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This module is experimental.
The details of its operation have not yet been fully decided upon. Do not deploy widely until the module is finished.

Pronunciation module for Bouyei. See {{pcc-pron}}.

local export = {}
local find = mw.ustring.find
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local match = mw.ustring.match
local gmatch = mw.ustring.gmatch
local gsplit = mw.text.gsplit
local lower = mw.ustring.lower
local upper = mw.ustring.upper
local len = mw.ustring.len

-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouyei_language

local initialConv = {
	['b']   = 'p',
	['p']	= 'pʰ',
	['mb']  = 'ɓ',
	['m']   = 'm',
	['f']   = 'f',
	['v']   = 'v',
	['w']   = 'w', -- to support /v/ ~ [w] in some cases

	['d']   = 't',
	['t']	= 'tʰ',
	['nd']  = 'ɗ',
	['n']   = 'n',
	['sl']	= 'ɬ',
	['l']   = 'l',

	['g']   = 'k',
	['k']   = 'kʰ',
	['ng']  = 'ŋ',
	['h']   = 'x',
	['hr']	= 'ɣ',

	['j']	= 't͡ɕ',
	['q']	= 't͡ɕʰ',
	['ny']  = 'ɲ',
	['x']   = 'ɕ',
	['y']   = 'j',
	['z']	= 't͡s',
	['c']	= 't͡sʰ',
	['s']   = 's',
	['r']   = 'z',
	['by']  = 'pʲ',
	['my']  = 'mʲ',
	['qy']	= 'ˀj',
	['gv']  = 'kʷ',
	['ngv'] = 'ŋʷ',
	['qv']  = 'ˀv',

	['']    = 'ʔ',

local rimeConv = {
	['a']		= 'a',
	['o']		= 'o',
	['ô']		= 'ɔ',
	['ee']		= 'e',
	['ê']		= 'ɛ', -- e in Chinese loanwords
	['i']		= 'i',
	['î']		= 'z̩',
	['u']		= 'u',
	['e']		= 'ɯ',
	['aai']		= 'aːi',
	['ai']		= 'ɐi',
	['oi']		= 'oːi',
	['ei']		= 'ɯi',
	['aau']		= 'aːu',
	['au']		= 'ɐu',
	['eeu']		= 'eːu',
	['iu']		= 'iu',
	['ae']		= 'ɐɯ',
	['ie']		= 'iə',
	['ue']		= 'uə',
	['ea']		= 'ɯə',
	['aam']		= 'aːm',
	['am']		= 'ɐm',
	['oom']		= 'oːm',
	['om']		= 'ɔm',
	['eem']		= 'eːm',
	['iam']		= 'iəm',
	['im']		= 'im',
	['uam']		= 'uəm',
	['um']		= 'um',
	['eam']		= 'ɯəm',
	['aan']		= 'aːn',
	['an']		= 'ɐn',
	['oon']		= 'oːn',
	['on']		= 'ɔn',
	['een']		= 'eːn',
	['ian']		= 'iən',
	['in']		= 'in',
	['uan']		= 'uən',
	['un']		= 'un',
	['ean']		= 'ɯən',
	['en']		= 'ɯn',
	['aang']	= 'aːŋ',
	['ang']		= 'ɐŋ',
	['oong']	= 'oːŋ',
	['ong']		= 'ɔŋ',
	['eeng']	= 'eːŋ',
	['iang']	= 'iəŋ',
	['ing']		= 'iŋ',
	['uang']	= 'uəŋ',
	['ung']		= 'uŋ',
	['eang']	= 'ɯəŋ',
	['eng']		= 'ɯŋ',
	['aab']		= 'aːp̚',
	['ab']		= 'ɐp̚',
	['oob']		= 'oːp̚',
	['ob']		= 'ɔp̚',
	['eeb']		= 'eːp̚',
	['iab']		= 'iəp̚',
	['ib']		= 'ip̚',
	['uab']		= 'uəp̚',
	['ub']		= 'up̚',
	['eab']		= 'ɯəp̚',
	['eb']		= 'ɯp̚',
	['aad']		= 'aːt̚',
	['ad']		= 'ɐt̚',
	['ood']		= 'oːt̚',
	['od']		= 'ɔt̚',
	['eed']		= 'eːt̚',
	['iad']		= 'iət̚',
	['id']		= 'it̚',
	['uad']		= 'uət̚',
	['ud']		= 'ut̚',
	['ead']		= 'ɯət̚',
	['ed']		= 'ɯt̚',
	['ag']		= 'ɐk̚',
	['og']		= 'ɔk̚',
	['eeg']		= 'ek̚',
	['ig']		= 'ik̚',
	['ug']		= 'uk̚',
	['eg']		= 'ɯk̚',
	['ia']		= 'ia',
	['io']		= 'io',
	['iao']		= 'iɐu',
	['ua']		= 'ua',
	['ui']		= 'ui',
	['uai']		= 'uɐi',
	['ao']		= 'aːu',
	['ou']		= 'əu',
	['er']		= 'ɚ',

local toneConv = {
	['l']	= '˨˦',
	['z']	= '˩',
	['c']	= '˥˧',
	['x']	= '˧˩',
	['s']	= '˧˥',
	['h']	= '˧',
	['t']	= '˧˥',
	['']	= '˧',
	['y']	= '˧',
	['f']	= '˧˩',
	['j']	= '˥˧',
	['q']	= '˨˦',

local function get_tone(syllable)
	local toneless, tone = syllable, ""
	if find(syllable, "[lzcxshtyfjq]$") then
		toneless, tone = match(syllable, "([a-z]+)([lzcxshtyfjq])$")
	mw.log(toneless, tone)
	return toneless, tone

local function syllabify(text)
	text = gsub(text, "'", " ")
	text = gsub(text, "([aeiou][^aeiou])([aeiou])", "%1 %2")
	--text = gsub(text, "([lzcxshtyfjqbdg])([^aeiou])", "%1 %2")
	return mw.text.gsplit(text, "[- ]")

function export.ipa(text)
	text = string.lower(text)
	local syllables = {}
	for syllable in syllabify(text) do
		local initial, rime, tone
		syllable, tone = get_tone(syllable)
		initial, rime = match(syllable, "^([mnshbq]?[bpfwdtlgkrjyxzc]?v?)([aeiou][aeiou]?[ioubdgmnr]?g?)$")
		if not initial or not rime then
			error(syllable .. " cannot be recognized")
		if find(tone, "^[yfjq]$") then
			if initial == "e" then
				initial = "ê"
			elseif initial == "o" then
				initial = "ô"
			elseif initial == "i" and find(final, "^[zcsr]$") then
				initial = "î"
		local initial_ipa, rime_ipa, tone_value = initialConv[initial], rimeConv[rime], toneConv[tone]
		if not initial_ipa then
			error(initial .. " is not a valid initial")
		elseif not rime_ipa then
			error(rime .. " is not a valid rime")
		table.insert(syllables, initial_ipa .. rime_ipa .. tone_value)
	return "/" .. table.concat(syllables, ".") .. "/"

function export.show(frame)
	local params = {
		[1] = { },
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
	local text = args[1]
	if not text then text = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text end
	local display = string.format("* %s",
		require("Module:IPA").format_IPA_full {
			lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("pcc"),
			items = {{ pron = export.ipa(text) }},
	return display

return export