Module:term list
- The following documentation is located at Module:term list/documentation. [edit]
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox (diff)
This module creates a list of terms, automatically selecting the most appropriate way to display it. It should not be used directly in entries, but in templates such as {{derived terms}}
and {{related terms}}
The current implementation displays a regular bulleted list if there are not more than 8 items and there are no nested items, and displays a collapsible box with up to four columns otherwise. This behavior may change over time. It would be desirable to take user preference and screen size into consideration.
- Tracking
- Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/term list/markup - instances using wiki markup in at least one item
- Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/term list/nested - instances using nested lists (an advanced functionality, relatively difficult to support)
- Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/term list/title - instances using title (likely to be phased out)
local export = {}
local m_debug = require("Module:debug")
local m_lang = require("Module:languages")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
function export.display(frame)
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, {
[1] = {required = true},
[2] = {list = true},
["title"] = {}
local args = frame:getParent().args
if args.title then
m_debug.track("term list/title")
local lang = mw.text.trim(args[1])
lang = m_lang.getByCode(lang) or error("The language code \"" .. lang .. "\" is not valid.")
local item_count
local items = {}
local last_item
local nested
local markup
for _, item in ipairs(args) do
if string.find(item, '[{%[]') then
m_debug.track("term list/markup")
if _ == 1 then
-- nothing
elseif string.byte(item) == 42 then
if not last_item then
error("List of terms begins with a nested item.")
table.insert(last_item.nested_terms, mw.text.trim(string.sub(item, 2)))
nested = 1
last_item = {nested_terms = {}, term = mw.text.trim(item)}
table.insert(items, last_item)
item_count = _
item_count = item_count - 1
if item_count < 1 then
error("No list items are specified.")
if nested then
m_debug.track("term list/nested")
local get_sort_value = require("Module:memoize")(function (element)
return (lang:makeSortKey((lang:makeEntryName(element))))
local function compare_items(element1, element2)
return get_sort_value(element1.term) < get_sort_value(element2.term)
local function compare_terms(element1, element2)
return get_sort_value(element1) < get_sort_value(element2)
local column_size
local column_width
local limit
local result
local tail
if nested and item_count > 8 then
local column_count = math.min(4, item_count)
column_size = math.ceil(item_count / column_count)
limit = column_size
column_width = math.floor(80 / column_count)
result = {'<div class="NavFrame">\n<div class="NavHead">',
args.title or 'Derived terms',
'</div>\n<div class="NavContent">\n{| style="width:100%;" role="presentation" class="',
'"\n|-\n| style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: ', column_width, '%" |\n'}
tail = "\n|}</div></div>"
elseif item_count > 8 then
-- If no nested lists, just return an invocation of {{col3}}
-- Note this is TEMPORARY and will be upgraded to account for
-- column widths in deciding how many columns to use
result = {'{{col3|' .. lang:getCode()}
table.sort(items, compare_items)
local last_term
for _, item in ipairs(items) do
local term = item.term
if term ~= last_term then
last_term = term
table.insert(result, '|' .. item.term)
table.insert(result, '}}')
return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(table.concat(result))
limit = 8
result = {'<div>\n'} -- needed to prevent MediaWiki from adding unnecessary empty paragraph before the template
tail = '</div>'
table.sort(items, compare_items)
local last_term
for _, item in ipairs(items) do
local term = item.term
if term ~= last_term then
last_term = term
if limit <= 0 then
table.insert(result, '| style=width:1% |\n| style="text-align:left;vertical-align:top;width:' .. column_width .. '%" |\n')
limit = column_size
table.insert(result, "*" .. m_links.full_link({term = term, lang = lang}) .. "\n")
limit = limit - 1
local nested_terms = item.nested_terms
if nested_terms[1] then
table.sort(nested_terms, compare_terms)
local last_term
for _, term in ipairs(nested_terms) do
if term == last_term then
error("Duplicate item \"" .. term .. "\".")
last_term = term
table.insert(result, "**" .. m_links.full_link({term = term, lang = lang}) .. "\n")
limit = limit - 1
if tail ~= nil then
table.insert(result, tail)
return table.concat(result)
return export