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This module is not ready for use.
This module may not work properly, because it has not been completed and is being kept for tests and improvement. Its arguments, functions and results may change without warning.

It is advisable not to use this module as of yet. You may edit this page or discuss possible changes.

Used by {{tpw-IPA}}.

To do:

  • Nasalisation of vowels preceding M and N
  • Remove acute accents in transcription (/kaɾaiβ̞a/ instead of /kaɾaíβ̞a/)
  • Syllable division
  • Stress generation



local export = {}
local PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text

local m_IPA = require("Module:IPA")
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("tpw")

-- single characters that map to IPA sounds
local phonetic_chars_map = {
	["b"] = "β̞",
	["h"] = "h",
	["k"] = "k",
	["m"] = "m",
	["n"] = "n",
	["p"] = "p",
	["r"] = "ɾ",
	["s"] = "s",
	["t"] = "t",
	["x"] = "ʃ",
	["w"] = "w",
	["a"] = "a",
	["e"] = "ɛ",
	["i"] = "i",
	["o"] = "ɔ",
	["u"] = "u",
	["y"] = "ɨ",	
	["ã"] = "ã",
	["ẽ"] = "ɛ̃",
	["ĩ"] = "ĩ",
	["õ"] = "ɔ̃",
	["ũ"] = "ũ",
	["ỹ"] = "ɨ̃",
	["î"] = "j",
	["û"] = "w",
	["ŷ"] = "ɨ̯",
	["'"] = "ʔ",

-- character sequences of two that map to IPA sounds
local phonetic_2chars_map = {
	["gû"] = "ɡʷ",
	["kû"] = "kʷ",
	["mb"] = "ᵐb",
	["nd"] = "ⁿd",
	["ng"] = "ŋ",
	["nh"] = "ɲ",
	["pî"] = "pʲ",
	["pû"] = "pʷ",
	["yg"] = "ɨɣ",

function export.to_IPA(word)
	word = mw.ustring.lower(word)

	local phonetic = word

	for pat, repl in pairs(phonetic_2chars_map) do
		phonetic = phonetic:gsub(pat, repl)

	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, '.', phonetic_chars_map)

	-- FIX ME: nasalisation before M and N --
--	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aɛiɔuɨ])n", "%1n") -> turns into ãn, ɛ̃n etc.
--	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aɛiɔuɨ)m", "%1m")

	return "[" .. phonetic .. "]"

function export.pronunciation(word)
	if type(word) == "table" then
		word = word.args[1] or word:getParent().args[1]
	if not word or (word == "") then
		word = PAGENAME
	local items = {}
	table.insert(items, {pron = export.to_IPA(word), note = nil})
	return m_IPA.format_IPA_full { lang = lang, items = items }

return export