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Documentation for Module:mn-IPA/testcases. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the module.

12 of 14 tests failed. (refresh)

Failedсайн! (sajn!)/saiŋ!//ˈsɛːŋ!/
Failedсайн (sajn)/saiŋ//ˈsɛːŋ/
Failedавтобус (avtobus) respelled as "афто́бус"/afˈtʰɔpʊs//afˈtʰɔβʊs/
PassedБудда (Budda) respelled as "Будда́~"/pʊtˈta//pʊtˈta/
Passedтакси (taksi) respelled as "такси́~"/tʰakʰˈsi//tʰakʰˈsi/
Failedая (aja)/aj//ˈaj/
Failedай (aj)/ai//ˈɛː/
Failedцонх (conx)/t͡sɔŋx//ˈt͡sʰɔŋx/
Failedбайна (bajna)/pain//ˈpɛːn/
Failedэнэ (ene) respelled as "инэ"/in//ˈin/
Failedэнэ (ene)/in//ˈen/
Failedмонгол хэл (mongol xel) respelled as "мо́нгәл хил"/ˈmɔŋɡəɮ xiɮ//ˈmɔŋkəɮ xiɮ/
Failedмонгол хэл (mongol xel)/ˈmɔŋɡəɮ xiɮ//ˈmɔŋkɔɮ xeɮ/
Failedсайн байна уу (sajn bajna uu)/saim pain ʊː//ˈsɛːm pɛːn ʊː/