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This module provides functions for dealing with Lua tables. All of them, except for two helper functions, take a table as their first argument.

Some functions are available as methods in the arrays created by Module:array.

Functions by what they do:

  • Create a new table:
    • shallowCopy, deepCopy, removeDuplicates, numKeys, compressSparseArray, keysToList, reverse, invert, listToSet
  • Create an array:
    • removeDuplicates, numKeys, compressSparseArray, keysToList, reverse
  • Return information about the table:
    • size, length, contains, keyFor, isArray, deepEquals
  • Treat the table as an array (that is, operate on the values in the array portion of the table: values indexed by consecutive integers starting at 1):
    • removeDuplicates, length, contains, serialCommaJoin, reverseIpairs, reverse, invert, listToSet, isArray
  • Treat a table as a sparse array (that is, operate on values indexed by non-consecutive integers):
    • numKeys, maxIndex, compressSparseArray, sparseConcat, sparseIpairs
  • Generate an iterator:
    • sparseIpairs, sortedPairs, reverseIpairs
  • Other functions:
    • sparseConcat, serialCommaJoin, reverseConcat

The original version was a copy of Module:TableTools on Wikipedia via Module:TableTools on Commons, but in the course of time this module has been almost completely rewritten, with many new functions added. The main legacy of this is the use of camelCase for function names rather than snake_case, as is normal in the English Wiktionary.


function export.shallowCopy(orig, raw)

Returns a clone of an object. If the object is a table, the value returned is a new table, but all subtables and functions are shared. Metamethods are respected unless the raw flag is set, but the returned table will have no metatable of its own.


function export.deepCopy(orig, metatableFlag, keepLoadedData)

Recursive deep copy function. Preserves copied identities of subtables. A more powerful version of mw.clone, with customizable options.

  • By default, metatables are copied, except for data loaded via mw.loadData (see below). If metatableFlag is set to "none", the copy will not have any metatables at all. Conversely, if metatableFlag is set to "keep", then the cloned table (and all its members) will have the exact same metatable as their original version.
  • If keepLoadedData is true, then any data loaded via mw.loadData will not be copied, and the original will be used instead. This is useful in iterative contexts where it is necessary to copy data being destructively modified, because objects loaded via mw.loadData are immutable.
  • Notes:
    1. Protected metatables will not be copied (i.e. those hidden behind a __metatable metamethod), as they are not accessible by Lua's design. Instead, the output of the __metatable method will be used instead.
    2. When iterating over the table, the __pairs metamethod is ignored, since this can prevent the table from being properly cloned.
    3. Data loaded via mw.loadData is a special case in two ways: the metatable is stripped, because otherwise the cloned table throws errors when accessed; in addition, the __pairs metamethod is used, since otherwise the cloned table would be empty.


function export.signedIndex(t, k)

Given an array and a signed index, returns the true table index. If the signed index is negative, the array will be counted from the end, where -1 is the highest index in the array; otherwise, the returned index will be the same. To aid optimization, the first argument may be a number representing the array length instead of the array itself; this is useful when the array length is already known, as it avoids recalculating it each time this function is called.


function export.maxIndex(t)

Returns the highest positive integer index of a table or array that possibly has holes in it, or otherwise 0 if no positive integer keys are found. Note that this differs from table.maxn, which returns the highest positive numerical index, even if it is not an integer.


function export.append(...)

Append any number of lists together and returns the result. Compare the Lisp expression (append list1 list2 ...).


function export.extend(t, ...)

Extend an existing list by a new list, modifying the existing list in-place. Compare the Python expression list.extend(new_items).


function export.slice(t, i, j)

Given a list, returns a new list consisting of the items between the start index i and end index j (inclusive). i defaults to 1, and j defaults to the length of the input list.


function export.removeDuplicates(t)

Remove any duplicate values from a list, ignoring non-positive-integer keys. The earliest value is kept, and all subsequent duplicate values are removed, but otherwise the list order is unchanged.


function export.numKeys(t)

Given a table, return an array containing all positive integer keys, sorted in numerical order.


function export.compressSparseArray(t)

Takes a list that may contain gaps (e.g. 1, 2, nil, 4), and returns a new gapless list in the same order.


function export.rawPairs(t)

An iterator which works like pairs, but ignores any __pairs metamethod.


function export.rawIpairs(t)

An iterator which works like ipairs, but ignores any __ipairs metamethod.


function export.indexPairs(t, raw)

An iterator which works like pairs, except that it also respects the __index metamethod. This works by iterating over the input table with pairs, followed by the table at its __index metamethod (if any). This is then repeated for that table's __index table and so on, with any repeated keys being skipped over, until there are no more tables, or a table repeats (so as to prevent an infinite loop). If __index is a function, however, then it is ignored, since there is no way to iterate over its return values.

A __pairs metamethod will be respected for any given table instead of iterating over it directly, but these will be ignored if the raw flag is set.

Note: this function can be used as a __pairs metamethod. In such cases, it does not call itself, since this would cause an infinite loop, so it treats the relevant table as having no __pairs metamethod. Other __pairs metamethods on subsequent tables will still be respected.


function export.indexIpairs(t)

An iterator which works like ipairs, except that it also respects the __index metamethod. This works by looking up values in the table, iterating integers from key 1 until no value is found.


function export.iterateList(t)

An iterator which works like indexIpairs, but which only returns the value.


function export.sparseIpairs(t)

This is an iterator for sparse arrays. It can be used like ipairs, but can handle nil values.


function export.size(t, raw)

This returns the size of a key/value pair table. If raw is set, then metamethods will be ignored, giving the true table size.

For arrays, it is faster to use export.length.


function export.length(t, raw)

This returns the length of a table, or the first integer key n counting from 1 such that t[n + 1] is nil. It is a more reliable form of the operator #, which can become unpredictable under certain circumstances due to the implementation of tables under the hood in Lua, and therefore should not be used when dealing with arbitrary tables. # also does not use metamethods, so will return the wrong value in cases where it is desirable to take these into account (e.g. data loaded via mw.loadData). If raw is set, then metamethods will be ignored, giving the true table length.

For arrays, this function is faster than export.size.


function export.deepEquals(a, b, include_mt)

Recursively compare two values that may be tables, and returns true if all key-value pairs are structurally equivalent. Note that this handles arbitrary nesting of subtables (including recursive nesting) to any depth, for keys as well as values.

If include_mt is true, then metatables are also compared.


function export.getNested(t, ...)

Given a table and an arbitrary number of keys, will successively access subtables using each key in turn, returning the value at the final key. For example, if t is {[1] = {[2] = {[3] = "foo"}}}, export.getNested(t, 1, 2, 3) will return "foo".

If no subtable exists for a given key value, returns nil, but will throw an error if a non-table is found at an intermediary key.


function export.setNested(t, ...)

Given a table, value and an arbitrary number of keys, will successively access subtables using each key in turn, and sets the value at the final key. For example, if t is {}, export.setNested(t, "foo", 1, 2, 3) will modify t to {[1] = {[2] = {[3] = "foo"} } }.

If no subtable exists for a given key value, one will be created, but the function will throw an error if a non-table value is found at an intermediary key.

Note: the parameter order (table, value, keys) differs from functions like rawset, because the number of keys can be arbitrary. This is to avoid situations where an additional argument must be appended to arbitrary lists of variables, which can be awkward and error-prone: for example, when handling variable arguments (...) or function return values.


function export.contains(list, x, options)

Given a list and a value to be found, returns the value's index if the value is in the array portion of the list, or false if not found.

options is an optional table of additional options to control the behavior of the operation. The following options are recognized:

  • comparison: Function of two arguments to compare whether item is equal to an existing item in list. If unspecified, items are considered equal if either the standard equality operator == or deepEquals return true. As a special case, if the string value "==" is specified, then the standard equality operator alone will be used.
  • key: Function of one argument to return a comparison key, which will be used with the comparison function. The key function is applied to both item and the existing item in list to compare against, and the comparison is done against the results.


function export.keyFor(t, x, options)

Given a table and a value to be found, returns the value's key if the value is in the table. Comparison is by value, using deepEquals.

options is an optional table of additional options to control the behavior of the operation. The available options are the same as those for contains.

Note: if multiple keys have the specified value, this function returns the first key found; it is not possible to reliably predict which key this will be.


function export.insertIfNot(list, new_item, options)

Given a list and a new_item to be inserted, append the value to the end of the list if not already present (or insert at an arbitrary position, if options.pos is given; see below). Comparison is by value, using deepEquals.

options is an optional table of additional options to control the behavior of the operation. The following options are recognized:

  • pos: Position at which insertion happens (i.e. before the existing item at position pos).
  • comparison: Function of two arguments to compare whether item is equal to an existing item in list. If unspecified, items are considered equal if either the standard equality operator == or deepEquals return true. As a special case, if the string value "==" is specified, then the standard equality operator alone will be used.
  • key: Function of one argument to return a comparison key, which will be used with the comparison function. The key function is applied to both item and the existing item in list to compare against, and the comparison is done against the results. This is useful when inserting a complex structure into an existing list while avoiding duplicates.
  • combine: Function of three arguments (the existing item, the new item and the position, respectively) to combine an existing item with new_item, when new_item is found in list. If unspecified, the existing item is left alone.

Returns false if an entry is already found, or true if inserted. By default, false indicates that no change was made to the input table, but if the combine is used, false indicates that the pre-existing entry was modified.

For compatibility, pos can be specified directly as the third argument in place of options, but this is not recommended for new code.

NOTE: This function is O(N) in the size of the existing list. If you use this function in a loop to insert several items, you will get O(M*(M+N)) behavior, effectively O((M+N)^2). Thus it is not recommended to use this unless you are sure the total number of items will be small. (An alternative for large lists is to insert all the items without checking for duplicates, and use removeDuplicates() at the end.)


function export.extendIfNot(t, new_items, options)

Extend an existing list by a new list, using export.insertIfNot() for each item.

options is an optional table of additional options to control the behavior of the operation. The following options are recognized:

  • pos: As in insertIfNot().
  • comparison: As in insertIfNot().
  • key: As in insertIfNot().
  • combine: As in insertIfNot().

Unlike export.insertIfNot(), this function does not return a boolean indicating whether any items were inserted.


function export.keysToList(t, keySort)

Returns a list of the keys in a table, sorted using either the default table.sort function or a custom keySort function.

If there are only numerical keys, export.numKeys is probably faster.


function export.sortedPairs(t, keySort)

Iterates through a table, with the keys sorted using the keysToList function.

If there are only numerical keys, export.sparseIpairs is probably faster.


function export.reverseIpairs(t)

Iterates through a table using ipairs in reverse.

__ipairs metamethods will be used, including those which return arbitrary (i.e. non-array) keys, but note that this function assumes that the first return value is a key which can be used to retrieve a value from the input table via a table lookup. As such, __ipairs metamethods for which this assumption is not true will not work correctly.

If the value nil is encountered early (e.g. because the table has been modified), the loop will terminate early.


function export.reduce(t, func, i, j, step)

Given an array list and function func, iterate through the array applying func(r, k, v), and returning the result, where r is the value calculated so far, k is an index, and v is the value at index k. For example, reduce(array, function(a, _, v) return a + v end) will return the sum of array.

Optional arguments:

  • i: start index; negative values count from the end of the array
  • j: end index; negative values count from the end of the array
  • step: step increment

These must be non-zero integers. The function will determine where to iterate from, whether to iterate forwards or backwards and by how much, based on these inputs (see examples below for default behaviours).


  1. No values for i, j or step results in forward iteration from the start to the end in steps of 1 (the default).
  2. step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the start in steps of 1.
  3. i=7, j=3 results in backward iteration from indices 7 to 3 in steps of 1 (i.e. step=-1).
  4. j=-3 results in forward iteration from the start to the 3rd last index.
  5. j=-3, step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the 3rd last index.


function export.apply(t, func, i, j, step)

Given an array list and function func, iterate through the array applying func(k, v) (where k is an index, and v is the value at index k), replacing the relevant values with the result. For example, apply(array, function(_, v) return 2 * v end) will double each member of the array.

Optional arguments:

  • i: start index; negative values count from the end of the array
  • j: end index; negative values count from the end of the array
  • step: step increment These must be non-zero integers. The function will determine where to iterate from, whether to iterate forwards or backwards and by how much, based on these inputs (see examples below for default behaviours).


  1. No values for i, j or step results in forward iteration from the start to the end in steps of 1 (the default).
  2. step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the start in steps of 1.
  3. i=7, j=3 results in backward iteration from indices 7 to 3 in steps of 1 (i.e. step=-1).
  4. j=-3 results in forward iteration from the start to the 3rd last index.
  5. j=-3, step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the 3rd last index.


function export.generate(t, func, i, j, step)

Given an array list and function func, iterate through the array applying func(k, v) (where k is an index, and v is the value at index k), and return a shallow copy of the original array with the relevant values replaced. For example, generate(array, function(_, v) return 2 * v end) will return a new array in which each value has been doubled.

Optional arguments:

  • i: start index; negative values count from the end of the array
  • j: end index; negative values count from the end of the array
  • step: step increment These must be non-zero integers. The function will determine where to iterate from, whether to iterate forwards or backwards and by how much, based on these inputs (see examples below for default behaviours).


  1. No values for i, j or step results in forward iteration from the start to the end in steps of 1 (the default).
  2. step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the start in steps of 1.
  3. i=7, j=3 results in backward iteration from indices 7 to 3 in steps of 1 (i.e. step=-1).
  4. j=-3 results in forward iteration from the start to the 3rd last index.
  5. j=-3, step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the 3rd last index.


function export.all(t, func, i, j, step)

Given an array list and function func, iterate through the array applying func(k, v) (where k is an index, and v is the value at index k), and returning whether the function is true for all iterations.

Optional arguments:

  • i: start index; negative values count from the end of the array
  • j: end index; negative values count from the end of the array
  • step: step increment

These must be non-zero integers. The function will determine where to iterate from, whether to iterate forwards or backwards and by how much, based on these inputs (see examples below for default behaviours).


  1. No values for i, j or step results in forward iteration from the start to the end in steps of 1 (the default).
  2. step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the start in steps of 1.
  3. i=7, j=3 results in backward iteration from indices 7 to 3 in steps of 1 (i.e. step=-1).
  4. j=-3 results in forward iteration from the start to the 3rd last index.
  5. j=-3, step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the 3rd last index.


function export.any(t, func, i, j, step)

Given an array list and function func, iterate through the array applying func(k, v) (where k is an index, and v is the value at index k), and returning whether the function is true for at least one iteration.

Optional arguments:

  • i: start index; negative values count from the end of the array
  • j: end index; negative values count from the end of the array
  • step: step increment

These must be non-zero integers. The function will determine where to iterate from, whether to iterate forwards or backwards and by how much, based on these inputs (see examples below for default behaviours).


  1. No values for i, j or step results in forward iteration from the start to the end in steps of 1 (the default).
  2. step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the start in steps of 1.
  3. i=7, j=3 results in backward iteration from indices 7 to 3 in steps of 1 (i.e. step=-1).
  4. j=-3 results in forward iteration from the start to the 3rd last index.
  5. j=-3, step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the 3rd last index.


function export.serialCommaJoin(seq, options)

Joins an array with serial comma and serial conjunction, normally "and". An improvement on mw.text.listToText, which doesn't properly handle serial commas.


  • conj: Conjunction to use; defaults to "and".
  • punc: Punctuation to use; default to ",".
  • dontTag: Don't tag the serial comma and serial "and". For error messages, in which HTML cannot be used.
  • dump: Each item will be serialized with mw.dumpObject. For warnings and error messages.


function export.concat(t, sep, i, j)

A function which works like table.concat, but respects any __index metamethod. This is useful for data loaded via mw.loadData.


function export.sparseConcat(t, sep, i, j)

Concatenate all values in the table that are indexed by a number, in order.

  • sparseConcat{ a, nil, c, d } => "acd"
  • sparseConcat{ nil, b, c, d } => "bcd"


function export.reverse(t)

Values of numeric keys in array portion of table are reversed: { "a", "b", "c" } -> { "c", "b", "a" }


function export.invert(t)

Invert a table. For example, invert({ "a", "b", "c" }) -> { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }


function export.flatten(t)

Given a list, which may contain sublists, flatten it into a single list. For example, flatten({ "a", { "b", "c" }, "d" }) -> { "a", "b", "c", "d" }


function export.listToSet(list, value, ...)

Convert list (a table with a list of values) into a set (a table where those values are keys instead). This is a useful way to create a fast lookup table, since looking up a table key is much, much faster than iterating over the whole list to see if it contains a given value.

By default, each item is given the value true. If the optional parameter value is a function or functor, then it is called as an iterator, with the list index as the first argument, the item as the second (which will be used as the key), plus any additional arguments passed to listToSet; the returned value is used as the value for that list item. If value is anything else, then it is used as the fixed value for every item.


function export.isArray(t)

Returns true if all keys in the table are consecutive integers starting from 1.


function export.isSubsetList(t1, t2)

Returns true if the first list, taken as a set, is a subset of the second list, taken as a set.


function export.isSubsetMap(t1, t2)

Returns true if the first map, taken as a set, is a subset of the second map, taken as a set.


function export.alias(t, k, aliases)

Add a list of aliases for a given key to a table. The aliases must be given as a table.

local export = {}

--[==[ intro:
This module provides functions for dealing with Lua tables. All of them, except for two helper functions, take a table
as their first argument.

Some functions are available as methods in the arrays created by [[Module:array]].

Functions by what they do:
* Create a new table:
** `shallowCopy`, `deepCopy`, `removeDuplicates`, `numKeys`, `compressSparseArray`, `keysToList`, `reverse`, `invert`, `listToSet`
* Create an array:
** `removeDuplicates`, `numKeys`, `compressSparseArray`, `keysToList`, `reverse`
* Return information about the table:
** `size`, `length`, `contains`, `keyFor`, `isArray`, `deepEquals`
* Treat the table as an array (that is, operate on the values in the array portion of the table: values indexed by
  consecutive integers starting at {1}):
** `removeDuplicates`, `length`, `contains`, `serialCommaJoin`, `reverseIpairs`, `reverse`, `invert`, `listToSet`, `isArray`
* Treat a table as a sparse array (that is, operate on values indexed by non-consecutive integers):
** `numKeys`, `maxIndex`, `compressSparseArray`, `sparseConcat`, `sparseIpairs`
* Generate an iterator:
** `sparseIpairs`, `sortedPairs`, `reverseIpairs`
* Other functions:
** `sparseConcat`, `serialCommaJoin`, `reverseConcat`

The original version was a copy of {{w|Module:TableTools}} on Wikipedia via [[c:Module:TableTools|Module:TableTools]] on
Commons, but in the course of time this module has been almost completely rewritten, with many new functions added. The
main legacy of this is the use of camelCase for function names rather than snake_case, as is normal in the English

local collation_module = "Module:collation"
local debug_track_module = "Module:debug/track"
local function_module = "Module:fun"
local math_module = "Module:math"

local table = table

local concat = table.concat
local deep_equals -- defined as export.deepEquals
local dump = mw.dumpObject
local format = string.format
local getmetatable = getmetatable
local insert = table.insert
local invert -- defined as export.invert
local ipairs = ipairs
local ipairs_default_iter = ipairs{export}
local keys_to_list -- defined as export.keysToList
local list_to_set -- defined as export.listToSet
local next = next
local num_keys -- defined as export.numKeys
local pairs = pairs
local pcall = pcall
local rawget = rawget
local require = require
local select = select
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local signed_index -- defined as export.signedIndex
local sort = table.sort
local sparse_ipairs -- defined as export.sparseIpairs
local table_len -- defined as export.length
local table_reverse -- defined as export.reverse
local type = type

Loaders for functions in other modules, which overwrite themselves with the target function when called. This ensures modules are only loaded when needed, retains the speed/convenience of locally-declared pre-loaded functions, and has no overhead after the first call, since the target functions are called directly in any subsequent calls.]==]
	local function debug_track(...)
		debug_track = require(debug_track_module)
		return debug_track(...)

	local function is_callable(...)
		is_callable = require(function_module).is_callable
		return is_callable(...)

	local function is_integer(...)
		is_integer = require(math_module).is_integer
		return is_integer(...)

	local function is_positive_integer(...)
		is_positive_integer = require(math_module).is_positive_integer
		return is_positive_integer(...)

	local function string_sort(...)
		string_sort = require(collation_module).string_sort
		return string_sort(...)

Returns a clone of an object. If the object is a table, the value returned is a new table, but all subtables and functions are shared. Metamethods are respected unless the `raw` flag is set, but the returned table will have no metatable of its own.]==]
function export.shallowCopy(orig, raw)
	if type(orig) ~= "table" then
		return orig
	local copy, iter, state, init = {}
	if raw then
		iter, state = next, orig
		iter, state, init = pairs(orig)
	for k, v in iter, state, init do
		copy[k] = v
	return copy

	local tracked1, tracked2

	local function make_copy(orig, seen, mt_flag, keep_loaded_data)
		if type(orig) ~= "table" then
			return orig
		local memoized = seen[orig]
		if memoized ~= nil then
			return memoized
		local mt, iter, state, init = getmetatable(orig)
		-- `mt` could be a non-table if `__metatable` has been used, but discard it in such cases.
		if not (mt and type(mt) == "table") then
			mt, iter, state, init = nil, next, orig, nil
		-- Data loaded via `mw.loadData`, which sets the key "mw_loadData" to true in the metatable.
		elseif rawget(mt, "mw_loadData") == true then
			if keep_loaded_data then
				seen[orig] = orig
				return orig
			-- Track instances of such data being copied, which is very inefficient and usually unnecessary.
			elseif not tracked1 then
				debug_track("table/deepCopy/loaded data")
				tracked1 = true
			-- Discard the metatable, and use the `__pairs` metamethod.
			mt, iter, state, init = nil, pairs(orig)
		-- Otherwise, keep `mt`.
			-- Track copied metatables to find any instances where it's really necessary, as it would be preferable for the default to be `pairs` instead of `next` (i.e. using __pairs if present, returning a table with no metatable).
			if not tracked2 then
				debug_track("table/deepCopy/copied metatable")
				tracked2 = true
			iter, state, init = next, orig, nil
		local copy = {}
		seen[orig] = copy
		for k, v in iter, state, init do
			copy[make_copy(k, seen, mt_flag, keep_loaded_data)] = make_copy(v, seen, mt_flag, keep_loaded_data)
		if mt == nil or mt_flag == "none" then
			return copy
		elseif mt_flag ~= "keep" then
			mt = make_copy(mt, seen, mt_flag, keep_loaded_data)
		return setmetatable(copy, mt)

	Recursive deep copy function. Preserves copied identities of subtables.
	A more powerful version of {mw.clone}, with customizable options.
	* By default, metatables are copied, except for data loaded via {mw.loadData} (see below). If `metatableFlag` is set to "none", the copy will not have any metatables at all. Conversely, if `metatableFlag` is set to "keep", then the cloned table (and all its members) will have the exact same metatable as their original version.
	* If `keepLoadedData` is true, then any data loaded via {mw.loadData} will not be copied, and the original will be used instead. This is useful in iterative contexts where it is necessary to copy data being destructively modified, because objects loaded via mw.loadData are immutable.
	* Notes:
	*# Protected metatables will not be copied (i.e. those hidden behind a __metatable metamethod), as they are not
	   accessible by Lua's design. Instead, the output of the __metatable method will be used instead.
	*# When iterating over the table, the __pairs metamethod is ignored, since this can prevent the table from being properly cloned.
	*# Data loaded via mw.loadData is a special case in two ways: the metatable is stripped, because otherwise the cloned table throws errors when accessed; in addition, the __pairs metamethod is used, since otherwise the cloned table would be empty.]==]
	function export.deepCopy(orig, metatableFlag, keepLoadedData)
		return make_copy(orig, {}, metatableFlag, keepLoadedData)

Given an array and a signed index, returns the true table index. If the signed index is negative, the array will be counted from the end, where {-1} is the highest index in the array; otherwise, the returned index will be the same. To aid optimization, the first argument may be a number representing the array length instead of the array itself; this is useful when the array length is already known, as it avoids recalculating it each time this function is called.]==]
function export.signedIndex(t, k)
	if not is_integer(k) then
		error("index must be an integer")
	return k < 0 and (type(t) == "table" and table_len(t) or t) + k + 1 or k
signed_index = export.signedIndex

Returns the highest positive integer index of a table or array that possibly has holes in it, or otherwise 0 if no positive integer keys are found. Note that this differs from `table.maxn`, which returns the highest positive numerical index, even if it is not an integer.]==]
function export.maxIndex(t)
	local max = 0
	for k in pairs(t) do
		if is_positive_integer(k) and k > max then
			max = k
	return max

Append any number of lists together and returns the result. Compare the Lisp expression {(append list1 list2 ...)}.]==]
function export.append(...)
	local args, list, n = {...}, {}, 0
	for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
		local t, j = args[i], 0
		while true do
			j = j + 1
			local v = t[j]
			if v == nil then
			n = n + 1
			list[n] = v
	return list

Extend an existing list by a new list, modifying the existing list in-place. Compare the Python expression
function export.extend(t, ...)
	if select("#", ...) < 2 then
		local i, new_items = 0, ...
		while true do
			i = i + 1
			local item = new_items[i]
			if item == nil then
				return t
			insert(t, item)
	local i, pos, new_items = 0, ...
	while true do
		i = i + 1
		local item = new_items[i]
		if item == nil then
			return t
		insert(t, pos, item)
		pos = pos + 1

Given a list, returns a new list consisting of the items between the start index `i` and end index `j` (inclusive). `i` defaults to `1`, and `j` defaults to the length of the input list.]==]
function export.slice(t, i, j)
	local t_len = table_len(t)
	i = i and signed_index(t_len, i) or 1
	local list, offset = {}, i - 1
	for key = i, j and signed_index(t_len, j) or t_len do
		list[key - offset] = t[key]
	return list

	local pos_nan, neg_nan
	Remove any duplicate values from a list, ignoring non-positive-integer keys. The earliest value is kept, and all subsequent duplicate values are removed, but otherwise the list order is unchanged.]==]
	function export.removeDuplicates(t)
		local list, seen, i, n = {}, {}, 0, 0
		while true do
			i = i + 1
			local v = t[i]
			if v == nil then
				return list
			local memo_key
			if v == v then
				memo_key = v
			-- NaN
			elseif format("%f", v) == "nan" then
				if not pos_nan then
					pos_nan = {}
				memo_key = pos_nan
			-- -NaN
				if not neg_nan then
					neg_nan = {}
				memo_key = neg_nan
			if not seen[memo_key] then
				n = n + 1
				list[n], seen[memo_key] = v, true

Given a table, return an array containing all positive integer keys, sorted in numerical order.]==]
function export.numKeys(t)
	local nums, i = {}, 0
	for k in pairs(t) do
		if is_positive_integer(k) then
			i = i + 1
			nums[i] = k
	return nums
num_keys = export.numKeys

Takes a list that may contain gaps (e.g. {1, 2, nil, 4}), and returns a new gapless list in the same order.]==]
function export.compressSparseArray(t)
	local list, keys, i = {}, num_keys(t), 0
	while true do
		i = i + 1
		local k = keys[i]
		if k == nil then
			return list
		list[i] = t[k]

An iterator which works like `pairs`, but ignores any `__pairs` metamethod.]==]
function export.rawPairs(t)
	return next, t, nil

An iterator which works like `ipairs`, but ignores any `__ipairs` metamethod.]==]
function export.rawIpairs(t)
	return ipairs_default_iter, t, 0

	local current
	An iterator which works like `pairs`, except that it also respects the `__index` metamethod. This works by iterating over the input table with `pairs`, followed by the table at its `__index` metamethod (if any). This is then repeated for that table's `__index` table and so on, with any repeated keys being skipped over, until there are no more tables, or a table repeats (so as to prevent an infinite loop). If `__index` is a function, however, then it is ignored, since there is no way to iterate over its return values.

	A `__pairs` metamethod will be respected for any given table instead of iterating over it directly, but these will be ignored if the `raw` flag is set.

	Note: this function can be used as a `__pairs` metamethod. In such cases, it does not call itself, since this would cause an infinite loop, so it treats the relevant table as having no `__pairs` metamethod. Other `__pairs` metamethods on subsequent tables will still be respected.]==]
	function export.indexPairs(t, raw)
		-- If there's no metatable, result is identical to `pairs`.
		-- To prevent infinite loops, act like `pairs` if `current` is set with `t`, which means this function is being used as a __pairs metamethod.
		if current and current[t] or getmetatable(t) == nil then
			return next, t, nil

		-- `seen_k` memoizes keys, as they should never repeat; `seen_t` memoizes tables iterated over.
		local seen_k, seen_t, iter, state, k, v, success = {}, {[t] = true}

		return function()
			while true do
				if iter == nil then
					-- If `raw` is set, use `next`.
					if raw then
						iter, state, k = next, t, nil
					-- Otherwise, call `pairs`, setting `current` with `t` so that export.indexPairs knows to return `next` if it's being used as a metamethod, as this prevents infinite loops. `t` is then unset, so that `current` doesn't get polluted if the loop breaks early.
						if not current then
							current = {}
						current[t] = true
						-- Use `pcall`, so that `t` can always be unset from `current`.
						success, iter, state, k = pcall(pairs, t)
						current[t] = nil
						-- If there was an error, raise it.
						if not success then
				while true do
					-- It's possible for a `__pairs` metamethod to return additional values, but assume there aren't any, since this iterator specifically relates to table indexes.
					k, v = iter(state, k)
					if k == nil then
					-- If a repeated key is found, skip and iterate again.
					elseif not seen_k[k] then
						seen_k[k] = true
						return k, v
				-- If there's an __index metamethod, iterate over it iff it's a table not already seen before.
				local mt = getmetatable(t)
				-- `mt` might not be a table if __metatable is used.
				if not mt or type(mt) ~= "table" then
					return nil
				seen_t[t] = true
				t = rawget(mt, "__index")
				if not t or type(t) ~= "table" then
					return nil
				-- Throw error if it's been seen before.
				elseif seen_t[t] then
					error("loop in gettable")
				iter = nil -- New `iter` will be generated on the next iteration of the while loop.

	local function ipairs_func(t, i)
		i = i + 1
		local v = t[i]
		if v ~= nil then
			return i, v

	An iterator which works like `ipairs`, except that it also respects the `__index` metamethod. This works by looking up values in the table, iterating integers from key `1` until no value is found.]==]
	function export.indexIpairs(t)
		-- If there's no metatable, just use the default ipairs iterator.
		return getmetatable(t) == nil and ipairs_default_iter or ipairs_func, t, 0

An iterator which works like `indexIpairs`, but which only returns the value.]==]
function export.iterateList(t)
	local i = 0
	return function()
		i = i + 1
		return t[i]

This is an iterator for sparse arrays. It can be used like ipairs, but can handle nil values.]==]
function export.sparseIpairs(t)
	local keys, i = num_keys(t), 0
	return function()
		i = i + 1
		local k = keys[i]
		if k ~= nil then
			return k, t[k]
sparse_ipairs = export.sparseIpairs

This returns the size of a key/value pair table. If `raw` is set, then metamethods will be ignored, giving the true table size.

For arrays, it is faster to use `export.length`.]==]
function export.size(t, raw)
	local i, iter, state, init = 0
	if raw then
		iter, state, init = next, t, nil
		iter, state, init = pairs(t)
	for _ in iter, state, init do
		i = i + 1
	return i

This returns the length of a table, or the first integer key n counting from 1 such that t[n + 1] is nil. It is a more reliable form of the operator `#`, which can become unpredictable under certain circumstances due to the implementation of tables under the hood in Lua, and therefore should not be used when dealing with arbitrary tables. `#` also does not use metamethods, so will return the wrong value in cases where it is desirable to take these into account (e.g. data loaded via `mw.loadData`). If `raw` is set, then metamethods will be ignored, giving the true table length.

For arrays, this function is faster than `export.size`.]==]
function export.length(t, raw)
	local n = 0
	if raw then
		for i in ipairs_default_iter, t, 0 do
			n = i
		return n
		n = n + 1
	until t[n] == nil
	return n - 1
table_len = export.length

	local function is_eq(a, b, seen, include_mt)
		-- If `a` and `b` have been compared before, return the memoized result. This will usually be true, since failures normally fail the whole check outright, but match failures are tolerated during the laborious check without this happening, since it compares key/value pairs until it finds a match, so it could be false.
		local memo_a = seen[a]
		if memo_a then
			local result = memo_a[b]
			if result ~= nil then
				return result
			-- To avoid recursive references causing infinite loops, assume the tables currently being compared are equivalent by memoizing the comparison as true; this will be corrected to false if there's a match failure.
			memo_a[b] = true
			memo_a = {[b] = true}
			seen[a] = memo_a
		-- Don't bother checking `memo_b` for `a`, since if `a` and `b` had been compared before then `b` would be in `memo_a`, but it isn't.
		local memo_b = seen[b]
		if memo_b then
			memo_b[a] = true
			memo_b = {[a] = true}
			seen[b] = memo_b
		-- If `include_mt` is set, check the metatables are equivalent.
		if include_mt then
			local mt_a, mt_b = getmetatable(a), getmetatable(b)
			if not (mt_a == mt_b or type(mt_a) == "table" and type(mt_b) == "table" and is_eq(mt_a, mt_b, seen, true)) then
				memo_a[b], memo_b[a] = false, false
				return false
		-- Copy all key/values pairs in `b` to `remaining_b`, and count the size: this uses `pairs`, which will also be used to iterate over `a`, ensuring that `a` and `b` are iterated over using the same iterator. This is necessary to ensure that `deepEquals(a, b)` and `deepEquals(b, a)` always give the same result. Simply iterating over `a` while accessing keys in `b` for comparison would ignore any `__pairs` metamethod that `b` has, which could cause asymmetrical outputs if `__pairs` returns more or less than the complete set of key/value pairs accessible via `__index`, so using `pairs` for both `a` and `b` prevents this.
		-- TODO: handle exotic `__pairs` methods which return the same key multiple times with different values.
		local remaining_b, size_b = {}, 0
		for k_b, v_b in pairs(b) do
			remaining_b[k_b], size_b = v_b, size_b + 1
		-- Fast check: iterate over the keys in `a`, checking if an equivalent value exists at the same key in `remaining_b`. As matches are found, key/value pairs are removed from `remaining_b`. If any keys in `a` or `remaining_b` are tables, the fast check will only work if the exact same object exists as a key in the other table. Any others from `a` that don't match anything in `remaining_b` are added to `remaining_a`, while those in `remaining_b` that weren't found will still remain once the loop ends. `remaining_a` and `remaining_b` are then compared at the end with the laborious check.
		local size_a, remaining_a = 0
		for k, v_a in pairs(a) do
			local v_b = remaining_b[k]
			-- If `k` isn't in `remaining_b`, `a` and `b` can't be equivalent unless it's a table.
			if v_b == nil then
				if type(k) ~= "table" then
					memo_a[b], memo_b[a] = false, false
					return false
				-- Otherwise, add the `k`/`v_a` pair to `remaining_a` for the laborious check.
				elseif not remaining_a then
					remaining_a = {}
				remaining_a[k], size_a = v_a, size_a + 1
			-- Otherwise, if `k` exists in `a` and `remaining_b`, `v_a` and `v_b` must be equivalent for there to be a match.
			elseif v_a == v_b or type(v_a) == "table" and type(v_b) == "table" and is_eq(v_a, v_b, seen, include_mt) then
				remaining_b[k], size_b = nil, size_b - 1
				memo_a[b], memo_b[a] = false, false
				return false
		-- Must be the same number of remaining keys in each table.
		if size_a ~= size_b then
			memo_a[b], memo_b[a] = false, false
			return false
		-- If the size is 0, there's nothing left to check.
		elseif size_a == 0 then
			return true
		-- Laborious check: since it's not possible to use table lookups to check if two keys are equivalent when they're tables, check each key/value pair in `remaining_a` against every key/value pair in `remaining_b` until a match is found, removing the matching key/value pair from `remaining_b` each time, to ensure one-to-one equivalence.
		for k_a, v_a in next, remaining_a do
			local success
			for k_b, v_b in next, remaining_b do
				-- Keys/value pairs must be equivalent in order to match.
				if ( -- More efficient to compare the values first, as they might not be tables.
					(v_a == v_b or type(v_a) == "table" and type(v_b) == "table" and is_eq(v_a, v_b, seen, include_mt)) and
					(k_a == k_b or type(k_a) == "table" and type(k_b) == "table" and is_eq(k_a, k_b, seen, include_mt))
				) then
					-- Remove matched key from `remaining_b`, and break the inner loop.
					success, remaining_b[k_b] = true, nil
			-- Fail if `remaining_b` runs out of keys, as the `k_a`/`v_a` pair still hasn't matched.
			if not success then
				memo_a[b], memo_b[a] = false, false
				return false
		-- If every key/value pair in `remaining_a` matched with one in `remaining_b`, `a` and `b` must be equivalent. Note that `remaining_b` will now be empty, since the laborious check only starts if `remaining_a` and `remaining_b` are the same size.
		return true

	Recursively compare two values that may be tables, and returns true if all key-value pairs are structurally equivalent. Note that this handles arbitrary nesting of subtables (including recursive nesting) to any depth, for keys as well as values.

	If `include_mt` is true, then metatables are also compared.]==]
	function export.deepEquals(a, b, include_mt)
		-- Do simple checks before calling is_eq to avoid generating an unnecessary memo.
		-- Simple equality check and type check; if not a ~= b, a and b can only be equivalent if they're both tables.
		return a == b or type(a) == "table" and type(b) == "table" and is_eq(a, b, {}, include_mt)
	deep_equals = export.deepEquals

	local function get_nested(t, k, ...)
		if t == nil then
			return nil
		elseif select("#", ...) ~= 0 then
			return get_nested(t[k], ...)
		return t[k]

	Given a table and an arbitrary number of keys, will successively access subtables using each key in turn, returning the value at the final key. For example, if {t} is { {[1] = {[2] = {[3] = "foo"}}}}, {export.getNested(t, 1, 2, 3)} will return {"foo"}.

	If no subtable exists for a given key value, returns nil, but will throw an error if a non-table is found at an intermediary key.]==]
	function export.getNested(t, ...)
		if t == nil or select("#", ...) == 0 then
			error("Must provide a table and at least one key.")
		return get_nested(t, ...)

	local function set_nested(t, v, k, ...)
		if select("#", ...) == 0 then
			t[k] = v
		local next_t = t[k]
		if next_t == nil then
			-- If there's no next table while setting nil, there's nothing more to do.
			if v == nil then
			next_t = {}
			t[k] = next_t
		return set_nested(next_t, v, ...)

	Given a table, value and an arbitrary number of keys, will successively access subtables using each key in turn, and sets the value at the final key. For example, if {t} is { {} }, {export.setNested(t, "foo", 1, 2, 3)} will modify {t} to { {[1] = {[2] = {[3] = "foo"} } } }.

	If no subtable exists for a given key value, one will be created, but the function will throw an error if a non-table value is found at an intermediary key.

	Note: the parameter order (table, value, keys) differs from functions like rawset, because the number of keys can be arbitrary. This is to avoid situations where an additional argument must be appended to arbitrary lists of variables, which can be awkward and error-prone: for example, when handling variable arguments ({{lua|...}}) or function return values.]==]
	function export.setNested(t, ...)
		if t == nil or select("#", ...) < 2 then
			error("Must provide a table and at least one key.")
		return set_nested(t, ...)

	local function plain_equals(a, b)
		return a == b

	-- `get_2_options` and `get_4_options` extract the options keys before any processing occurs, so that any modifications to `options` during processing (e.g. by a comparison function) will not affect the current call. This allows the same `options` table to be used with different values for recursive calls, which is more efficient than creating a new table for each call.

	-- `contains` and `insert_if_not` are both called by other functions, so the main work is done by local functions which take the extracted options as separate arguments, which avoids the need to access the `options` again at any point.

	local function get_2_options(options)
		if options == nil then
			return deep_equals
		local comp_func = options.comparison
		if comp_func == nil then
			comp_func = deep_equals
		elseif comp_func == "==" then
			comp_func = plain_equals
		return comp_func, options.key

	local function get_4_options(options)
		local pos, combine_func
		if options ~= nil then
			if type(options) == "number" then
				pos, options = options, nil
				pos, combine_func = options.pos, options.combine
		return pos, combine_func, get_2_options(options)

	local function contains(list, x, comp_func, key_func)
		if key_func ~= nil then
			x = key_func(x)
		local i = 0
		while true do
			i = i + 1
			local v = list[i]
			if v == nil then
				return false
			elseif key_func ~= nil then
				v = key_func(v)
			if comp_func(v, x) then
				return i

	Given a list and a value to be found, returns the value's index if the value is in the array portion of the list, or false if not found.

	`options` is an optional table of additional options to control the behavior of the operation. The following options are recognized:
	* `comparison`: Function of two arguments to compare whether `item` is equal to an existing item in `list`. If unspecified, items are considered equal if either the standard equality operator {==} or {deepEquals} return {true}. As a special case, if the string value {"=="} is specified, then the standard equality operator alone will be used.
	* `key`: Function of one argument to return a comparison key, which will be used with the comparison function. The key function is applied to both `item` and the existing item in `list` to compare against, and the comparison is done against the results.]==]
	function export.contains(list, x, options)
		return contains(list, x, get_2_options(options))

	Given a table and a value to be found, returns the value's key if the value is in the table. Comparison is by value, using `deepEquals`.

	`options` is an optional table of additional options to control the behavior of the operation. The available options are the same as those for {contains}.

	Note: if multiple keys have the specified value, this function returns the first key found; it is not possible to reliably predict which key this will be.]==]
	function export.keyFor(t, x, options)
		local comp_func, key_func = get_2_options(options)
		if key_func ~= nil then
			x = key_func(x)
		for k, v in pairs(t) do
			if key_func ~= nil then
				v = key_func(v)
			if comp_func(v, x) then
				return k

	local function insert_if_not(list, new_item, pos, combine_func, comp_func, key_func)
		local i = contains(list, new_item, comp_func, key_func)
		if i then
			if combine_func ~= nil then
				local newval = combine_func(list[i], new_item, i)
				if newval ~= nil then
					list[i] = newval
			return false
		elseif pos == nil then
			insert(list, new_item)
			insert(list, pos, new_item)
		return true

	Given a `list` and a `new_item` to be inserted, append the value to the end of the list if not already present (or insert at an arbitrary position, if `options.pos` is given; see below). Comparison is by value, using {deepEquals}.

	`options` is an optional table of additional options to control the behavior of the operation. The following options are recognized:
	* `pos`: Position at which insertion happens (i.e. before the existing item at position `pos`).
	* `comparison`: Function of two arguments to compare whether `item` is equal to an existing item in `list`. If unspecified, items are considered equal if either the standard equality operator {==} or {deepEquals} return {true}. As a special case, if the string value {"=="} is specified, then the standard equality operator alone will be used.
	* `key`: Function of one argument to return a comparison key, which will be used with the comparison function. The key function is applied to both `item` and the existing item in `list` to compare against, and the comparison is done against the results. This is useful when inserting a complex structure into an existing list while avoiding duplicates.
	* `combine`: Function of three arguments (the existing item, the new item and the position, respectively) to combine an existing item with `new_item`, when `new_item` is found in `list`. If unspecified, the existing item is left alone.

	Returns {false} if an entry is already found, or {true} if inserted. By default, {false} indicates that no change was made to the input table, but if the `combine` is used, {false} indicates that the pre-existing entry was modified.

	For compatibility, `pos` can be specified directly as the third argument in place of `options`, but this is not recommended for new code.

	NOTE: This function is O(N) in the size of the existing list. If you use this function in a loop to insert several items, you will get O(M*(M+N)) behavior, effectively O((M+N)^2). Thus it is not recommended to use this unless you are sure the total number of items will be small. (An alternative for large lists is to insert all the items without checking for duplicates, and use {removeDuplicates()} at the end.)]==]
	function export.insertIfNot(list, new_item, options)
		return insert_if_not(list, new_item, get_4_options(options))

	Extend an existing list by a new list, using {export.insertIfNot()} for each item.

	`options` is an optional table of additional options to control the behavior of the operation. The following options are recognized:
	* `pos`: As in {insertIfNot()}.
	* `comparison`: As in {insertIfNot()}.
	* `key`: As in {insertIfNot()}.
	* `combine`: As in {insertIfNot()}.

	Unlike {export.insertIfNot()}, this function does not return a boolean indicating whether any items were inserted.]==]
	function export.extendIfNot(t, new_items, options)
		local i, pos, combine_func, comp_func, key_func = 0, get_4_options(options)
		while true do
			i = i + 1
			local item = new_items[i]
			if item == nil then
				return t
			local success = insert_if_not(t, item, pos, combine_func, comp_func, key_func)
			if success then
				if pos ~= nil then
					pos = pos + 1

	local types
	local function get_types()
		types, get_types = invert{
		}, nil
		return types

	local function less_than(key1, key2)
		return key1 < key2

	-- The default sorting function used in export.keysToList if `keySort` is not given.
	local function default_compare(key1, key2)
		local type1, type2 = type(key1), type(key2)
		if type1 ~= type2 then
			-- If the types are different, sort numbers first, functions last, and all other types alphabetically.
			return (types or get_types())[type1] < types[type2]
		-- `string_sort` fixes a bug in < which causes all codepoints above U+FFFF to be treated as equal.
		elseif type1 == "string" then
			return string_sort(key1, key2)
		elseif type1 == "number" then
			return key1 < key2
		-- Attempt to compare tables, in case there's a metamethod.
		elseif type1 == "table" then
			local success, result = pcall(less_than, key1, key2)
			if success then
				return result
		-- Sort true before false.
		elseif type1 == "boolean" then
			return key1
		return false

	Returns a list of the keys in a table, sorted using either the default `table.sort` function or a custom `keySort` function.

	If there are only numerical keys, `export.numKeys` is probably faster.]==]
	function export.keysToList(t, keySort)
		local list, i = {}, 0
		for key in pairs(t) do
			i = i + 1
			list[i] = key
		-- Use specified sort function, or otherwise `default_compare`.
		sort(list, keySort or default_compare)
		return list
	keys_to_list = export.keysToList

Iterates through a table, with the keys sorted using the keysToList function.

If there are only numerical keys, `export.sparseIpairs` is probably faster.]==]
function export.sortedPairs(t, keySort)
	local list, i = keys_to_list(t, keySort), 0
	return function()
		i = i + 1
		local k = list[i]
		if k ~= nil then
			return k, t[k]

Iterates through a table using `ipairs` in reverse.

`__ipairs` metamethods will be used, including those which return arbitrary (i.e. non-array) keys, but note that this function assumes that the first return value is a key which can be used to retrieve a value from the input table via a table lookup. As such, `__ipairs` metamethods for which this assumption is not true will not work correctly.

If the value `nil` is encountered early (e.g. because the table has been modified), the loop will terminate early.]==]
function export.reverseIpairs(t)
	-- `__ipairs` metamethods can return arbitrary keys, so compile a list.
	local keys, i = {}, 0
	for k in ipairs(t) do
		i = i + 1
		keys[i] = k
	return function()
		if i == 0 then
			return nil
		local k = keys[i]
		-- Retrieve `v` from the table. These aren't stored during the initial ipairs loop, so that they can be modified during the loop.
		local v = t[k]
		-- Return if not an early nil.
		if v ~= nil then
			i = i - 1
			return k, v

local function getIteratorValues(i, j , step, t_len)
	i, j = i and signed_index(t_len, i), j and signed_index(t_len, j)
	if step == nil then
		i, j = i or 1, j or t_len
		return i, j, j < i and -1 or 1
	elseif step == 0 or not is_integer(step) then
		error("step must be a non-zero integer")
	elseif step < 0 then
		return i or t_len, j or 1, step
	return i or 1, j or t_len, step

Given an array `list` and function `func`, iterate through the array applying {func(r, k, v)}, and returning the result,
where `r` is the value calculated so far, `k` is an index, and `v` is the value at index `k`. For example,
{reduce(array, function(a, _, v) return a + v end)} will return the sum of `array`.

Optional arguments:
* `i`: start index; negative values count from the end of the array
* `j`: end index; negative values count from the end of the array
* `step`: step increment
These must be non-zero integers. The function will determine where to iterate from, whether to iterate forwards or
backwards and by how much, based on these inputs (see examples below for default behaviours).

# No values for i, j or step results in forward iteration from the start to the end in steps of 1 (the default).
# step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the start in steps of 1.
# i=7, j=3 results in backward iteration from indices 7 to 3 in steps of 1 (i.e. step=-1).
# j=-3 results in forward iteration from the start to the 3rd last index.
# j=-3, step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the 3rd last index.]==]
function export.reduce(t, func, i, j, step)
	i, j, step = getIteratorValues(i, j, step, table_len(t))
	local ret = t[i]
	for k = i + step, j, step do
		ret = func(ret, k, t[k])
	return ret

	local function replace(t, func, i, j, step, generate)
		local t_len = table_len(t)
		-- Normalized i, j and step, based on the inputs.
		local norm_i, norm_j, norm_step = getIteratorValues(i, j, step, t_len)
		if norm_step > 0 then
			i, j, step = 1, t_len, 1
			i, j, step = t_len, 1, -1
		-- "Signed" variables are multiplied by -1 if `step` is negative.
		local t_new, signed_i, signed_j = generate and {} or t, norm_i * step, norm_j * step
		for k = i, j, step do
			-- Replace the values iff they're within the i to j range and `step` wouldn't skip the key.
			-- Note: i > j if `step` is positive; i < j if `step` is negative. Otherwise, the range is empty.
			local signed_k = k * step
			if signed_k >= signed_i and signed_k <= signed_j and (k - norm_i) % norm_step == 0 then
				t_new[k] = func(k, t[k])
			-- Otherwise, add the existing value if `generate` is set.
			elseif generate then
				t_new[k] = t[k]
		return t_new

	Given an array `list` and function `func`, iterate through the array applying {func(k, v)} (where `k` is an index, and
	`v` is the value at index `k`), replacing the relevant values with the result. For example,
	{apply(array, function(_, v) return 2 * v end)} will double each member of the array.

	Optional arguments:
	* `i`: start index; negative values count from the end of the array
	* `j`: end index; negative values count from the end of the array
	* `step`: step increment
	These must be non-zero integers. The function will determine where to iterate from, whether to iterate forwards or
	backwards and by how much, based on these inputs (see examples below for default behaviours).

	# No values for i, j or step results in forward iteration from the start to the end in steps of 1 (the default).
	# step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the start in steps of 1.
	# i=7, j=3 results in backward iteration from indices 7 to 3 in steps of 1 (i.e. step=-1).
	# j=-3 results in forward iteration from the start to the 3rd last index.
	# j=-3, step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the 3rd last index.]==]
	function export.apply(t, func, i, j, step)
		return replace(t, func, i, j, step, false)

	Given an array `list` and function `func`, iterate through the array applying {func(k, v)} (where `k` is an index, and
	`v` is the value at index `k`), and return a shallow copy of the original array with the relevant values replaced. For example,
	{generate(array, function(_, v) return 2 * v end)} will return a new array in which each value has been doubled.

	Optional arguments:
	* `i`: start index; negative values count from the end of the array
	* `j`: end index; negative values count from the end of the array
	* `step`: step increment
	These must be non-zero integers. The function will determine where to iterate from, whether to iterate forwards or
	backwards and by how much, based on these inputs (see examples below for default behaviours).

	# No values for i, j or step results in forward iteration from the start to the end in steps of 1 (the default).
	# step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the start in steps of 1.
	# i=7, j=3 results in backward iteration from indices 7 to 3 in steps of 1 (i.e. step=-1).
	# j=-3 results in forward iteration from the start to the 3rd last index.
	# j=-3, step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the 3rd last index.]==]
	function export.generate(t, func, i, j, step)
		return replace(t, func, i, j, step, true)

Given an array `list` and function `func`, iterate through the array applying {func(k, v)} (where `k` is an index, and
`v` is the value at index `k`), and returning whether the function is true for all iterations.

Optional arguments:
* `i`: start index; negative values count from the end of the array
* `j`: end index; negative values count from the end of the array
* `step`: step increment
These must be non-zero integers. The function will determine where to iterate from, whether to iterate forwards or
backwards and by how much, based on these inputs (see examples below for default behaviours).

# No values for i, j or step results in forward iteration from the start to the end in steps of 1 (the default).
# step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the start in steps of 1.
# i=7, j=3 results in backward iteration from indices 7 to 3 in steps of 1 (i.e. step=-1).
# j=-3 results in forward iteration from the start to the 3rd last index.
# j=-3, step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the 3rd last index.]==]
function export.all(t, func, i, j, step)
	i, j, step = getIteratorValues(i, j, step, table_len(t))
	for k = i, j, step do
		if not func(k, t[k]) then
			return false
	return true

Given an array `list` and function `func`, iterate through the array applying {func(k, v)} (where `k` is an index, and
`v` is the value at index `k`), and returning whether the function is true for at least one iteration.

Optional arguments:
* `i`: start index; negative values count from the end of the array
* `j`: end index; negative values count from the end of the array
* `step`: step increment
These must be non-zero integers. The function will determine where to iterate from, whether to iterate forwards or
backwards and by how much, based on these inputs (see examples below for default behaviours).

# No values for i, j or step results in forward iteration from the start to the end in steps of 1 (the default).
# step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the start in steps of 1.
# i=7, j=3 results in backward iteration from indices 7 to 3 in steps of 1 (i.e. step=-1).
# j=-3 results in forward iteration from the start to the 3rd last index.
# j=-3, step=-1 results in backward iteration from the end to the 3rd last index.]==]
function export.any(t, func, i, j, step)
	i, j, step = getIteratorValues(i, j, step, table_len(t))
	for k = i, j, step do
		if not not (func(k, t[k])) then
			return true
	return false

Joins an array with serial comma and serial conjunction, normally {"and"}. An improvement on {mw.text.listToText},
which doesn't properly handle serial commas.

* `conj`: Conjunction to use; defaults to {"and"}.
* `punc`: Punctuation to use; default to {","}.
* `dontTag`: Don't tag the serial comma and serial {"and"}. For error messages, in which HTML cannot be used.
* `dump`: Each item will be serialized with {mw.dumpObject}. For warnings and error messages.]==]
function export.serialCommaJoin(seq, options)
	-- If the `dump` option is set, determine the table length as part of the
	-- dump loop, instead of calling `table_len` separately.
	local length
	if options and options.dump then
		local i, item = 1, seq[1]
		if item ~= nil then
			local dumped = {}
				dumped[i] = dump(item)
				i = i + 1
				item = seq[i]
			until item == nil
			seq = dumped
		length = i - 1
		length = table_len(seq)

	if length == 0 then
		return ""
	elseif length == 1 then
		return seq[1]

	local conj = options and options.conj
	if conj == nil then
		conj = "and"

	if length == 2 then
		return seq[1] .. " " .. conj .. " " .. seq[2]

	local punc, dont_tag
	if options then
		punc = options.punc
		if punc == nil then
			punc = ","
		dont_tag = options.dontTag
		punc = ","

	local comma
	if dont_tag then
		comma = "" -- since by default the serial comma doesn't display, when we can't tag we shouldn't display it.
		conj = " " .. conj .. " "
		comma = "<span class=\"serial-comma\">" .. punc .. "</span>"
		conj = "<span class=\"serial-and\"> " .. conj .. "</span> "

	return concat(seq, punc .. " ", 1, length - 1) .. comma .. conj .. seq[length]

A function which works like `table.concat`, but respects any `__index` metamethod. This is useful for data loaded via `mw.loadData`.]==]
function export.concat(t, sep, i, j)
	local list, k = {}, 0
	while true do
		k = k + 1
		local v = t[k]
		if v == nil then
			return concat(list, sep, i, j)
		list[k] = v

Concatenate all values in the table that are indexed by a number, in order.
* {sparseConcat{ a, nil, c, d }} => {"acd"}
* {sparseConcat{ nil, b, c, d }} => {"bcd"}]==]
function export.sparseConcat(t, sep, i, j)
	local list, k = {}, 0
	for _, v in sparse_ipairs(t) do
		k = k + 1
		list[k] = v
	return concat(list, sep, i, j)

Values of numeric keys in array portion of table are reversed: { { "a", "b", "c" }} -> { { "c", "b", "a" }}]==]
function export.reverse(t)
	local list, t_len = {}, table_len(t)
	for i = t_len, 1, -1 do
		list[t_len - i + 1] = t[i]
	return list
table_reverse = export.reverse

Invert a table. For example, {invert({ "a", "b", "c" })} -> { { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }}]==]
function export.invert(t)
	local map = {}
	for k, v in pairs(t) do
		map[v] = k
	return map
invert = export.invert

	local function flatten(t, list, seen, n)
		seen[t] = true
		local i = 0
		while true do
			i = i + 1
			local v = t[i]
			if v == nil then
				return n
			elseif type(v) == "table" then
				if seen[v] then
					error("loop in input list")
				n = flatten(v, list, seen, n)
				n = n + 1
				list[n] = v

	Given a list, which may contain sublists, flatten it into a single list. For example, {flatten({ "a", { "b", "c" }, "d" })} ->
	{ { "a", "b", "c", "d" }}]==]
	function export.flatten(t)
		local list = {}
		flatten(t, list, {}, 0)
		return list

Convert `list` (a table with a list of values) into a set (a table where those values are keys instead). This is a useful way to create a fast lookup table, since looking up a table key is much, much faster than iterating over the whole list to see if it contains a given value.

By default, each item is given the value true. If the optional parameter `value` is a function or functor, then it is called as an iterator, with the list index as the first argument, the item as the second (which will be used as the key), plus any additional arguments passed to {listToSet}; the returned value is used as the value for that list item. If `value` is anything else, then it is used as the fixed value for every item.]==]
function export.listToSet(list, value, ...)
	local set, i, callable = {}, 0
	if value == nil then
		value = true
		callable = is_callable(value)
		if callable then
			while true do
				i = i + 1
				local item = list[i]
				if item == nil then
					return set
				set[item] = value(i, item, ...)
	while true do
		i = i + 1
		local item = list[i]
		if item == nil then
			return set
		set[item] = value
list_to_set = export.listToSet

Returns true if all keys in the table are consecutive integers starting from 1.]==]
function export.isArray(t)
	local i = 0
	for _ in pairs(t) do
		i = i + 1
		if t[i] == nil then
			return false
	return true

Returns true if the first list, taken as a set, is a subset of the second list, taken as a set.]==]
function export.isSubsetList(t1, t2)
	t2 = list_to_set(t2)
	local i = 0
	while true do
		i = i + 1
		local v = t1[i]
		if v == nil then
			return true
		elseif t2[v] == nil then
			return false

Returns true if the first map, taken as a set, is a subset of the second map, taken as a set.]==]
function export.isSubsetMap(t1, t2)
	for k in pairs(t1) do
		if t2[k] == nil then
			return false
	return true

Add a list of aliases for a given key to a table. The aliases must be given as a table.]==]
function export.alias(t, k, aliases)
	for _, alias in pairs(aliases) do
		t[alias] = t[k]

return export