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This module will transliterate Shan language text per Wiktionary:Shan transliteration per WT:SHN TR. The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules. To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}. Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.

For testcases, see Module:shn-translit/testcases.


tr(text, lang, sc)
Transliterates a given piece of text written in the script specified by the code sc, and language specified by the code lang.
When the transliteration fails, returns nil.

local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local match = mw.ustring.match
local u = require("Module:string/char")

local export = {}

local initial_table	= {
	["ၵ"] = "k", ["ၶ"] = "kh", ["ၷ"] = "g", ["ꧠ"] = "gh", ["င"] = "ng",
	["ၸ"] = "ts", ["ꧡ"] = "tsh", ["ၹ"] = "z", ["ꧢ"] = "zh", ["ၺ"] = "ny",
	["ꩦ"] = "tt", ["ꩧ"] = "tth", ["ꩨ"] = "dd", ["ꩩ"] = "ddh", ["ꧣ"] = "nn",
	["တ"] = "t", ["ထ"] = "th", ["ၻ"] = "d", ["ꩪ"] = "dh", ["ၼ"] = "n",
	["ပ"] = "p", ["ၽ"] = "ph", ["ၾ"] = "f", ["ၿ"] = "b", ["ꧤ"] = "bh", ["မ"] = "m",
	["ယ"] = "y", ["ရ"] = "r", ["လ"] = "l", ["ဝ"] = "w",
	["ႀ"] = "x", ["သ"] = "s", ["ႁ"] = "h", ["ꩮ"] = "ll", ["ဢ"] = "ʼ", --U+02BC

local glide_table = {
	["ျ"]	= "j",
	["ြ"]	= "r",
	["ႂ"]	= "w",
	[""]	= "",

local vowel_table = {
	[""]	= "a",
	["ၢ"]	= "aa",
	["ိ"]	= "i",
	["ဵ"]	= "ae",
	["ႅ"]	= "e",
	["ု"]	= "u",
	["ူ"]	= "uu",
	["ွ"]	= "au",
	["ို"]	= "ue",
	["ိူ"]	= "oe",
	["ႃ"]	= "aa",
	["ီ"]	= "ii",
	["ေ"]	= "ee",
	["ႄ"]	= "aae",
	["ူဝ်"]	= "o",
	["ေႃ"]	= "au",
	["ိုဝ်"]	= "ue",
	["ိူဝ်"]	= "oe",
	["ႆ"]	= "ai",
	["ႆၢ"]	= "aai",
	["ၢႆ"]	= "aai",
	["ုၺ်"]	= "ui",
	["ူၺ်"]	= "oi",
	["ွႆ"]	= "aui",
	["ိုၺ်"]	= "uei",
	["ိူၺ်"]	= "oei",
	["ဝ်"]	= "ao",
	["ၢဝ်"]	= "aao",
	["ိဝ်"]	= "io",
	["ဵဝ်"]	= "aeo",
	["ႅဝ်"]	= "eao",
	["ႂ်"]	= "aue",

local coda_table = {
	["မ်"]	= "m",
	["ၼ်"]	= "n",
	["င်"]	= "ng",
	["ပ်"]	= "p",
	["တ်"]	= "t",
	["ၵ်"]	= "k",
	[""]	= "",

local tone_table = {
	[""]	= u(0x030C),
	["ႇ"]	= u(0x0300),
	["ႈ"]	= u(0x0304),
	["း"]	= u(0x0301),
	["ႉ"]	= u(0x0302) .. u(0x0330),
	["ႊ"]	= u(0x1DC8),

local digits = {
	["႐"] = "0", ["႑"] = "1", ["႒"] = "2", ["႓"] = "3", ["႔"] = "4",
	["႕"] = "5", ["႖"] = "6", ["႗"] = "7", ["႘"] = "8", ["႙"] = "9",
	["၀"] = "0", ["၁"] = "1", ["၂"] = "2", ["၃"] = "3", ["၄"] = "4",
	["၅"] = "5", ["၆"] = "6", ["၇"] = "7", ["၈"] = "8", ["၉"] = "9",

local syllable_pattern = 
	"^([ၵၶၷꧠငၸꧡၹꧢၺꩦꩧꩨꩩꧣတထၻꩪၼပၽၾၿꧤမယရလဝႀသႁꩮဢ])" ..
	"([ျြႂ]?)" ..
	"([ဝွႂႃိီုူေႄဵႅၢႆ်]*)" ..
	"([မၼငၺပတၵ]?်?)" ..
local repeat_syllabify = 
	"([^ ])([ၵၶၷꧠငၸꧡၹꧢၺꩦꩧꩨꩩꧣတထၻꩪၼပၽၾၿꧤမယရလဝႀသႁꩮဢ][^်])"

function export.tr(text, lang, sc)
	text = gsub(text, ".", digits)
	while match(text, repeat_syllabify) do
		text = gsub(text, repeat_syllabify, "%1 %2")
	local new, untoned
	for old in mw.text.gsplit(text, " ") do
		new = gsub(old, syllable_pattern, function(initial, glide, vowel, coda, tone)
			untoned = initial_table[initial] ..
				(vowel_table[glide .. vowel .. coda] or
					glide_table[glide] ..
					(vowel_table[vowel .. coda] or 
						(vowel_table[vowel] or vowel) .. 
						(coda_table[coda] or coda)))
			return gsub(untoned, "([aeiou])", "%1" .. tone_table[tone], 1)
		text = gsub(text, old, new, 1)
	if not match(text, "[က-႟ꩠ-ꩿꧠ-ꧾ]") then
		return text
		return nil

return export