts, text)

	local do_collapse = false

	if pronobj.pron_list then
		if pl_lect_prons then
			do_collapse = true
			ins('<div class="vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="pronunciations" style="width: {width}em; max-width:100%;"><span class="vsToggleElement" style="float: right;">&nbsp;</span>\n')
		ins(indent .. m_IPA_format { lang = lang, items = pronobj.pron_list })

	local em_length

	if pl_lect_prons then
		if do_collapse then
			ins('\n<div class="vsHide">\n')
		local m_format_qualifiers = require("Module:accent qualifier").format_qualifiers
		-- First groups the lects into their lect groups.
		local grouped_lects = {}
		for lect, lect_prons in pairs(pl_lect_prons) do
			local lect_group = lectdata.lects[lect].group
			if grouped_lects[lect_group] == nil then grouped_lects[lect_group] = {} end
			table.insert(grouped_lects[lect_group], { code = lect, prons = lect_prons })
		-- And then displays each group in order.

		local maxlen = 0

		local function display_lect(value, indentation)
			local formatted = ("%s%s %s"):format(indentation,
				m_format_qualifiers(lang, { lectdata.lects[value.code].name }),
				m_IPA_format { lang = lang, items = value.prons }
			maxlen = math.max(maxlen, textual_len(formatted))
			ins("\n" .. formatted)

		for group_index = 1, #lectdata.lect_groups do
			local lects = grouped_lects[group_index]
			local group = lectdata.lect_groups[group_index]
			if lects ~= nil then
				if group.single_lect then
					display_lect(lects[1], indent)
					-- Checks to indent Goral under Lesser Polish.
					local additional_indent = ""
					if group.indent_with_prec then
						additional_indent = "*"
						if grouped_lects[group_index - 1] == nil then
							ins("\n*" .. m_format_qualifiers(lang, { lectdata.lect_groups[group_index - 1].name }) .. ":")
					-- Lect group header.
					ins("\n*" .. additional_indent .. m_format_qualifiers(lang, { group.name }) .. ":")
					-- The lects are sorted according to their <index> value.
					table.sort(lects, function (a, b) return lectdata.lects[a.code].index < lectdata.lects[b.code].index end)
					for _, lect in ipairs(lects) do
						display_lect(lect, "**" .. additional_indent)

		if do_collapse then

		em_length = math.floor(maxlen * 0.68)

	if args.audios then
		local format_audio = require("Module:audio").format_audio
		local audio_objs = parse_audio(lang, args.audios, pagename, "audios")
		local num_audios = #audio_objs
		for i, audio_obj in ipairs(audio_objs) do
			if num_audios > 1 and not audio_obj.caption then
				audio_obj.caption = "Audio " .. i
			ins("\n" .. indent .. " " .. format_audio(audio_obj))

	if #rhyme_list > 0 then
		ins("\n" .. indent .. " " .. require("Module:rhymes").format_rhymes { lang = lang, rhymes = rhyme_list })

	if do_hyph then
		ins("\n" .. indent .. " ")
		if #hyph_list > 0 then
			local hyphs = {}
			local seen_num_pron_syls
			if pronobj.pron_list then
				-- Compute the number of syllables for each pronunciation, for use below.
				seen_num_pron_syls = {}
				for _, pronobj in ipairs(pronobj.pron_list) do
					local pron = pronobj.pron_with_syldivs
					local num_pron_syls = count_syllables(pron)
					m_table.insertIfNot(seen_num_pron_syls, {pron = pron, nsyl = num_pron_syls})
			for i, hyph in ipairs(hyph_list) do
				hyphs[i] = { hyph = {} }
				for syl in hyph:gmatch("[^.]+") do
					table.insert(hyphs[i].hyph, syl)
				if pronobj.pron_list then
					-- Match each syllabification against the syllable counts of all pronunciations, since we don't have
					-- any alignment between the two. Only complain if the syllable count of the syllabification doesn't
					-- match the syllable count of any pronunciation.
					local num_hyph_syls = 1 + #(hyph:gsub("[^. ]", ""))
					local matched = false
					for _, num_pron_syls in ipairs(seen_num_pron_syls) do
						if num_pron_syls.nsyl == num_hyph_syls then
							matched = true
					if not matched then
						local prons_and_sylcounts = {}
						for _, num_pron_syls in ipairs(seen_num_pron_syls) do
							table.insert(prons_and_sylcounts, ("%s:%s"):format(num_pron_syls.pron, num_pron_syls.nsyl))
						mw.log(("Syllable count %s for syllabification '%s' doesn't match pronunciation syllable count(s) %s for '%s'"):format(
							num_hyph_syls, hyph, table.concat(prons_and_sylcounts, ","), pagename))
						if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "" then
							ins(("[[Category:%s entries with Template:%s-pr with %s syllabification syllable count mismatch]]"):format(
								lang:getFullName(), langcode, hyph_automatic and "automatic" or "manual"))
			ins(require("Module:hyphenation").format_hyphenations {
				lang = lang, hyphs = hyphs, caption = "Syllabification"
			ins("Syllabification: <small>[please specify syllabification manually]</small>")
			if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "" then
				ins(("[[Category:%s entries with Template:%s-pr without syllabification]]"):format(
					lang:getFullName(), langcode))

	if args.homophones then
		local homophone_list = parse_homophones(args.homophones, "homophones")
		ins("\n" .. indent .. " " .. require("Module:homophones").format_homophones {
			lang = lang,
			homophones = homophone_list,

	local ret = table.concat(parts)
	if em_length then
		ret = m_str_utils.gsub(ret, "{width}", em_length)

	return ret

return export