- The following documentation is located at Module:ru-nominal/documentation. [edit] Categories were auto-generated by Module:module categorization. [edit]
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
This module holds functions shared between ru-noun and ru-adjective.
local export = {}
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("ru")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local com = require("Module:ru-common")
local m_ru_translit = require("Module:ru-translit")
local m_table_tools = require("Module:table tools")
local u = mw.ustring.char
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local usub = mw.ustring.sub
local HYPMARKER = "⟐"
-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval
-- Insert an entry into an existing list if not already present, comparing the entry to items in the existing list
-- using a key function. If entry already found, combine it into the existing entry using combine_func, a function of
-- two arguments (the existing and new entries), which should return the combined entry. Return false if entry already
-- found, true if new entry inserted. If combine_func not specified, the existing entry is left alone. If combine_func
-- is specified, the return value will be written over the existing value (i.e. the existing list will be modified
-- in-place).
-- FIXME: General enough to consider moving to [[Module:table]].
local function insert_if_not_by_key(list, new_entry, keyfunc, combine_func)
local new_entry_key = keyfunc(new_entry)
for i, item in ipairs(list) do
local item_key = keyfunc(item)
if m_table.deepEquals(item_key, new_entry_key) then
if combine_func then
list[i] = combine_func(item, new_entry)
return false
table.insert(list, new_entry)
return true
-- Used for manual translit --
function export.combine_stem_and_suffix(stem, tr, suf, rules, old)
local first = usub(suf, 1, 1)
if rules then
local conv = rules[first]
if conv then
local ending = usub(suf, 2)
-- The following regexp is not quite the same as com.vowels. For one thing
-- it includes й, which is important. It leaves out ы, which may or may not
-- be important.
if old and conv == "и" and rfind(ending, "^́?[аеёиійоуэюяѣ]") then
conv = "і"
suf = conv .. ending
-- If <adj> is present in the suffix, it means we need to translate it
-- specially; do that now.
local is_adj = rfind(suf, "<adj>")
suf = rsub(suf, "<adj>", "")
local suftr = is_adj and m_ru_translit.tr_adj(suf, "mono")
return com.concat_russian_tr(stem, tr, suf, suftr, "dopair"), suf
-- Formatting forms for display --
-- Generate a string to substitute into a particular form in a Wiki-markup table. `forms` is the list of forms,
-- generated by concat_word_forms(). `is_lemma` is true if we're formatting the entry for use in displaying the lemma
-- in the declension table title. In this case, we don't include the translit, and remove monosyllabic accents from the
-- Cyrillic (but not in multiword expressions). `accel_form` is the form code to speicfy in the accelerator, e.g.
-- 'nom|m|s', or nil for no accelerator. `lemma_forms` is the list of {RU, TR} lemma forms for use in the accelerator,
-- or nil if `accel_form` is nil. `remove_monosyllabic_accents_lemma_only` indicates that monosyllabic accents should
-- be removed only in the lemma; otherwise we remove them from all forms. (FIXME: Rethink why we have this flag; we
-- should be consistent.)
function export.show_form(forms, is_lemma, accel_form, lemma_forms, remove_monosyllabic_accents_lemma_only)
local russianvals = {}
local latinvals = {}
local lemmavals = {}
-- First fetch the lemma forms and translit. If there are adjacent forms that have identical Russian including
-- stress but different translit (e.g. азербайджа́нец with translits 'azerbajdžánec' and 'azɛrbajdžánec'), we
-- combine the translits, comma-separating them. (This is necessary because there is currently only one tr=
-- field per term.) We don't do this when processing the forms below; instead we handle this in a different
-- and more general fashion (see below).
local lemmaru, lemmatr
if accel_form and lemma_forms and lemma_forms[1] ~= "-" then
lemma_forms = com.combine_translit_of_duplicate_forms(com.strip_notes_from_forms(lemma_forms))
for i, form in ipairs(lemma_forms) do
local ru, tr = unpack(lemma_forms[i])
ru, tr = com.remove_monosyllabic_accents(ru, tr)
lemma_forms[i] = {ru, tr}
lemmaru, lemmatr = com.unzip_forms(lemma_forms)
-- Accumulate separately the Russian and transliteration into RUSSIANVALS and LATINVALS, then concatenate each down
-- below. We need a fair amount of logic here:
-- (1) to separate out footnote symbols;
-- (2) to separate out the hypothetical marker (a footnote symbol but causes display of the Russian and translit
-- in a special font);
-- (3) to maybe remove monosyllabic accents;
-- (4) to deduplicate repeated forms.
-- We used to generate the display (HTML) as we went, but this prevented proper deduplication because the
-- accelerator classes included in the HTML were different for otherwise identical forms. (Specifically, if two
-- forms are the same in the Russian but different in the translit, the Russian will have different display forms
-- because the translit is included in the accelerator classes.) So what we do is accumulate, separately for the
-- Russian and translit, objects containing the entry (Russian or translit), the separated footnote symbols,
-- whether the entry is hypothetical, and (for Russian only) the corresponding translit(s), for accelerator
-- generation. As we accumulate, we duduplicate based only on comparing the entries of two objects. If we need to
-- deduplicate two objects, we also need to combine their footnotes and transliteration (in the latter case, by
-- comma-separating; we do this because there is only one tr= field for each term).
for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
local ru, tr = form[1], form[2]
local ruentry, runotes = m_table_tools.separate_notes(ru)
local trentry, trnotes
if tr then
trentry, trnotes = m_table_tools.separate_notes(tr)
trnotes = rsub(trnotes, HYPMARKER, "")
if (is_lemma or not remove_monosyllabic_accents_lemma_only) then
ruentry, trentry = com.remove_monosyllabic_accents(ruentry, trentry)
local ishyp = rfind(runotes, HYPMARKER)
if ishyp then
runotes = rsub(runotes, HYPMARKER, "")
local ruobj = {entry = ruentry, tr = {trentry or true}, ishyp = ishyp, notes = runotes}
if not trentry then
trentry = com.translit_no_links(ruentry)
if not trnotes then
trnotes = com.translit_no_links(runotes)
local trobj = {entry = trentry, ishyp = ishyp, notes = trnotes}
local function keyfunc(obj)
return obj.entry
local function combine_func_ru(obj1, obj2)
for _, tr in ipairs( do
m_table.insertIfNot(, tr)
obj1.notes = obj1.notes .. obj2.notes
obj1.ishyp = obj1.ishyp or obj2.ishyp
return obj1
local function combine_func_tr(obj1, obj2)
obj1.notes = obj1.notes .. obj2.notes
obj1.ishyp = obj1.ishyp or obj2.ishyp
return obj1
if is_lemma then
-- m_table.insertIfNot(lemmavals, ruspan .. " (" .. trspan .. ")")
insert_if_not_by_key(lemmavals, ruobj, keyfunc, combine_func_ru)
insert_if_not_by_key(russianvals, ruobj, keyfunc, combine_func_ru)
insert_if_not_by_key(latinvals, trobj, keyfunc, combine_func_tr)
-- Now finally format each object and concatenate them together.
local function concatenate_ru(objs)
local is_missing = false
for i, obj in ipairs(objs) do
local accel = nil
if lemmaru then
local translit = nil
if == 1 and[1] == true then
-- no translit
for j, tr in ipairs( do
if tr == true then[j] = com.translit_no_links(obj.entry)
translit = table.concat(, ", ")
accel = {form = accel_form, translit = translit, lemma = lemmaru, lemma_translit = lemmatr}
if obj.entry == "-" and #forms == 1 then
objs[i] = "—"
is_missing = true
if obj.ishyp then
-- no accelerator for hypothetical forms
objs[i] = m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = nil, alt = obj.entry, tr = "-"}, "hypothetical")
objs[i] = m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = obj.entry, tr = "-", accel = accel})
objs[i] = objs[i] .. m_table_tools.superscript_notes(obj.notes)
return table.concat(objs, ", "), is_missing
local function concatenate_tr(objs)
local scriptutils = require("Module:script utilities")
for i, obj in ipairs(objs) do
local trspan = m_links.remove_links(obj.entry) .. m_table_tools.superscript_notes(obj.notes)
if obj.ishyp then
-- FIXME, in the old [[Module:ru-noun]] code, notes were omitted from hypothetical entries. Correct?
objs[i] = scriptutils.tag_text(trspan, lang, require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Latn"),
objs[i] = scriptutils.tag_translit(trspan, lang, "default", " style=\"color: #888;\"")
return table.concat(objs, ", ")
if is_lemma then
local russian_span, is_missing = concatenate_ru(lemmavals)
return russian_span
local russian_span, is_missing = concatenate_ru(russianvals)
if is_missing then
return russian_span
local latin_span = concatenate_tr(latinvals)
return russian_span .. "<br />" .. latin_span
-- Sibilant/Velar/ц rules --
local stressed_sibilant_rules = {
["я"] = "а",
["ы"] = "и",
["ё"] = "о́",
["ю"] = "у",
local stressed_c_rules = {
["я"] = "а",
["ё"] = "о́",
["ю"] = "у",
local unstressed_sibilant_rules = {
["я"] = "а",
["ы"] = "и",
["о"] = "е",
["ю"] = "у",
local unstressed_c_rules = {
["я"] = "а",
["о"] = "е",
["ю"] = "у",
local velar_rules = {
["ы"] = "и",
export.stressed_rules = {
["ш"] = stressed_sibilant_rules,
["щ"] = stressed_sibilant_rules,
["ч"] = stressed_sibilant_rules,
["ж"] = stressed_sibilant_rules,
["ц"] = stressed_c_rules,
["к"] = velar_rules,
["г"] = velar_rules,
["х"] = velar_rules,
export.unstressed_rules = {
["ш"] = unstressed_sibilant_rules,
["щ"] = unstressed_sibilant_rules,
["ч"] = unstressed_sibilant_rules,
["ж"] = unstressed_sibilant_rules,
["ц"] = unstressed_c_rules,
["к"] = velar_rules,
["г"] = velar_rules,
["х"] = velar_rules,
export.nonsyllabic_suffixes = m_table.listToSet({"", "ъ", "ь", "й"})
export.sibilant_suffixes = m_table.listToSet({"ш", "щ", "ч", "ж"})
return export