- The following documentation is located at Module:kl-pron/documentation. [edit] Categories were auto-generated by Module:module categorization. [edit]
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
This module implements the {{kl-IPA}}
local export = {}
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("kl")
local ipa = require("Module:IPA")
local acc = require("Module:accent qualifier")
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local match = mw.ustring.match
local len = mw.ustring.len
local lower = mw.ustring.lower
local sub = mw.ustring.sub
-- Letter groups
local consGroup = "mnptkqvsgrljfbd"
local vowelGroup = "aeiou"
local uvular = "rq"
local labial = "mp"
local alveolar = "ntsl"
local vowelBound = "ː?%.?"
-- Phonemic transcription
function export.phonemic(word)
-- Make text lowercase
word = lower(word)
-- Phonemic changes
local mapPL = {
["nng"] = "ŋŋ",
["ng"] = "ŋ",
["g"] = "ɡ",
["d"] = "t",
["b"] = "p",
["e"] = "i",
["o"] = "u"
word = gsub(word, "n*.", mapPL)
word = gsub(word, ".", mapPL) -- Repeat to capture all remaining characters
return word
-- Syllabification rules
function export.syllabify(word, hide_borders)
-- Mark all word borders with #
word = gsub(word, "([^ ]+)", "#%1#")
word = gsub(word, "([^" .. consGroup .. "]-)(n?[" .. consGroup .. "]?[" .. vowelGroup .. "])", "%1.%2")
word = gsub(word, "([" .. vowelGroup .. "])%.%1", "%1%1")
word = gsub(word, "%.nn", "n.n")
word = gsub(word, "(#%-?)%.", "%1")
return hide_borders and gsub(word, "#", "") or word
-- Phonetic transcription
function export.phonetic(word)
-- Make text lowercase
word = lower(word)
-- Syllabify the word
word = export.syllabify(word, false)
-- NG
word = gsub(word, "ng", "ŋ")
-- long vowels
word = gsub(word, "([" .. vowelGroup .. "])%1", "%1ː")
-- /ɡ/-allophony
word = gsub(word, "ig%.g", "iç.ç")
word = gsub(word, "ag%.g", "ax̟.x̟")
-- /u/-labialisation
word = gsub(word, "u(ː?)%.v?([" .. vowelGroup .. "])", "u%1.ʷ%2")
-- /t/-affrication
word = gsub(word, "ti", "t͡si")
word = gsub(word, "t%.s", "t.t͡s")
-- word-initial G is voiceless
word = gsub(word, "#g", "#k")
-- Vowel uvularisation
word = gsub(word, "ːr%.([" .. consGroup .. "])", "ʶːr.%1")
-- Vowel allophone changes
-- U
word = gsub(word, "u(ʶ?" .. vowelBound .. "[" .. uvular .. "])", "O%1")
word = gsub(word, "([" .. alveolar .. "])u(" .. vowelBound .. "[" .. alveolar .. "])", "%1ʉ%2")
word = gsub(word, "u(" .. vowelBound .. "[" .. labial .. "])", "u%1")
word = gsub(word, "u(" .. vowelBound .. ")", "ʊ%1")
word = gsub(word, "#ʊ(" .. vowelBound .. "[^" .. uvular .. "])", "#u%1")
-- A
word = gsub(word, "a(ʶ?" .. vowelBound .. "[" .. uvular .. "])", "ɑ%1")
word = gsub(word, "a(" .. vowelBound .. "[^#])", "ə%1")
word = gsub(word, "#ə(" .. vowelBound .. "[^" .. uvular .. "])", "#a%1")
-- I
word = gsub(word, "i(ʶ?" .. vowelBound .. "[" .. uvular .. "])", "ɐ%1")
word = gsub(word, "i(" .. vowelBound .. "[" .. labial .. "])", "y%1")
word = gsub(word, "i(" .. vowelBound .. ")", "ɪ%1")
word = gsub(word, "#ɪ(" .. vowelBound .. "[^" .. uvular .. "])", "#i%1")
-- Geminates
local mapGL = {
["g"] = "x",
["l"] = "ɬ",
["r"] = "χ",
["v"] = "f"
word = gsub(word, "r%.([lfsnmptk])", "%1.%1")
word = gsub(word, "n%.ŋ", "ŋ.ŋ")
word = gsub(word, "([glrv])%.%1", function(c) return mapGL[c] .. "." .. mapGL[c] end)
-- Substitute monographs
local mapML = {
["g"] = "ɣ",
["e"] = "ɜ",
["o"] = "ɔ", -- FIXME: don't substitute twice
["O"] = "o",
["r"] = "ʁ",
["d"] = "t",
["b"] = "p",
["'"] = "ˈ"
word = gsub(word, ".", mapML)
-- Remove word boundaries
return gsub(word, "#", "")
-- Display pronunciation
local args = frame:getParent().args
local pagetitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local p, results = {}, {}
if args[1] then
for _, v in ipairs(args) do
table.insert(p, (v ~= "") and v or nil)
p = { pagetitle }
for _, word in ipairs(p) do
word = (word == "kl-IPA") and "avinngaq" or word
local phonemic = export.phonemic(word)
local phonetic = export.phonetic(word)
table.insert(results, { pron = "/" .. phonemic .. "/" })
table.insert(results, { pron = "[" .. phonetic .. "]" })
return acc.format_qualifiers(lang, {"[[w:West Greenlandic|Nuuk]]"}) .. ' ' .. ipa.format_IPA_full { lang = lang, items = results }
return export