- The following documentation is located at Module:string/nowiki/documentation. [edit]
- Useful links: root page • root page’s subpages • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
Faster reimplementation of mw.text.nowiki
, which also has some minor changes to match the PHP equivalent used by the native parser.
local byte = string.byte
local concat = table.concat
local gsub = string.gsub
local lower = string.lower
local match = string.match
local sub = string.sub
local data = mw.loadData("Module:string/nowiki/data")
local absolute = data.absolute
local after_newline = data.after_newline
local after_magic_link = data.after_magic_link
local first = data.first
local last = data.last
local uri_schemes = data.uri_schemes
local function escape_uri(uri, colon)
return colon == "" and uri or uri .. (uri_schemes[lower(uri)] and ":" or ":")
return function(str)
local ret, head, n, ch_first = {}, 1, 0, sub(str, 1, 1)
if after_newline[ch_first] or first[ch_first] then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = "&#" .. byte(ch_first) .. ";"
head = 2
elseif sub(str, 1, 4) == "----" then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = "----"
head = 5
local start = head
while true do
local loc, this = match(str, "()([\n\r!\"&':;<=>IPR[%]_{|}~])", head)
if not loc then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = sub(str, start)
-- (:?) is an optimization that resets the match head to the end of
-- the [%w_]+ string, instead of backtracking to the next character.
str = gsub(concat(ret), "([%w_]+)(:?)", escape_uri)
local ch_last = sub(str, -1)
return last[ch_last] and sub(str, 1, -2) .. "&#" .. byte(ch_last) .. ";" or str
elseif absolute[this] then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = sub(str, start, loc - 1) .. "&#" .. byte(this) .. ";"
head = loc + 1
start = head
elseif this == "\n" or this == "\r" then
local nxt = loc + 1
nxt = sub(str, nxt, nxt)
if after_newline[nxt] then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = sub(str, start, loc) .. "&#" .. byte(nxt) .. ";"
head = loc + 2
start = head
elseif sub(str, loc + 1, loc + 4) == "----" then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = sub(str, start, loc) .. "----"
head = loc + 5
start = head
head = head + 1
elseif this == "!" then
local nxt = loc + 1
if sub(str, nxt, nxt) == "!" then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = sub(str, start, loc - 1) .. "!!"
head = loc + 2
start = head
head = head + 1
elseif this == "_" then
local nxt = loc + 1
if sub(str, nxt, nxt) == "_" then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = sub(str, start, loc) .. "_"
head = loc + 2
start = head
head = head + 1
elseif this == ":" and sub(str, loc + 1, loc + 2) == "//" then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = sub(str, start, loc - 1) .. "://"
head = loc + 3
start = head
elseif this == "~" and sub(str, loc + 1, loc + 2) == "~~" then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = sub(str, start, loc + 1) .. "~"
head = loc + 3
start = head
elseif (
this == "I" and sub(str, loc + 1, loc + 3) == "SBN" or
this == "P" and sub(str, loc + 1, loc + 3) == "MID"
) then
local nxt = loc + 4
nxt = sub(str, nxt, nxt)
if after_magic_link[nxt] then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = sub(str, start, loc + 3) .. "&#" .. byte(nxt) .. ";"
head = loc + 5
start = head
head = head + 1
elseif this == "R" and sub(str, loc + 1, loc + 2) == "FC" then
local nxt = loc + 3
nxt = sub(str, nxt, nxt)
if after_magic_link[nxt] then
n = n + 1
ret[n] = sub(str, start, loc + 2) .. "&#" .. byte(nxt) .. ";"
head = loc + 4
start = head
head = head + 1
head = head + 1