Module:stable sort
- The following documentation is located at Module:stable sort/documentation. [edit]
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
This module provides an alternative to table.sort
that is stable, i.e. guarantees that elements considered equal by the given order will keep their relative positions.
It supports the same parameters as table.sort
; the first parameter is the array to sort, and the second (optional) parameter is a comparison function, which returns true
if and only if the first parameter is less than the second. If the comparison function is not specified, the default less-than operator <
is used.
This function ranges anywhere from slightly to significantly slower than table.sort
and should only be used in cases where sorting stability is a requirement.
Warning: if the comparison function throws an error and that error is caught, the array may be left in an indeterminate state.
local function table_len(...)
table_len = require("Module:table").length
return table_len(...)
-- insertion sort: sort part of array tbl[i0] ... tbl[i1] with comparison function less
local function sort_insertion(tbl, less, i0, i1)
local i = i0 + 1, j
while i <= i1 do
j = i
local tmp = tbl[j]
while j > i0 and ((less and less(tmp, tbl[j - 1])) or (not less and tmp < tbl[j - 1])) do
tbl[j] = tbl[j - 1]
j = j - 1
tbl[j] = tmp
i = i + 1
-- merge: merge runs src[i0] ... src[i2 - 1] and src[i2] ... src[i3] with comparison function less
-- and output merged run into dst[i0] ... dst[i3]
-- note: assumes i0 < i2 and i2 <= i3 for performance reasons.
local function sort_merge(dst, src, less, i0, i2, i3)
local i1 = i2 - 1
-- left and right run pointers
local a, b = i0, i2
local i, j
for j = i0, i3 do
if (less and less(src[b], src[a])) or (not less and src[b] < src[a]) then
-- src[a] > src[b]: item from right run
dst[j] = src[b]
if b >= i3 then
-- remaining items from the left run
for i = a, i1 do
j = j + 1
dst[j] = src[i]
b = b + 1
-- src[a] <= src[b]: item from left run
dst[j] = src[a]
if a >= i1 then
-- remaining items from the right run
for i = b, i3 do
j = j + 1
dst[j] = src[i]
a = a + 1
local function stable_sort(tbl, comp)
local b, n = 1, table_len(tbl) -- start and end of table
local i, k -- index, merge increment
local k = 8
local sort_insertion = sort_insertion
for i = b, n, k do
-- insertion sort for small blocks
local e = i + k - 1
if e > n then e = n end
sort_insertion(tbl, comp, i, e)
-- no need to merge, array is small enough
if n <= k then return end
-- merge sort the rest from the bottom up; now we have
-- runs of K all sorted
local buf = {}
-- to avoid copies, swap between two buffers on every iteration
local src, dst = tbl, buf
local sort_merge = sort_merge
local k2 = k + k
for i = b, n, k2 do
-- e.g. k = 8: we take two 8-item blocks and merge into a 16-item one
-- start of right run
local s = i + k
if s > n then
-- copy remaining from src to dst
for j = i, n do
dst[j] = src[j]
-- end of right run
local e = s + k - 1
if e > n then e = n end
sort_merge(dst, src, comp, i, s, e)
k = k2 -- double k
-- swap buffers
src, dst = dst, src
until k >= n
if src ~= tbl then
-- final sorted array in buf; copy back to tbl
for i = b, n do
tbl[i] = src[i]
return stable_sort