- The following documentation is located at Module:ne-IPA-Deva/documentation. [edit]
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
Note: ç and ʐ are t͡s and d͡z
- :
ʣin ʦil çʌ çʰʌ ʐʌ ʐʱʌ ī ū iː uː bud̪̚d̪ʱʌm t̪ʰʌ d̪ʱʌ pʰʌ ɛʈ ænɖ ɛnɖ lɑʈ.ri bi.bä̤ː sräwʌɳ ɦʌlo çʰäːɾä çʌ.ɾä ʐäːʐ kärːe pʌɾ.jo bisːo ʌkçʰer ʌk̚çʰer çʰet̪ri t̪es bisːo räʐʐe ʌu̯sʌdi mʌu̯sʌdi mʌi̯le ʌ̃ũ̯sʌdi mʌ̃ĩ̯ mʌ̃ũ̯
- :
जिन् चिल् ज् च् च छ ज झ ई ऊ ई ऊ बुद्धम् थ ध फ ऍट् ऍन्ड् ऍन्ड् लॉट्रि बिबाः स्राओण् हलो छाःरा चरा जाःज् कार्रे पर्यो बिस्सो अक्छेर् अक्छेर् छेत्रि तेस् बिस्सो राज्जे औसदि मौसदि मैले औंसदि मैं मौं
local gmatch = mw.ustring.gmatch
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local match = mw.ustring.match
local sub = mw.ustring.sub
local u = require("Module:string/char")
local export = {}
local c = {
["Deva"] = {
['k']='क', ['ɡ']='ग', ['kʰ']='ख', ['ɡʱ']='घ', ['ŋ']='ङ',
['ɲ']='ञ', ['ç']='च', ['ʐ']='ज', ['çʰ']='छ', ['ʐʱ']='झ',
['ʦ']='च', ['ʣ']='ज', ['ʦʰ']='छ', ['ʣʱ']='झ',
['ʈ']='ट', ['ɖ']='ड', ['ʈʰ']='ठ', ['ɖʱ']='ढ', ['ɳ']='ण',
['t̪']='त', ['d̪']='द', ['t̪ʰ']='थ', ['d̪ʱ']='ध', ['n']='न', ['n̪']='न',
['l̪']='ल', ['t']='त', ['d']='द', ['tʰ']='थ', ['dʱ']='ध',
['p']='प', ['b']='ब', ['pʰ']='फ', ['bʱ']='भ', ['m']='म',
['j']='य', ['r']='र', ['l']='ल', ['w']='व', ['v']='व', ['ʃ']='श',
['ʂ']='ष', ['s']='स', ['z']='ज़', ['ɦ']='ह', ['ʒ']='ॹ',
['ɽ']='ड', ['ɽʱ']='ढ', ['ɸ']='फ', ['f']='फ', ['x']='ख़',
['β']='ब', ['ɣ']='ग', ['ɡ̞']='ग', ['k̞ʰ']='ख', ['ɾ']='र',
['.']='', ['̪']='', ['͡']='', ['t̚t͡s']='च्च', ['d̚d͡z']='ज्ज',
['t̚t͡sʰ']='च्छ', ['d̚d͡zʱ']='ज्झ', ['ɭ']='ळ',
['ä']='आ', ['i']='इ', ['ī']='ई', ['u']='उ', ['ū']='ऊ',
['e']='ए', ['o']='ओ', ['ɔ']='ऑ', ['ɛ']='ऍ',
['ɑ']='ऑ', ['æ']='ऍ', ['ʌu̯']='औ', ['ʌi̯']='ऐ',
['ä̃']='आँ', ['ĩ']='इँ', ['ī̃']='ईं', ['ũ']='उँ', ['ū̃']='ऊँ',
['ẽ']='एँ', ['õ']='ओं', ['ʌ̃ũ̯']='औं', ['ʌ̃ĩ̯']='ऐं',
['ʌ̃']='अँ', ['̤ː̃']='ँः', ['ä̤ː̃']='आँः',
-- chandrabindu
-- visarga
['ː']='ः', ['̤']='', ['̚']='',
[""] = "",
local v = {
["Deva"] = {
["ʌ"] = "", ["ä"] = "ा",
["i"] = "ि", ["ī"] = "ी",
["u"] = "ु", ["ū"] = "ू",
["e"] = "े",
["ʌ̃"] = "ँ", ["ä̃"] = "ाँ", ["ä̤ː̃"] = "ाँः", ['̤ː̃']='ँः',
["ĩ"] = "िं", ["ī̃"] = "ीं",
["ũ"] = "ुुँ", ["ū̃"] = "ूूँ",
["ẽ"] = "ेें", ["ɛ"] = "ॅ", ["æ"] = "ॅ",
["o"] = "ो", ["õ"] = "ों", ["ɔ"] = "ॉ", ["ɑ"] = "ॉ",
[""] = "", ["ʌu̯"] = "ौ", ["ʌi̯"] = "ै", ["ʌ̃ũ̯"] = "ौं", ["ʌ̃ĩ̯"] = "ैैं",
local s = {
["Deva"] = {
["0"] = "०", ["1"] = "१", ["2"] = "२", ["3"] = "३", ["4"] = "४",
["5"] = "५", ["6"] = "६", ["7"] = "७", ["8"] = "८", ["9"] = "९",
["."] = "", [","] = "।", ["-"] = "",
local join = {
["Deva"] = "्",
local kill = {
["Deva"] = "्",
local nukta = u(0x09bc) -- Just list all those used here.
local function return_error(text)
return error(("Unrecognised part: \"%s\""):format(text))
function, script, options)
if type(text) == "table" then
options = {}
text, script = text.args[1], text.args[2]
local easy_syllable_pattern =
text = gsub(text, "[0-9%.,%-]", s[script])
-- Compose patterns for processing onsets.
local letter = "[^"..join[script]..nukta.."]["..nukta.."]?"
local letter_pair = "("..letter..")("..letter..")"
for word in gmatch(text, "[ʌäiīuɛæʌi̯ʌu̯ɔʌ̃ä̃ĩũẽõɡɭɑä̤̃ɑ̤ūeoːt̚d̚t̪d̪m͡ṃɦʰʱkhʐçʣʦgṅcjñṭḍṇtɾŋɽɲɳɖʈzqxcɣʒβɸðθʃdnpbmwyrlḷvs]+") do
local word_conv, orig_word = {}, word
word = gsub(word, "([aāäʌiīuūeoɛʌ̃ä̃ĩũẽõæɔʌi̯ʌu̯ɑä̤̃ɑ̤]ṃ?)", "%1 ")
word = gsub(word, " $", "")
for syllable in mw.text.gsplit(word, " ") do
if not match(syllable, "[aāäʌiīuūeoṃɛæʌ̃ä̃ĩũẽõʌi̯ʌu̯ɔɑä̤̃ɑ̤]$") then
syllable = syllable .. "ʌ" .. kill[script]
syllable = gsub(syllable, easy_syllable_pattern,
function(onset, vowel, coda, optJoin)
if onset == "" then
onset = vowel
vowel = ""
if not c[script][onset] then
onset = gsub(onset, ".ʰ", c[script])
onset = gsub(onset, ".ʱ", c[script])
onset = gsub(onset, ".͡", c[script])
onset = gsub(onset, "..ʱ", c[script])
onset = gsub(onset, "..ʰ", c[script])
onset = gsub(onset, ".", c[script])
-- Join pairs of consonants
onset = gsub(onset, letter_pair, "%1"..join[script].."%2")
-- Join adjacent consonants that were in different pairs.
onset = gsub(onset, letter_pair, "%1"..join[script].."%2")
onset = c[script][onset]
return onset .. (v[script][vowel] or return_error(vowel)) .. c[script][coda] .. optJoin
table.insert(word_conv, syllable)
word = table.concat(word_conv, "")
word = gsub(word, "इः्", "ई")
word = gsub(word, "उः्", "ऊ")
word = gsub(word, "ः्", "ः")
word = gsub(word, "िः्", "ी")
word = gsub(word, "ुः्", "ू")
word = gsub(word, "त्स्ʰ", "छ")
word = gsub(word, "द्ज़््", "ज्")
word = gsub(word, "अउ̯", "औ")
word = gsub(word, "अइ̯", "ऐ")
word = gsub(word, "उ̯", "ौ")
word = gsub(word, "इ̯", "ै")
word = gsub(word, "अँइँ̯", "ऐं")
word = gsub(word, "अँउँ̯", "औं")
word = gsub(word, "ँइँ̯", "ैं")
word = gsub(word, "ँउँ̯", "ौं")
word = gsub(word, "ॺ", "ढ़")
word = gsub(word, "([कखगघचछजझटठडढढ़ख़ड़णतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहङञॾॺफ़ज़ॹ])्ः", "%1्%1")
word = gsub(word, "([कखगघचछजझटठडढढ़ख़ड़णतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहङञॾॺफ़ज़ॹ])(्)य([कखगघचछजझटठडढढ़ख़ड़णतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहङञॾॺफ़ज़ॹ])", "%1े%3")
word = gsub(word, "([कखगघचछजझटठडढढ़ख़ड़णतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहङञॾॺफ़ज़ॹ]?)य([कखगघचछजझटठडढढ़ख़ड़णतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहङञॾॺफ़ज़ॹ])", "%1ए%2")
word = gsub(word, "([कखगघचछजझटठडढढ़ख़ड़णतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहङञॾॺफ़ज़ॹिीुूेैोौा])य$", "%1ए")
word = gsub(word, "([कखगघचछजझटठडढढ़ख़ड़णतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहङञॾॺफ़ज़ॹ]?)व([कखगघचछजझटठडढढ़ख़ड़णतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहङञॾॺफ़ज़ॹ])", "%1ओ%2")
word = gsub(word, "([कखगघचछजझटठडढढ़ख़ड़णतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहङञॾॺफ़ज़ॹ])(्)व([कखगघचछजझटठडढढ़ख़ड़णतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहङञॾॺफ़ज़ॹ])", "%1ो%3")
word = gsub(word, "ड़््", "ड़्")
text = gsub(text, orig_word, word, 1)
return text
return export