- This module lacks a documentation subpage. Please create it.
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
local export = {}
local pos_functions = {}
local legal_verb_class = {
["vta"] = true,
["vti"] = true,
["via"] = true,
["vii"] = true
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("oj")
local m_scripts = require("Module:languages")
local Latn = m_scripts.getByCode("Latn")
local Cans = m_scripts.getByCode("Cans")
-- helper functions
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local usub = mw.ustring.sub
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval
local function get_index(str, list)
if list == nil then return -1 end
for i = 1, #list do if str == list[i] then return i end end
return -1
local function in_set(str, list) if get_index(str, list) ~= -1 then return true else return false end end
local function char_at(str, pos) return usub(str, pos, pos) end
-- The main entry point.
-- This is the only function that can be invoked from a template.
PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local args = frame:getParent().args
local poscat = frame.args[1] or error("Part of speech has not been specified. Please pass parameter 1 to the module invocation.")
local cat = args["cat"]; if cat == "" then cat = nil end
local cat2 = args["cat2"]; if cat2 == "" then cat2 = nil end
local cat3 = args["cat3"]; if cat3 == "" then cat3 = nil end
local head = args["head"]; if head == "" then head = nil end
local data = {lang = lang, pos_category = cat or poscat, categories = {}, heads = {head}, genders = {}, inflections = {}}
if cat2 then table.insert(data.categories, "Ojibwe " .. cat2) end
if cat3 then table.insert(data.categories, "Ojibwe " .. cat3) end
if pos_functions[poscat] then
pos_functions[poscat](args, data)
return require("Module:headword").full_headword(data)
pos_functions["nouns"] = function(args, data)
local script_code = args[1]
local translit = args[2]
script = Latn
if script_code == "c" then script = Cans end
if translit ~= nil then
if script_code == "c" then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "Latin spelling", sc=Latn, translit})
else table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "Canadian syllabics spelling", sc=Cans, translit})
local gender = args["g"]
local plural = args["pl"]
local plother = args["plother"]
local obv = args["obv"]
local loc = args["loc"]
local dim = args["dim"]
if gender == "an" then table.insert(data.genders, "an")
elseif gender == "in" then table.insert(data.genders, "in")
else end
if plural ~= nil then
if gender == "an" then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "plural", sc=script, accel = {form = "p"}, plural})
elseif gender == "in" then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "plural", sc=script, accel = {form = "p//obv"}, plural})
else table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "plural", plural}) end
if plother ~= nil then
if script_code == "Cans" then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "plural Latin spelling", sc=Latn, plother})
else table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "plural Canadian syllabics spelling", sc=Cans, plother})
if obv ~= nil then
if gender == "an" then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "obviative", sc=script, accel = {form = "obv"}, obv})
elseif gender == "in" then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "obviative", sc=script, accel = {form = "p//obv"}, obv})
else table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "obviative", plural}) end
if loc ~= nil then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "locative", sc=script, accel = {form = "loc"}, loc}) end
if dim ~= nil then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "diminutive", sc=script, accel = {form = "dim"}, dim}) end
pos_functions["verbs"] = function(args, data)
local script = args[1]
local class = args[2]
if class == "vta" then
table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "animate transitive", nil})
table.insert(data.categories, "Ojibwe verb transitive animate (vta)")
elseif class == "vti" then
table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "inanimate transitive", nil})
table.insert(data.categories, "Ojibwe verb transitive inanimate (vti)")
elseif class == "vai" then
table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "animate intransitive", nil})
table.insert(data.categories, "Ojibwe verb animate intransitive (vai)")
elseif class == "vii" then
table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "inanimate intransitive", nil})
table.insert(data.categories, "Ojibwe verb inanimate intransitive (vii)")
error("invalid verb class")
local ccf = args["ccf"]
if ccf ~= nil then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "changed conjunct form", ccf}) end
local rdf = args["rdf"]
if rdf ~= nil then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "reduplicated form", rdf}) end
local stem = args["stem"]
if stem ~= nil then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "stem", stem}) end
return export