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Documentation for Module:fa-translit. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the module.

Generates both the Classical romanization and the Iranian romanization, from the classical vocalization, using module:fa-cls-translit as a backend. Still a work-in-progress. To transliterate Classical Persian and Iranian Persian text independently use their independent transliteration modules listed below:

Override Iranian romanization


The outputted Iranian romanization can be overwritten by vocalizing the word twice (using classical vocalization) with both vocalizations separated by //. This will cause the text to the left of the // to be the outputted classical romanization and the text on the right to be the outputted Iranian romanization. Be aware that, due to how MediaWiki processes bidirectional text, the vocalizations may appear to switch sides when viewed from the Wikitext editor.

Example 1
Input: نَمی‌دَانَم//نِمی‌دَانَم
Output: namē-dānam / nemi-dânam
Example 2
Input: خَانَگِی//خَانِگِی
Output: xānagī / xânegi
Example 3
Input: موز//مَوْز
Output: mōz / mowz



All tests passed. (refresh)

Passedگویَا کِهgōyā ki / guyâ kegōyā ki / guyâ ke
Passedحُقُوقhuqūq / hoğuğhuqūq / hoğuğ
Passedدَقِیقَهdaqīqa / dağiğedaqīqa / dağiğe
Passedخْوَرَاسَانxwarāsān / xorâsânxwarāsān / xorâsân
Passedخْویشxwēš / xišxwēš / xiš
Passedروزrōz / ruzrōz / ruz
Passedوَلیکِنwalēkin / valikenwalēkin / valiken
Passedشُویْšūy / šuyšūy / šuy
Passedشویْšōy / šuyšōy / šuy
Passedشِیرšīr / širšīr / šir
Passedشیرšēr / širšēr / šir
Passedشَوْهَرšawhar / šowharšawhar / šowhar
Passedکَسیkasē / kasikasē / kasi
Passedگویِشgōyiš / guyešgōyiš / guyeš
Passedبَیْنُ‌المِلَلِیbaynu-l-milalī / beyno-l-melalibaynu-l-milalī / beyno-l-melali
Passedشَوِیšawī / šavišawī / šavi
Passedشِوِیšiwī / ševišiwī / ševi
Passedشُویšuwē / šovišuwē / šovi
Passedخْوَدْرَوxwadraw / xodrowxwadraw / xodrow
Passedنَمی‌دَانَم / نِمی‌دَانَمnamē-dānam / nemi-dânamnamē-dānam / nemi-dânam
Passedخَانَگِی / خَانِگِیxānagī / xânegixānagī / xânegi
Passedموز / مَوْزmōz / mowzmōz / mowz