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A data module that creates all sortkeys for a page at once so they don't have to be regenerated for every template that adds a category. Unfortunately, using it in Module:languages causes memory to go up, not down, in memory-heavy pages like a. This may be because of the way mw.loadData works. It creates a bunch of new tables and functions every time it's called. (See the source code on the GitHub mirror.) Oh well.

-- Load the wikitext of a page, look at each top-level header, and if it is a
-- valid language name, generate a sortkey for it. Return all sortkeys.
local function generate_sortkeys(title)
	local sortkeys = {}
	local success, title_object = pcall(mw.title.new, title)
	local content
	if success and title_object then -- If title was valid, get content.
		content = title_object:getContent()
	if not content then
		mw.log(string.format("Page name '%s' invalid or could not get page content. "
			.. "Could not create sortkeys.",
		return sortkeys -- Return empty table.
	local get_by_name = require "Module:languages".getByCanonicalName
	for language_name in content:gmatch("%f[=]==%f[^=](.-)%f[=]==%f[^=]") do
		local lang = get_by_name(language_name)
		-- If name is valid, make a sortkey and add it to the table with the
		-- language code as key.
		if lang then
			sortkeys[lang:getCode()] = (lang:makeSortKey(title, nil, true))
	return sortkeys

return generate_sortkeys(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text)