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This module will transliterate Tsakhur language text. The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules. To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}. Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.

For testcases, see Module:tkr-translit/testcases.


tr(text, lang, sc)
Transliterates a given piece of text written in the script specified by the code sc, and language specified by the code lang.
When the transliteration fails, returns nil.

local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local u = require("Module:string utilities").char

local export = {}

function export.tr(text, lang, sc)

	if sc ~= "Cyrl" then
		return nil

	-- Convert capital to lowercase palochka. Lowercase is found in tables.
	text = gsub(text, u(0x4C0), u(0x4CF))

	-- Digraphs with soft and hard sign.
	text = gsub(text, "([хХ])х([ьъ])", "%1%2:")
	text = gsub(text, "[гкхГКХ][ьъ]", {
		["гь"]="h",  ["Гь"]="H",
		["гъ"]="ʁ",  ["Гъ"]="ʁ",
		["кь"]="qӏ", ["Кь"]="Qӏ",
		["къ"]="q:", ["Къ"]="Q:",
		["хь"]="x",  ["Хь"]="X",
		["хъ"]="q",  ["Хъ"]="Q",

	-- Дж and гӏ digraphs.
	text = gsub(gsub(text, "дж", "ǯ"), "Дж", "Ǯ")
	text = gsub(gsub(text, "гӏ", "ɣ"), "Гӏ", "Ɣ")

	-- Geminate consonants.
	text = gsub(text, "[птцчксхПТЦЧКСХ][птцчксх]", {
		["пп"]="п:", ["Пп"]="П:",
		["тт"]="т:", ["Тт"]="Т:",
		["цц"]="ц:", ["Цц"]="Ц:",
		["чч"]="ч:", ["Чч"]="Ч:",
		["кк"]="к:", ["Кк"]="К:",
		["сс"]="с:", ["Сс"]="С:",
		["хх"]="х:", ["Хх"]="Х:",

	-- General consonants.
	text = gsub(text, "[птцчксшщхнлдзжгъбфмрвПТЦЧКСШЩХНЛДЗЖГЪБФМРВ]", {
		["п"]="p",  ["П"]="P",
		["т"]="t",  ["Т"]="T",
		["ц"]="c",  ["Ц"]="C",
		["ч"]="č",  ["Ч"]="Č",
		["к"]="k",  ["К"]="K",
		["с"]="s",  ["С"]="S",
		["ш"]="š",  ["Ш"]="Š",
		["щ"]="š:", ["Щ"]="Š:",
		["х"]="ꭓ",  ["Х"]="Ꭓ",
		["н"]="n",  ["Н"]="N",
		["л"]="l",  ["Л"]="L",
		["д"]="d",  ["Д"]="D",
		["з"]="z",  ["З"]="Z",
		["ж"]="ž",  ["Ж"]="Ž",
		["г"]="g",  ["Г"]="G",
		["ъ"]="ʔ",  ["Ъ"]="ʔ",
		["б"]="b",  ["Б"]="B",
		["ф"]="f",  ["Ф"]="F",
		["м"]="m",  ["М"]="M",
		["р"]="r",  ["Р"]="R",
		["в"]="v",  ["В"]="V",

	-- Palatised consonants.
	text = gsub(text, "([tckdgszxnlTCKDGSZXNL]ӏ?)(:?)([иеёюя])", function (con, gem, vow)
		return con .. "ʲ" .. gem .. (({ ["ё"]="о", ["ю"]="у", ["я"]="a" })[vow] or vow)

	-- Rounded consonants.
	text = gsub(text, "([tcčkqǯgzšžxꭓʁTCČKQǮGZŠŽXꞳ]ӏ?:?)v", "%1ʷ")

	-- Iotated е.
	text = gsub(text, "%f[%a]е", "je")
	text = gsub(text, "%f[%a]Е", "Je")

	-- Ejective consonants.
	text = gsub(text, "[ptcčkgqPTCČKGQ]ӏ", {
		["pӏ"]="ṗ", ["Pӏ"]="Ṗ",
		["tӏ"]="ṭ", ["Tӏ"]="Ṭ",
		["cӏ"]="c̣", ["Cӏ"]="C̣",
		["čӏ"]="č̣", ["Čӏ"]="Č̣",
		["kӏ"]="ḳ", ["Kӏ"]="Ḳ",
		["qӏ"]="q̇", ["Qӏ"]="Q̇",

	-- Umlaut vowels.
	text = gsub(text, "[аоуАОУ]ь", {
		["аь"]="ä", ["Аь"]="Ä",
		["оь"]="ö", ["Оь"]="Ö",
		["уь"]="ü", ["Уь"]="Ü",

	-- Glottalised vowels.
	text = gsub(text, "([аоуыАОУЫ])ӏ", "%1ˤ")

	-- Long и.
	text = gsub(gsub(text, "ий", "ī"), "Ий", "Ī")

	-- General vowels.
	text = gsub(text, "[йиеэаыоуюяё’ЙИЕЭАЫОУЮЯЁ]", {
		["й"]="j", ["Й"]="J",
		["и"]="i", ["И"]="I",
		["е"]="e", ["Е"]="E",
		["э"]="e", ["Э"]="E",
		["а"]="a", ["А"]="A",
		["ы"]="ɨ", ["Ы"]="Ɨ",
		["о"]="o", ["О"]="O",
		["у"]="u", ["У"]="U",
		["ю"]="ju", ["Ю"]="Ju",
		["я"]="ja", ["Я"]="Ja",
		["ё"]="jo", ["Ё"]="Jo",

	return text


return export