- This module lacks a documentation subpage. Please create it.
- Useful links: root page • root page’s subpages • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
local decl_data = {}
decl_data["a-m"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["a-m"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
local stem = args[1]
data.decl_type = "masculine a-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ás"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "a"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ám"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áH"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ā́t"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ā́y"}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ásya"}
data.forms["loc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áy"}
data.forms["nom_du"] = {args[1] .. "ā́(w)"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = {args[1] .. "ā(w)"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["ins_du"] = {args[1] .. "áybʰyā(m)"}
data.forms["abl_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["dat_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["gen_du"] = {args[1] .. "áyās"}
data.forms["loc_du"] = {args[1] .. "áyaw"}
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ā́s(as)"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ās(as)"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ā́ns"}
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ā́yš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {args[1] .. "áybʰyas"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ā́naHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "áyšu"}
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian a-stem nouns")
decl_data["a-n"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["a-n"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
decl_data["a-m"](args, data)
data.decl_type = "neuter a-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = data.forms["acc_sg"]
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "am"}
data.forms["nom_du"] = {args[1] .. "áy"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = {args[1] .. "ay"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {args[1] .. "áH"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "aH"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = data.forms["nom_pl"]
decl_data["cons-mf"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
[2] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
["nomsg"] = {},
["accsg"] = {},
["locsg"] = {},
["insdu"] = {},
["inspl"] = {},
["ablpl"] = {},
["locpl"] = {},
["oblplc"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["cons-mf"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
local pagename = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
data.decl_type = "consonant stem"
local strong = args[2] or args[1]
debrugmann = mw.ustring.gsub(strong, ".", {["o"] = "a", ["ó"] = "á",})
debrugmann2 = mw.ustring.gsub(debrugmann, "á", "a")
-- Implements Brugmann's law in the acc. sg.; trigger this by inputting, into the strong stem, *o for any vowels that you want the law to affect
-- The "de-brugmann" process will turn the o back to *a for use in loc. and voc. sg.
brugmann = mw.ustring.gsub(strong, ".", {["ó"] = "ā́", ["o"] = "ā"})
brugmann_voc = mw.ustring.gsub(strong, ".", {["ó"] = "ā", ["o"] = "ā", ["á"] = "a"})
local weak = args[1]
-- For r-stems
if mw.ustring.find(weak, "[rŕ]$") then gen_sg_ending = "š" else gen_sg_ending = "ás" end
-- Forms the nom. sg. of n-stems and r-stems
if args[2] then
if mw.ustring.find(args[2], "[rn]$") then
local rnnom = mw.ustring.gsub(args[2], "[aáoó][rn]$", "")
args.nomsg = rnnom .. "ā́"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {args.nomsg or brugmann .. "s"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {debrugmann2}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {args.accsg or brugmann .. "ám"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {weak .. "áH"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {weak .. gen_sg_ending}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {weak .. "áy"}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = data.forms["abl_sg"]
data.forms["loc_sg"] = {args.locsg or debrugmann .. "í"}
data.forms["nom_du"] = {brugmann .. "ā́(w)"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = {brugmann_voc .. "ā(w)"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["ins_du"] = {args.insdu or (args.oblplc or weak) .. "bʰyā́(m)"}
data.forms["abl_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["dat_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["gen_du"] = {weak .. "Hā́s"}
data.forms["loc_du"] = {weak .. "Háw"}
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {brugmann .. "ás"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {brugmann_voc .. "as"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {weak .. "ás"}
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {args.inspl or (args.oblplc or weak) .. "bʰíš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {args.ablpl or (args.oblplc or weak) .. "bʰyáH"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {weak .. "áHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {args.locpl or (args.oblplc or weak) .. "sú"}
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian consonant stem nouns")
decl_data["cons-n"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
[2] = {},
["altgsg"] = {},
["nomsg"] = {},
["locsg"] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["cons-n"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
decl_data["cons-mf"](args, data)
data.decl_type = "neuter consonant stem"
if args["altgsg"] then gen_sg_ending = "ás" else gen_sg_ending = "s" end
local nom_sg
local nom_pl
local strongdu
local loc_stem
local resyll
local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
if mw.ustring.find(title, "r̥?$") and mw.ustring.find(args[1], "n$") then
nom_sg = title
nom_pl = mw.ustring.gsub(title, "a?r̥?$", "ār")
strongdu = mw.ustring.gsub(title, "a?r̥?$", "n")
loc_sg_stem = mw.ustring.gsub(args[1], "[áa]?n$", "án")
if destress(args[1] .. "á") == (args[1] .. "á") then
resyll = mw.ustring.gsub(args[1], "n$", "á")
elseif mw.ustring.find(args[1], "án$") then
resyll = mw.ustring.gsub(args[1], "án$", "á")
else resyll = args[1]
elseif mw.ustring.find(args[1], "man$") then
nom_sg = string.gsub(args[1], "man$", "ma")
nom_pl = mw.ustring.gsub(args[1], "man$", "mān")
strongdu = args[1]
loc_sg_stem = args[1]
resyll = nom_sg
nom_sg = title
nom_pl = args[2] .. "H"
strongdu = args[2]
loc_sg_stem = args[2]
resyll = args[1]
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {nom_sg}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = data.forms["nom_sg"]
data.forms["acc_sg"] = data.forms["nom_sg"]
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {args[1] .. gen_sg_ending}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = data.forms["abl_sg"]
data.forms["loc_sg"] = {args.locsg or (loc_sg_stem .. "(i)")}
data.forms["nom_du"] = {strongdu .. "iH"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["ins_du"] = {resyll .. "bʰyā́(m)"}
data.forms["abl_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["dat_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {nom_pl}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = data.forms["nom_pl"]
data.forms["acc_pl"] = data.forms["nom_pl"]
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {resyll .. "bʰíš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {resyll .. "bʰyáH"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {args[1] .. "áHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {resyll .. "sú"}
decl_data["s-n"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["s-n"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
data.decl_type = "neuter as-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {args[1] .. "as"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "as"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "as"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {args[1] .. "asaH"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {args[1] .. "asas"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {args[1] .. "asay"}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = {args[1] .. "asas"}
data.forms["loc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "asi"}
data.forms["nom_du"] = {args[1] .. "asiH"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = {args[1] .. "asiH"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["ins_du"] = {args[1] .. "azbʰyā(m)"}
data.forms["abl_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["dat_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["gen_du"] = {args[1] .. "asHās"}
data.forms["loc_du"] = {args[1] .. "asHaw"}
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ās"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ās"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ās"}
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {args[1] .. "azbʰiš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {args[1] .. "azbʰyas"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {args[1] .. "asaHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "asu"}
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian as-stem nouns")
decl_data["i-mf"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
["g"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["i-mf"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
data.decl_type = "masculine/feminine i-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {args[1] .. "íš"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ay"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ím"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {args[1] .. "íH"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áyš"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áyay"}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áyš"}
data.forms["loc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ā́y"} -- HCHIEL p.1895: loc. *(H)agnā́y
data.forms["nom_du"] = {args[1] .. "íH"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = {args[1] .. "iH"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["ins_du"] = {args[1] .. "íbʰyā(m)"}
data.forms["abl_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["dat_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["gen_du"] = {args[1] .. "iyā́s"}
data.forms["loc_du"] = {args[1] .. "iyáw"} -- HCHIEL p.1895: du.loc. *(H)agniy-áw
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {args[1] .. "áyas"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ayas"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ínš"}
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íbʰiš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íbʰyas"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {args[1] .. "iHnáHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íšu"}
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian i-stem nouns")
decl_data["i-n"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
["j"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["i-n"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
decl_data["i-m"](args, data)
data.decl_type = "neuter i-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {args[1] .. "í"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "i"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = data.forms["nom_sg"]
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íH"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "iH"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = data.forms["nom_pl"]
decl_data["iH-f"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["iH-f"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
data.decl_type = "feminine iH-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {args[1] .. "íHs"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "i"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "íHam"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {args[1] .. "íHaH"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {args[1] .. "íHas"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {args[1] .. "íHay"}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = data.forms["abl_sg"]
data.forms["loc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "íH"} -- HCHIEL p.1896 loc. *wr̥kī́
data.forms["nom_du"] = {args[1] .. "íHaH"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = {args[1] .. "iHaH"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["ins_du"] = {args[1] .. "íHbʰyā(m)"}
data.forms["abl_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["dat_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["gen_du"] = {args[1] .. "íHās"}
data.forms["loc_du"] = {args[1] .. "íHaw"}
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íHas"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "iHas"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = data.forms["nom_pl"]
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íHbʰiš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íHbʰyas"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íHnaHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íHsu"}
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian iH-stem nouns")
decl_data["aH-f"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["aH-f"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
data.decl_type = "aH-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áH"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ay"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ā́m"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áH, -áyaH"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áyaHs"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áyaHy"}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = data.forms["abl_sg"]
data.forms["loc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áyaH"}
data.forms["nom_du"] = {args[1] .. "áy"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = {args[1] .. "ay"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["ins_du"] = {args[1] .. "áHbʰyā(m)"}
data.forms["abl_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["dat_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["gen_du"] = {args[1] .. "áyHās"}
data.forms["loc_du"] = {args[1] .. "áyHaw"}
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ā́s"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ās"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = data.forms["nom_pl"]
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {args[1] .. "áHbʰiš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {args[1] .. "áHbʰyas"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {args[1] .. "áHnaHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "áHsu"}
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian aH-stem nouns")
decl_data["yaH-f"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["yaH-f"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
data.decl_type = "yaH-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {args[1] .. "íH"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "i"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "íHm"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {args[1] .. "yáH"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {args[1] .. "yáHs"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {args[1] .. "yáy"}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = data.forms["abl_sg"]
data.forms["loc_sg"] = data.forms["ins_sg"]
data.forms["nom_du"] = {args[1] .. "íH"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = {args[1] .. "iH"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["ins_du"] = {args[1] .. "íHbʰyā(m)"}
data.forms["abl_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["dat_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["gen_du"] = {args[1] .. "íHās"}
data.forms["loc_du"] = {args[1] .. "íHaw"}
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íHš"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "iHš"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = data.forms["nom_pl"]
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íHbʰiš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íHbʰyas"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íHnaHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "íHsu"}
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian yaH-stem nouns")
decl_data["uH-f"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["uH-f"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
data.decl_type = "uH-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {args[1] .. "úHs"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "u"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "úHam"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {args[1] .. "úHaH"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {args[1] .. "úHas"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {args[1] .. "úHay"}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = data.forms["abl_sg"]
data.forms["loc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "úH"} -- HCHIEL p.1896 loc. *tanū́
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {args[1] .. "úHas"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "uHas"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = data.forms["nom_pl"]
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {args[1] .. "úHbʰiš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {args[1] .. "úHbʰyas"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {args[1] .. "úHnaHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "úHsu"}
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian uH-stem nouns")
decl_data["u-mf"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
[2] = {},
["stem"] = {},
["altgsg"] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
["g"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["u-mf"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
data.decl_type = "masculine u-stem"
local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
local stem = mw.ustring.gsub(title, "[uú]š$", "")
if not args[1] then args[1] = stem end
local gen_sg_ending
if args["altgsg"] then gen_sg_ending = "wás" else gen_sg_ending = "áwš" end
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {stem .. "úš"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {stem .. "aw"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {stem .. "úm"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {args[1] .. "úH"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {args[1] .. gen_sg_ending}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áway"}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = data.forms["abl_sg"]
data.forms["loc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ā́w"}
data.forms["nom_du"] = {stem .. "úH"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = {stem .. "uH"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["ins_du"] = {args[1] .. "úbʰyā(m)"}
data.forms["abl_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["dat_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["gen_du"] = {args[1] .. "uwā́s"}
data.forms["loc_du"] = {args[1] .. "uwáw"}
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {stem .. "áwas"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {stem .. "awas"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {stem .. "únš"}
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {args[1] .. "úbʰiš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {args[1] .. "úbʰyas"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {args[1] .. "uHnáHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "úšu"}
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian u-stem nouns")
decl_data["u-n"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
[2] = {},
["stem"] = {},
["altgsg"] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["u-n"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
decl_data["u-mf"](args, data)
local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
local stem = mw.ustring.gsub(title, "[uú]$", "")
data.decl_type = "neuter u-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {stem .. "ú"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {stem .. "u"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = data.forms["nom_sg"]
if mw.ustring.find(stem, "ā́") then
debrugmann = mw.ustring.gsub(stem, "ā́", "á")
if debrugmann then strongdu = debrugmann else strongdu = stem end
data.forms["nom_du"] = {strongdu .. "wiH"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["voc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {stem .. "úH"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {stem .. "uH"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = data.forms["nom_pl"]
decl_data["n-n"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
decl_data["r-n"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
["nopl"] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["r-n"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
data.decl_type = "r-stem"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ā́"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ar"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "áram, *-ā́ram, *-r̥m"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ráH"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ŕ̥š, *-rás"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ráy"}
data.forms["gen_sg"] = data.forms["abl_sg"]
data.forms["loc_sg"] = {args[1] .. "ári"}
data.forms["nom_du"] = {args[1] .. "áraH, -ā́raH"}
data.forms["voc_du"] = {args[1] .. "araH, -āraH"}
data.forms["acc_du"] = data.forms["nom_du"]
data.forms["ins_du"] = {args[1] .. "ŕ̥bʰyā(m)"}
data.forms["abl_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["dat_du"] = data.forms["ins_du"]
data.forms["gen_du"] = {args[1] .. "rā́s"}
data.forms["loc_du"] = {args[1] .. "ráw"}
if not args.nopl then
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {args[1] .. "áras, -ā́ras"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "aras, -āras"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ŕ̥nš"}
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ŕ̥bʰiš"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ŕ̥bʰyas"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {args[1] .. "r̥náHam"}
data.forms["loc_pl"] = {args[1] .. "ŕ̥šu"}
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian r-stem nouns")
decl_data["irreg"] = {}
setmetatable(decl_data["irreg"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
local word = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
irreg_data = require("Module:iir-decl-noun/data/irreg")
if irreg_data.irreg[word] then
irreg_data.irreg[word](args, data)
error("Irregular inflection not found. Please check Module:iir-decl-noun/data.")
table.insert(data.categories, "Proto-Indo-Iranian irregular nouns")
return decl_data