- The following documentation is located at Module:la-adj/data/documentation. [edit] Categories were auto-generated by Module:module categorization. [edit]
- Useful links: root page • root page’s subpages • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
local decl = {}
local m_la_utilities = require("Module:la-utilities")
local en_utilities_module = "Module:en-utilities"
local insert = table.insert
local remove_forms = m_la_utilities.remove_forms
local function glossary_link(anchor, text)
text = text or anchor
return "[[Appendix:Glossary#" .. anchor .. "|" .. text .. "]]"
local function decl_link(english_declension, decl_text)
decl_text = decl_text or english_declension .. "-declension"
return "[[Appendix:Latin " .. english_declension .. " declension|" .. decl_text .. "]]"
local function singularize(plural)
return require(en_utilities_module).singularize(plural)
decl["0+"] = function(data, args)
local stem = args[1]
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = stem
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = stem
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = stem
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = stem
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = stem
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = stem
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = stem
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = stem
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = stem
data.forms["loc_sg_m"] = stem
data.forms["loc_pl_m"] = stem
insert(data.categories, "Latin indeclinable " .. data.pos)
decl["1&2+"] = function(data, args)
local singpos = singularize(data.pos)
if data.gender == "F" then
data.title = decl_link("first") .. " " .. singpos
elseif data.gender then
data.title = decl_link("second") .. " " .. singpos
data.title = decl_link("first", "first") .. "/" .. decl_link("second") .. " " .. singpos
local stem = args[1]
local original = nil
if then
if mw.ustring.match(stem, "er$") then
insert(data.subtitles, "nominative masculine singular in ''-er''")
insert(data.categories, "Latin first and second declension "
.. data.pos .. " with nominative masculine singular in -er")
elseif mw.ustring.match(stem, "ur$") then
insert(data.subtitles, "nominative masculine singular in ''-ur''")
insert(data.categories, "Latin first and second declension "
.. data.pos .. " with nominative masculine singular in -ur")
error("Unrecognized ''-r'' stem (doesn't end in ''-er'' or ''-ur''): " .. stem)
original = stem
stem = args[2]
local us = "us"
local a_sf = "a"
local um = "um"
local ae_gsf = "ae"
local am = "am"
local a_macron = "ā"
local i_pl = stem .. "ī"
if data.types.greekA or data.types.greekE then
insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
insert(data.categories, "Latin first and second declension " ..
data.pos .. " with Greek declension")
if data.types.greekA then
us = "os"
um = "on"
am = "ān"
us = "os"
a_sf = "ē"
um = "on"
ae_gsf = "ēs"
am = "ēn"
a_macron = "ē"
i_pl = {i_pl, stem .. "oe"}
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = original or (stem .. us)
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = stem .. a_sf
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = stem .. um
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = i_pl
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = stem .. ae_gsf
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōrum"
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = stem .. "ārum"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōrum"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem .. um
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = stem .. am
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = stem .. um
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōs"
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = stem .. "ās"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = stem .. a_macron
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = original or (stem .. "e")
data.forms["voc_sg_f"] = stem .. a_sf
data.forms["voc_sg_n"] = stem .. um
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = i_pl
data.forms["voc_pl_f"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["loc_sg_m"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_sg_f"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["loc_sg_n"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_pl_m"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["loc_pl_f"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["loc_pl_n"] = stem .. "īs"
if data.types.ius then
insert(data.subtitles, "pronominal")
--insert(data.subtitles, "with genitive singular in ''-ī̆us'' and dative singular in ''-ī''")
insert(data.categories, "Latin first and second declension " ..
data.pos .. " with genitive singular in -ī̆us")
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem .. "ī̆us"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = stem .. "ī̆us"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = stem .. "ī̆us"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = stem .. "ī"
elseif data.types.not_ius then
insert(data.subtitles, "non-pronominal")
--insert(data.subtitles, "with normal genitive and dative singular")
if stem == "me" then
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = "mī"
if data.types.ic then
insert(data.subtitles, "''hic''-type")
--insert(data.subtitles, "with genitive singular ending in ''-ius'' and dative singular ending in ''-ic''")
local oc = "oc"
local oc_macron = "ōc"
if stem == "ill" then
oc = "uc"
oc_macron = "ūc"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = stem .. "ic"
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = stem .. "aec"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = stem .. oc
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = stem .. "aec"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem .. "uius"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = stem .. "uius"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = stem .. "uius"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem .. "uic"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = stem .. "uic"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = stem .. "uic"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem .. "unc"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = stem .. "anc"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = stem .. oc
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = stem .. "aec"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = stem .. "ōc"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = stem .. "āc"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = stem .. oc_macron
if data.types.distr then
if mw.ustring.match(stem, "n$") then
insert(data.subtitles, "distributive, normally plural-only; short genitive plurals in ''-num'' preferred")
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = {stem .. "um", stem .. "ōrum"}
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = {stem .. "um", stem .. "ārum"}
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = {stem .. "um", stem .. "ōrum"}
error("Unrecognized distributive numeral stem (doesn't end in ''n''): " .. stem)
original = stem
stem = args[2]
insert(data.categories, "Latin first and second declension " ..
decl["1-1+"] = function(data, args)
insert(data.subtitles, "masculine and neuter forms identical to feminine forms")
local stem = args[1]
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = stem .. "ārum"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem .. "am"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = stem .. "ās"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = stem .. "ā"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["loc_sg_m"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["loc_pl_m"] = stem .. "īs"
insert(data.categories, "Latin first declension " .. data.pos)
decl["2-2+"] = function(data, args)
data.title = decl_link("second") .. " " .. singularize(data.pos)
insert(data.subtitles, "feminine forms identical to masculine forms")
local stem = args[1]
local us = "us"
local um = "um"
local i_pl = stem .. "ī"
if data.types.greek then
insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
insert(data.categories, "Latin second declension " .. data.pos ..
" with Greek declension")
us = "os"
um = "on"
i_pl = {i_pl, stem .. "oe"}
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = stem .. us
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = stem .. um
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = i_pl
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōrum"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōrum"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem .. um
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = stem .. um
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōs"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = stem .. "e"
data.forms["voc_sg_n"] = stem .. um
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = i_pl
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["loc_sg_m"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_sg_n"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_pl_m"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["loc_pl_n"] = stem .. "īs"
insert(data.categories, "Latin second declension " .. data.pos)
decl["3-1+"] = function(data, args)
local singpos = singularize(data.pos)
if data.gender then
data.title = decl_link("third") .. " " .. singpos
data.title = decl_link("third") .. " one-termination " .. singpos
local stem1 = args[1]
local stem2 = args[2]
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = stem1
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = stem1
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ia"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "is"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "is"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ium"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ium"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "em"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = stem1
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ia"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = stem1
data.forms["voc_sg_n"] = stem1
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ia"
data.forms["loc_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["loc_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
if data.types.par then
insert(data.subtitles, "non-i-stem")
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "a"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "um"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "um"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "e"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "e"
data.forms["loc_sg_m"] = {stem2 .. "ī", stem2 .. "e"}
data.forms["loc_sg_n"] = {stem2 .. "ī", stem2 .. "e"}
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "a"
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "a"
elseif data.types.not_par then
insert(data.subtitles, "i-stem")
if data.types.trix then
insert(data.subtitles, "feminine-only in the singular, feminine- and neuter-only in the plural")
remove_forms(data.forms, {"_m$", "sg_n$"})
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = stem1
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = stem2 .. "is"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = stem2 .. "em"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = {stem2 .. "e", stem2 .. "ī"}
data.forms["voc_sg_f"] = stem1
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ium"
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["voc_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
local es_base = stem1:match("(.*)ēs$")
if es_base and es_base == stem2 then
if data.types.greek then
local note = "It is unknown if Classical Latin preserved (or would have preserved) the shortness of the original Greek short ending."
local note2 = "It is unknown whether adjectives of this type would use i-stem or consonant-stem endings in Classical Latin: the relevant forms are not attested. Depending on the word, either ending or both may be attested in New Latin."
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = {stem2 .. "es", stem2 .. "ēs"}
data.notes["nom_sg_n1"] = note
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = {stem2 .. "es", stem2 .. "ēs"}
data.notes["acc_sg_n1"] = note
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = {stem2 .. "es", stem2 .. "ēs"}
data.notes["voc_sg_m1"] = note
data.forms["voc_sg_n"] = {stem2 .. "es", stem2 .. "ēs"}
data.notes["voc_sg_n1"] = note
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = {stem2 .. "a", stem2 .. "ia"}
data.notes["nom_pl_n2"] = note2
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = {stem2 .. "a", stem2 .. "ia"}
data.notes["acc_pl_n2"] = note2
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = {stem2 .. "a", stem2 .. "ia"}
data.notes["voc_pl_n2"] = note2
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = {stem2 .. "e", stem2 .. "ī"}
data.notes["abl_sg_m2"] = note2
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = {stem2 .. "e", stem2 .. "ī"}
data.notes["abl_sg_f2"] = note2
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = {stem2 .. "e", stem2 .. "ī"}
data.notes["abl_sg_n2"] = note2
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = {stem2 .. "um", stem2 .. "ium"}
data.notes["gen_pl_m2"] = note2
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = {stem2 .. "um", stem2 .. "ium"}
data.notes["gen_pl_f2"] = note2
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = {stem2 .. "um", stem2 .. "ium"}
data.notes["gen_pl_n2"] = note2
insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
elseif data.types.not_greek then
insert(data.subtitles, "non-Greek-type")
insert(data.categories, "Latin third declension " .. data.pos)
insert(data.categories, "Latin third declension " .. data.pos .. " of one termination")
decl["3-C+"] = function(data, args)
data.title = decl_link("third") .. " comparative " .. singularize(data.pos)
local stem = args[1]
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = stem .. "or"
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = stem .. "or"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = stem .. "us"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōrēs"
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = stem .. "ōrēs"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōra"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem .. "ōris"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = stem .. "ōris"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = stem .. "ōris"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōrum"
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = stem .. "ōrum"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōrum"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem .. "ōrī"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = stem .. "ōrī"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = stem .. "ōrī"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōribus"
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = stem .. "ōribus"
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōribus"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem .. "ōrem"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = stem .. "ōrem"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = stem .. "us"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = {stem .. "ōrēs", stem .. "ōrīs"}
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = {stem .. "ōrēs", stem .. "ōrīs"}
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōra"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = {stem .. "ōre", stem .. "ōrī"}
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = {stem .. "ōre", stem .. "ōrī"}
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = {stem .. "ōre", stem .. "ōrī"}
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōribus"
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = stem .. "ōribus"
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōribus"
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = stem .. "or"
data.forms["voc_sg_f"] = stem .. "or"
data.forms["voc_sg_n"] = stem .. "us"
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōrēs"
data.forms["voc_pl_f"] = stem .. "ōrēs"
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōra"
data.forms["loc_sg_m"] = {stem .. "ōrī", stem .. "ōre"}
data.forms["loc_sg_f"] = {stem .. "ōrī", stem .. "ōre"}
data.forms["loc_sg_n"] = {stem .. "ōrī", stem .. "ōre"}
data.forms["loc_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōribus"
data.forms["loc_pl_f"] = stem .. "ōribus"
data.forms["loc_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōribus"
insert(data.categories, "Latin third declension " .. data.pos)
insert(data.categories, "Latin comparative adjectives")
decl["3-P+"] = function(data, args)
local stem2 = args[2]
decl["3-1+"](data, args)
data.title = decl_link("third") .. " participle"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = {stem2 .. "e", stem2 .. "ī"}
data.notes["abl_sg_m2"] = "When used purely as an adjective."
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = {stem2 .. "e", stem2 .. "ī"}
data.notes["abl_sg_n2"] = "When used purely as an adjective."
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = {stem2 .. "ēs", stem2 .. "īs"}
decl["3-2+"] = function(data, args)
local singpos = singularize(data.pos)
if data.gender then
data.title = decl_link("third") .. " " .. singpos
data.title = decl_link("third") .. " two-termination " .. singpos
local stem = args[1]
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = stem .. "is"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = stem .. "e"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = stem .. "ēs"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = stem .. "ia"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem .. "is"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = stem .. "is"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = stem .. "ium"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = stem .. "ium"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = stem .. "ibus"
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = stem .. "ibus"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem .. "em"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = stem .. "e"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = {stem .. "ēs", stem .. "īs"}
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = stem .. "ia"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = stem .. "ibus"
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = stem .. "ibus"
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = stem .. "is"
data.forms["voc_sg_n"] = stem .. "e"
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = stem .. "ēs"
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = stem .. "ia"
data.forms["loc_sg_m"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_sg_n"] = stem .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_pl_m"] = stem .. "ibus"
data.forms["loc_pl_n"] = stem .. "ibus"
insert(data.categories, "Latin third declension " .. data.pos)
insert(data.categories, "Latin third declension " .. data.pos .. " of two terminations")
decl["3-3+"] = function(data, args)
local singpos = singularize(data.pos)
if data.gender then
data.title = decl_link("third") .. " " .. singpos
data.title = decl_link("third") .. " three-termination " .. singpos
local stem1 = args[1]
local stem2 = args[2]
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = stem1
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = stem2 .. "is"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "e"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ia"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "is"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = stem2 .. "is"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "is"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ium"
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ium"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ium"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "em"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = stem2 .. "em"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "e"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ia"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = stem1
data.forms["voc_sg_f"] = stem2 .. "is"
data.forms["voc_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "e"
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["voc_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ia"
data.forms["loc_sg_m"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_sg_f"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_sg_n"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_pl_m"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["loc_pl_f"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["loc_pl_n"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
insert(data.categories, "Latin third declension " .. data.pos)
insert(data.categories, "Latin third declension " .. data.pos .. " of three terminations")
decl["indecl+"] = function(data, args)
insert(data.subtitles, "used only in the nominative and accusative")
local stem = args[1]
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = stem
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = "-"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = "-"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = "-"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = "-"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = "-"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = "-"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = "-"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = "-"
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = "-"
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = "-"
data.forms["loc_sg_m"] = "-"
data.forms["loc_pl_m"] = "-"
insert(data.categories, "Latin indeclinable " .. data.pos)
decl["irreg+"] = function(data,args)
if args[1] == "duo" or args[1] == "ambō" then
local stem = args[1] == "duo" and "du" or "amb"
data.title = stem == "amb" and glossary_link("irregular") .. " adjective" or "numeral"
data.num = "pl"
local stem_with_o = stem .. (stem == "amb" and "ō" or "o")
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = stem_with_o
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = stem_with_o
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōrum"
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = stem .. "ārum"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōrum"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōbus"
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = stem .. "ābus"
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōbus"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = {stem .. "ōs", stem_with_o}
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = stem .. "ās"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = stem_with_o
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = stem .. "ōbus"
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = stem .. "ābus"
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = stem .. "ōbus"
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = stem_with_o
data.forms["voc_pl_f"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = stem_with_o
if stem == "du" then
data.footnote = "Note: The masculine and neuter genitive of ''duo'' can alternatively be ''[[duum]]'' (also spelt ''[[duûm]]'')."
elseif args[1]:match("mīlle$") then
data.title = "semi-" .. glossary_link("indeclinable") .. " numeral"
local stem = args[1]:match("(.*)le")
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = stem .. "le"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = {stem .. "ia", stem .. "lia"}
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = stem .. "le"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = {stem .. "ium", stem .. "lium"}
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = stem .. "le"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = {stem .. "ibus", stem .. "libus"}
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = stem .. "le"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = {stem .. "ia", stem .. "lia"}
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = stem .. "le"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = {stem .. "ibus", stem .. "libus"}
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = stem .. "le"
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = {stem .. "ia", stem .. "lia"}
elseif args[1] == "illic" then
data.title = glossary_link("demonstrative") .. " pronoun"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "illic"
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = "illaec"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = {"illuc", "illoc"}
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = "illaec"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = "illunc"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = "illanc"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = {"illuc", "illoc"}
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = "illaec"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = "illōc"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = "illāc"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = "illōc"
elseif args[1] == "hice" then
data.title = glossary_link("demonstrative") .. " pronoun"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "hice"
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = "haece"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "hoce"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = "hīce"
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = "haece"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = "haece"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = "huiusce"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = "huiusce"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = "huiusce"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = {"hōrunce", "hōrumce"}
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = {"hārunce", "hārumce"}
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = {"hōrunce", "hōrumce"}
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = "huīce"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = "huīce"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = "huīce"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = "hīsce"
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = "hīsce"
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = "hīsce"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = "hunce"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = "hance"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "hoce"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = "hōsce"
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = "hāsce"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = "haece"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = "hōce"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = "hāce"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = "hōce"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = "hīsce"
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = "hīsce"
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = "hīsce"
elseif args[1] == "plūs" then
data.title = glossary_link("irregular") .. " " .. decl_link("third") .. " comparative " .. singularize(data.pos)
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "plūs"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = "plūrēs"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = "plūra"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = "plūris"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = "plūrium"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = "plūrium"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = "plūribus"
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = "plūribus"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "plūs"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = "plūrēs"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = "plūra"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = "plūre"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = "plūribus"
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = "plūribus"
data.forms["voc_sg_n"] = "plūs"
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = "plūrēs"
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = "plūra"
data.footnote = "Note: Singular forms take the genitive of the whole and do not function as adjectives."
insert(data.categories, "Latin third declension " .. data.pos)
insert(data.categories, "Latin third declension " .. data.pos .. " of one termination")
elseif args[1] == "is" or args[1] == "īdem" then
data.title = glossary_link("demonstrative") .. " pronoun"
local note1 = "The dat. singular is found spelled <small>EIEI</small> (here represented as ''ēī'') and scanned as two longs in Plautus, but also as a monosyllable. The latter is its normal scansion in Classical. Other spellings include <small>EEI, IEI</small>."
local note2 = "The nom./dat./abl. plural forms regularly developed into a monosyllable /iː(s)/, with later remodelling - compare the etymology of [[deus]]. This /iː/ was normally spelled as <small>EI</small> during and as <small>II</small> after the Republic; a disyllabic ''iī'', spelled <small>II, Iꟾ</small>, appears in Silver Age poetry, while disyllabic ''eīs'' is only post-Classical. Other spellings include <small>EEI(S), EIEI(S), IEI(S)</small>."
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "is"
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = "ea"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "id"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = {"iī", "eī", "ī"}
data.notes["nom_pl_m1"] = note2
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = "eae"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = "ea"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = {"eius", "ejus"}
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = {"eius", "ejus"}
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = {"eius", "ejus"}
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = {"eōrum", "eum"}
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = "eārum"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = {"eōrum", "eum"}
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = {"eī", "e͡i", "ēī"}
data.notes["dat_sg_m1"] = note1
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = {"eī", "e͡i", "ēī", "eae"}
data.notes["dat_sg_f1"] = note1
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = {"eī", "e͡i", "ēī"}
data.notes["dat_sg_n1"] = note1
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = {"iīs", "eīs", "īs"}
data.notes["dat_pl_m1"] = note2
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = {"iīs", "eīs", "īs", "eābus"}
data.notes["dat_pl_f1"] = note2
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = {"iīs", "eīs", "īs"}
data.notes["dat_pl_n1"] = note2
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = "eum"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = "eam"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "id"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = "eōs"
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = "eās"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = "ea"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = "eō"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = "eā"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = "eō"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = {"iīs", "eīs", "īs"}
data.notes["abl_pl_m1"] = note2
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = {"iīs", "eīs", "īs"}
data.notes["abl_pl_f1"] = note2
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = {"iīs", "eīs", "īs"}
data.notes["abl_pl_n1"] = note2
if args[1] == "īdem" then
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "ī"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "i"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "i"
elseif args[1] == "ille" then
data.types.ius = true
decl["1&2+"](data, {"ill"})
data.title = glossary_link("demonstrative") .. " pronoun"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "ille"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "illud"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "illud"
data.categories = {}
elseif args[1] == "iste" then
data.types.ius = true
decl["1&2+"](data, {"ist"})
data.title = glossary_link("demonstrative") .. " pronoun"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "iste"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "istud"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "istud"
data.categories = {}
elseif args[1] == "ipse" then
data.types.ius = true
decl["1&2+"](data, {"ips"})
data.title = glossary_link("demonstrative") .. " pronoun"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "ipse"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "ipsum"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "ipsum"
data.categories = {}
elseif args[1] == "quis" or args[1] == "quī" then
local note1 = "When used as an indefinite word (pronoun or adjective), the feminine nominative singular and neuter nominative/accusative plural is usually ''qua'' (with short ''ă'') instead of ''quae''. Indefinite ''quă'' is generally only found directly after ''[[si#Latin|sī]]'', ''[[nisi#Latin|nisi]]'', ''[[num#Latin|num]]'', or ''[[ne#Latin|nē]]'' and may be considered to be either enclitic to the preceding word or (in Priscian's view) forming a compound with it; accordingly, ''[[siqua#Latin|sīqua]]'', ''[[numqua#Latin|numqua]]'', and ''[[nequa#Latin|nēqua]]'' are sometimes written together (as also are the masculines ''[[siquis#Latin|sīquis]]'', ''[[numquis#Latin|numquis]]'', and ''[[nequis#Latin|nēquis]]''). The form ''quă'' is never used for the feminine plural, nor for any form of the relative pronoun or of the interrogative pronoun or adjective."
local note2 = "In Republican Latin or earlier, alternative spellings could be found for the following forms of [[qui#Latin|quī]]/[[quis#Latin|quis]] and its compounds: the masculine nominative singular or plural ''quī'' (old spelling ''[[quei]]''), the genitive singular ''cuius'' (old spelling ''[[quoius]]''), the dative singular ''cui'' (old spelling ''[[quoi]]'' or ''[[quoiei]]''), the dative/ablative plural ''quīs'' (old spelling ''[[queis]]'')."
local id = "id"
if args[1] == "quī" then
id = "od"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = {"quī", "quis"}
data.notes["nom_sg_m1"] = note2
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = {"quae", "qua"}
data.notes["nom_sg_f2"] = note1
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = "quam"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = "quō"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = "quā"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = "quō"
data.title = glossary_link("relative") .. "/" .. glossary_link("interrogative") .. " determiner"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = {"quis", "quī"}
data.notes["nom_sg_m2"] = note2
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = {"quae", "qua", "quis"}
data.notes["nom_sg_f2"] = note1
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = {"quam", "quem"}
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = {"quō", "quī"}
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = {"quā", "quī"}
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = {"quō", "quī"}
data.title = glossary_link("relative") .. "/" .. glossary_link("interrogative") .. " pronoun"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "qu"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = "quī"
data.notes["nom_pl_m1"] = note2
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = "quae"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = {"quae", "qua"}
data.notes["nom_pl_n2"] = note1
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = "cuius"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = "cuius"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = "cuius"
data.notes["gen_sg_m1"] = note2
data.notes["gen_sg_f1"] = note2
data.notes["gen_sg_n1"] = note2
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = "quōrum"
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = "quārum"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = "quōrum"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = "cui"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = "cui"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = "cui"
data.notes["dat_sg_m1"] = note2
data.notes["dat_sg_f1"] = note2
data.notes["dat_sg_n1"] = note2
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = {"quibus", "quīs"}
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = {"quibus", "quīs"}
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = {"quibus", "quīs"}
data.notes["dat_pl_m2"] = note2
data.notes["dat_pl_f2"] = note2
data.notes["dat_pl_n2"] = note2
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = "quem"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "qu"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = "quōs"
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = "quās"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = {"quae", "qua"}
data.notes["acc_pl_n2"] = note1
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = {"quibus", "quīs"}
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = {"quibus", "quīs"}
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = {"quibus", "quīs"}
data.notes["abl_pl_m2"] = note2
data.notes["abl_pl_f2"] = note2
data.notes["abl_pl_n2"] = note2
elseif args[1] == "aliquī" then
data.title = glossary_link("indefinite") .. " " .. glossary_link("determiner")
local note1 = "Normatively, [[aliqui#Latin|aliquī]] is a determiner (used adjectivally) and [[aliquis#Latin|aliquis]] is a pronoun (used substantively), but the opposite usages can be found, even among the best Classical writers."
local note2 = "The feminine nominative singular form is usually ''aliqua'', but there are a handful of possible examples of ''aliquae'' as a feminine nominative singular form; see [[Citations:aliquae]]. The feminine nominative plural can only be ''aliquae'', and there are perhaps no solid examples of the neuter nominative/accusative plural taking any form other than ''aliqua''."
local note3 = "Alternative spelling [[aliquoius]] (used in Republican Latin or earlier)."
local note4 = "Alternative spelling [[aliqueis]] (used in Republican Latin or earlier)."
local note5 = "Alternative spelling [[aliquoi]] (used in Republican Latin or earlier)."
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = {"aliquī", "aliquis"}
data.notes["nom_sg_m2"] = note1
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = "aliqua"
data.notes["nom_sg_f1"] = note2
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "aliquod"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = "aliquī"
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = "aliquae"
data.notes["nom_pl_f1"] = note2
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = "aliqua"
data.notes["nom_pl_n1"] = note2
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = "alicuius"
data.notes["gen_sg_m1"] = note3
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = "alicuius"
data.notes["gen_sg_f1"] = note3
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = "alicuius"
data.notes["gen_sg_n1"] = note3
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = "aliquōrum"
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = "aliquārum"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = "aliquōrum"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = "alicui"
data.notes["dat_sg_m1"] = note5
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = "alicui"
data.notes["dat_sg_f1"] = note5
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = "alicui"
data.notes["dat_sg_n1"] = note5
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = {"aliquīs", "aliquibus"}
data.notes["dat_pl_m1"] = note4
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = {"aliquīs", "aliquibus"}
data.notes["dat_pl_f1"] = note4
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = {"aliquīs", "aliquibus"}
data.notes["dat_pl_n1"] = note4
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = "aliquem"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = "aliquam"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "aliquod"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = "aliquōs"
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = "aliquās"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = "aliqua"
data.notes["acc_pl_n1"] = note2
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = "aliquō"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = "aliquā"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = "aliquō"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = {"aliquīs", "aliquibus"}
data.notes["abl_pl_m1"] = note4
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = {"aliquīs", "aliquibus"}
data.notes["abl_pl_f1"] = note4
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = {"aliquīs", "aliquibus"}
data.notes["abl_pl_n1"] = note4
elseif args[1] == "quisquam" then
local note1 = "Only attested in postclassical Latin. In Classical Latin, forms of [[ullus#Latin|ūllus]] were used instead."
local note2 = "Only attested as a feminine form in the preclassical Latin of authors like Plautus."
local note3 = "Attested only once in Classical Latin. Usually [[ullus#Latin|ūllam]] was used instead."
local note4 = "Attested, but rare in Classical Latin. Usually [[ullus#Latin|ūllō]] was used instead."
data.title = glossary_link("negative polarity item", "negative polarity") .. " " .. glossary_link("indefinite") .. " " .. glossary_link("determiner")
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "quisquam"
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = {"quaequam", "quisquam"}
data.notes["nom_sg_f1"] = note1
data.notes["nom_sg_f2"] = note2
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "quodquam"
data.notes["nom_sg_n1"] = note1
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = "quīquam"
data.notes["nom_pl_m1"] = note1
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = "quaequam"
data.notes["nom_pl_f1"] = note1
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = "quaequam"
data.notes["nom_pl_n1"] = note1
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = "cuiusquam"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = "cuiusquam"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = "cuiusquam"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = "quōrumquam"
data.notes["gen_pl_m1"] = note1
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = "quārumquam"
data.notes["gen_pl_f1"] = note1
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = "quōrumquam"
data.notes["gen_pl_n1"] = note1
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = "cuiquam"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = "cuiquam"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = "cuiquam"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = "quibusquam"
data.notes["dat_pl_m1"] = note1
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = "quibusquam"
data.notes["dat_pl_f1"] = note1
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = "quibusquam"
data.notes["dat_pl_n1"] = note1
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = "quemquam"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = {"quamquam", "quemquam"}
data.notes["acc_sg_f1"] = note3
data.notes["acc_sg_f2"] = note2
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "quodquam"
data.notes["acc_sg_n1"] = note1
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = "quōsquam"
data.notes["acc_pl_m1"] = note1
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = "quāsquam"
data.notes["acc_pl_f1"] = note1
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = "quaequam"
data.notes["acc_pl_n1"] = note1
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = {"quōquam", "quīquam"}
data.notes["abl_sg_m1"] = note4
data.notes["abl_sg_m2"] = note2
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = "quāquam"
data.notes["abl_sg_f1"] = note1
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = "quōquam"
data.notes["abl_sg_n1"] = note4
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = "quibusquam"
data.notes["abl_pl_m1"] = note1
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = "quibusquam"
data.notes["abl_pl_f1"] = note1
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = "quibusquam"
data.notes["abl_pl_n1"] = note1
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = "quisquam"
data.notes["voc_sg_m1"] = note1
data.forms["voc_sg_f"] = "quaequam"
data.notes["voc_sg_f1"] = note1
data.forms["voc_sg_n"] = "quodquam"
data.notes["voc_sg_n1"] = note1
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = "quīquam"
data.notes["voc_pl_m1"] = note1
data.forms["voc_pl_f"] = "quaequam"
data.notes["voc_pl_f1"] = note1
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = "quaequam"
data.notes["voc_pl_n1"] = note1
elseif args[1] == "quisquis" then
data.title = glossary_link("relative") .. "/" .. glossary_link("interrogative") .. " pronoun"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "quisquis"
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = "quisquis"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = {"quidquid", "quicquid"}
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = "quīquī"
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = "quaequae"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = "quaequae"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = "cuiuscuius"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = "cuiuscuius"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = "cuiuscuius"
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = "quōrumquōrum"
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = "quārumquārum"
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = "quōrumquōrum"
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = "cuicui"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = "cuicui"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = "cuicui"
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = {"quibusquibus", "quīsquīs"}
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = {"quibusquibus", "quīsquīs"}
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = {"quibusquibus", "quīsquīs"}
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = "quemquem"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = "quamquam"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = {"quidquid", "quicquid"}
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = "quōsquōs"
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = "quāsquās"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = "quaequae"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = "quōquō"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = "quāquā"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = "quōquō"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = {"quibusquibus", "quīsquīs"}
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = {"quibusquibus", "quīsquīs"}
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = {"quibusquibus", "quīsquīs"}
data.forms["voc_sg_m"] = "quisquis"
data.forms["voc_sg_f"] = "quisquis"
data.forms["voc_sg_n"] = {"quidquid", "quicquid"}
data.forms["voc_pl_m"] = "quīquī"
data.forms["voc_pl_f"] = "quaequae"
data.forms["voc_pl_n"] = "quaequae"
elseif args[1] == "ecquis" then
local note1 = "Unattested in classical Latin."
local note2 = "Attested only twice in Classical Latin."
data.title = glossary_link("interrogative") .. " pronoun"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = {"ecquis", "ecquī"}
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = {"ecqua", "ecquae"}
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "ecquid"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = "ecquī"
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = "ecquae"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = {"ecqua", "ecquae"}
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = "eccuius"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = "eccuius"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = "eccuius"
data.notes["gen_sg_m1"] = note1
data.notes["gen_sg_f1"] = note1
data.notes["gen_sg_n1"] = note1
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = "eccui"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = "eccui"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = "eccui"
data.notes["dat_sg_m1"] = note2
data.notes["dat_sg_f1"] = note2
data.notes["dat_sg_n1"] = note2
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = "ecquem"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = "ecquam"
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "ecquod"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = "ecquōs"
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = "ecquās"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = {"ecqua", "ecquae"}
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = {"ecquō", "ecquī"}
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = {"ecquā", "ecquī"}
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = {"ecquō", "ecquī"}
elseif args[1] == "quīdam" then
local note1 = "The genitive singular was spelled [[quoiusdam#Latin|''quoiusdam'']] before the Augustan period."
local note2 = "The dative singular was spelled [[quoidam#Latin|''quoidam'']] before the Augustan period."
local note3 = "An alternative masculine nominative/accusative plural form [[quesdam#Latin|''quēsdam'']] occurs in Accius."
local note4 = "The dative/ablative plural has a rare alternative form [[quisdam#Latin|''quīsdam'']]/[[queisdam#Latin|''queisdam'']]."
data.title = glossary_link("indefinite") .. " pronoun"
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "quīdam"
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = "quaedam"
data.forms["nom_sg_n"] = "quiddam"
data.forms["nom_pl_m"] = "quīdam"
data.notes["nom_pl_m1"] = note3
data.forms["nom_pl_f"] = "quaedam"
data.forms["nom_pl_n"] = "quaedam"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = "cuiusdam"
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = "cuiusdam"
data.forms["gen_sg_n"] = "cuiusdam"
data.notes["gen_sg_m1"] = note1
data.notes["gen_sg_f1"] = note1
data.notes["gen_sg_n1"] = note1
data.forms["gen_pl_m"] = {"quōrundam", "quōrumdam"}
data.forms["gen_pl_f"] = {"quārundam", "quārumdam"}
data.forms["gen_pl_n"] = {"quōrundam", "quōrumdam"}
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = "cuidam"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = "cuidam"
data.forms["dat_sg_n"] = "cuidam"
data.notes["dat_sg_m1"] = note2
data.notes["dat_sg_f1"] = note2
data.notes["dat_sg_n1"] = note2
data.forms["dat_pl_m"] = "quibusdam"
data.forms["dat_pl_f"] = "quibusdam"
data.forms["dat_pl_n"] = "quibusdam"
data.notes["dat_pl_m1"] = note4
data.notes["dat_pl_f1"] = note4
data.notes["dat_pl_n1"] = note4
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = {"quendam", "quemdam"}
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = {"quandam", "quamdam"}
data.forms["acc_sg_n"] = "quiddam"
data.forms["acc_pl_m"] = "quōsdam"
data.notes["acc_pl_m1"] = note3
data.forms["acc_pl_f"] = "quāsdam"
data.forms["acc_pl_n"] = "quaedam"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = "quōdam"
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = "quādam"
data.forms["abl_sg_n"] = "quōdam"
data.forms["abl_pl_m"] = "quibusdam"
data.forms["abl_pl_f"] = "quibusdam"
data.forms["abl_pl_n"] = "quibusdam"
data.notes["abl_pl_m1"] = note4
data.notes["abl_pl_f1"] = note4
data.notes["abl_pl_n1"] = note4
elseif args[1] == "nēmō" then
local note1 = "The genitive [[neminis|''nēminis'']] is not used in Classical Latin, and is generally also avoided by later authors."
local note2 = "The ablative [[nemine|''nēmine'']] is not used in Classical Latin, but can be seen in authors from the Imperial period onwards."
data.title = "Negative pronoun and " .. glossary_link("determiner")
data.forms["nom_sg_m"] = "nēmō"
data.forms["nom_sg_f"] = "nēmō"
data.forms["gen_sg_m"] = {"nūllī̆us", "nēminis"}
data.forms["gen_sg_f"] = {"nūllī̆us", "nēminis"}
data.notes["gen_sg_m2"] = note1
data.notes["gen_sg_f2"] = note1
data.forms["dat_sg_m"] = "nēminī"
data.forms["dat_sg_f"] = "nēminī"
data.forms["acc_sg_m"] = "nēminem"
data.forms["acc_sg_f"] = "nēminem"
data.forms["abl_sg_m"] = {"nūllō", "nēmine"}
data.forms["abl_sg_f"] = {"nūllā", "nēmine"}
data.notes["abl_sg_m2"] = note2
data.notes["abl_sg_f2"] = note2
error('adjective ' .. args[1] .. ' not recognized')
return decl
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