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This module needs documentation.
Please document this module by describing its purpose and usage on the documentation page.

local export = {}

local flagmap = {
	["High-Up"] = "[[File:Semaphore Numeric.svg|120px]]",
	["Low-High"] = "[[File:Semaphore Cancel.svg|120px]]",
	["Down-Low"] = "[[File:Semaphore Alpha.svg|120px]]",
	["Down-Out"] = "[[File:Semaphore Bravo.svg|120px]]",
	["Down-High"] = "[[File:Semaphore Charlie.svg|120px]]",
	["Down-Up"] = "[[File:Semaphore Delta.svg|120px]]",
	["High-Down"] = "[[File:Semaphore Echo.svg|120px]]",
	["Out-Down"] = "[[File:Semaphore Foxtrot.svg|120px]]",
	["Low-Down"] = "[[File:Semaphore Golf.svg|120px]]",
	["AcrossLow-Out"] = "[[File:Semaphore Hotel.svg|120px]]",
	["AcrossLow-High"] = "[[File:Semaphore India.svg|120px]]",
	["Out-Up"] = "[[File:Semaphore Juliet.svg|120px]]",
	["Up-Low"] = "[[File:Semaphore Kilo.svg|120px]]",
	["High-Low"] = "[[File:Semaphore Lima.svg|120px]]",
	["Out-Low"] = "[[File:Semaphore Mike.svg|120px]]",
	["Low-Low"] = "[[File:Semaphore November.svg|120px]]",
	["AcrossHigh-Out"] = "[[File:Semaphore Oscar.svg|120px]]",
	["Up-Out"] = "[[File:Semaphore Papa.svg|120px]]",
	["High-Out"] = "[[File:Semaphore Quebec.svg|120px]]",
	["Out-Out"] = "[[File:Semaphore Romeo.svg|120px]]",
	["Low-Out"] = "[[File:Semaphore Sierra.svg|120px]]",
	["Up-High"] = "[[File:Semaphore Tango.svg|120px]]",
	["High-High"] = "[[File:Semaphore Uniform.svg|120px]]",
	["Low-Up"] = "[[File:Semaphore Victor.svg|120px]]",
	["Out-AcrossHigh"] = "[[File:Semaphore Whiskey.svg|120px]]",
	["Low-AcrossHigh"] = "[[File:Semaphore X-ray.svg|120px]]",
	["Out-High"] = "[[File:Semaphore Yankee.svg|120px]]",
	["Out-AcrossLow"] = "[[File:Semaphore Zulu.svg|120px]]",
	["Down-Down"] = "[[File:Semaphore Ready.svg|120px]]",
	["Up-Up"] = "[[File:Semaphore Up Up.svg|120px]]",
	["HighAndLow-HighAndLow"] = "[[File:Semaphore Error.svg|120px]]",

function export.textToImages(text)
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "LeftFlag", "")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "RightFlag", "")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "[^ ]*", flagmap)

	return text

local parts_of_speech = {
	["letter"] = "letters",
	["syllable"] = "syllables",
	["number"] = "numbers",
	["punctuation mark"] = "punctuation marks",
	["symbol"] = "symbols",
	["interjection"] = "interjections",

function export.headword(frame)

	local language_code = frame.args["1"]
	local current_pos = frame.args["2"]

	local language_object = require("Module:languages").getByCode(language_code)
	local sc = require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Semap")

	local m_head = require("Module:headword")

	local head = frame:getParent().args["head"]
	if not head or head == "" then
		head = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText

	local display = '<span style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle">' .. export.textToImages(head) .. '</span>'
	local data = {lang = language_object, sc = sc, categories = {}, sort_key = head, heads = {display}}
	if parts_of_speech[current_pos] then
		data.pos_category = parts_of_speech[current_pos]

	return m_head.full_headword(data)

return export