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From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

local export = {}
local m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("eu")

function export.make_table(data, type)
	local list_k_n = {}
	local list_n_nan = {}
	local list_ake_nake = {}
	local list_akeen_nakeen = {}
	local list_ala_nala = {}

	local wikicode = get_wikicode(type)
	if type == "nor-izan" then
		wikicode = table_nor_izan
	elseif type == "nor-allocutive-izan" then
		wikicode = table_nor_allocutive_izan
	elseif type == "nornori-atxeki" then
		list_k_n = m_table.listToSet {"presnihirif", "preshurahirif", "presguhirif", "preshaiekhirif", "imphurahirif", "imphaiekhirif"}
		list_n_nan = m_table.listToSet {"pastnihirif", "pasthurahirif", "pastguhirif", "pasthaiekhirif"}
		list_ake_nake = m_table.listToSet {"hconsnihirif", "hconshurahirif", "hconsguhirif", "hconshaiekhirif"}
	elseif type == "nornori-jariatu" then
		list_k_n = m_table.listToSet {"preshurahirif", "preshaiekhirif", "imphurahirif", "imphaiekhirif"}
		list_n_nan = m_table.listToSet {"pasthurahirif", "pasthaiekhirif"}
		list_ake_nake = m_table.listToSet {"hconshurahirif", "hconshaiekhirif"}	
	elseif type == "nornori-ibili" then
		list_k_n = m_table.listToSet {
			"presnihirif", "preshurahirif", "presguhirif", "preshaiekhirif", 
			"condnihirif", "condhurahirif", "condguhirif", "condhaiekhirif", 
			"imphurahirif", "imphaiekhirif",
			"clcondnihirif", "clcondhurahirif", "clcondguhirif", "clcondhaiekhirif"
		list_n_nan = m_table.listToSet {"pastnihirif", "pasthurahirif", "pastguhirif", "pasthaiekhirif", "subpresnihirif", "subpreshurahirif", "subpresguhirif", "subpreshaiekhirif"}
		list_ake_nake = m_table.listToSet {"hconsnihirif", "hconshurahirif", "hconsguhirif", "hconshaiekhirif", "potpresnihirif", "potpreshurahirif", "potpresguhirif", "potpreshaiekhirif"}
		list_akeen_nakeen = m_table.listToSet {"pconsnihirif", "pconshurahirif", "pconsguhirif", "pconshaiekhirif"}
	elseif type == "nornori-izan" then
		list_k_n = m_table.listToSet {
			"presnihirif", "preshurahirif", "presguhirif", "preshaiekhirif", 
			"condnihirif", "condhurahirif", "condguhirif", "condhaiekhirif", 
			"imphurahirif", "imphaiekhirif",
			"clcondnihirif", "clcondhurahirif", "clcondguhirif", "clcondhaiekhirif",
			"dicondnihirif", "dicondhurahirif", "dicondguhirif", "dicondhaiekhirif"
		list_n_nan = m_table.listToSet {
			"pastnihirif", "pasthurahirif", "pastguhirif", "pasthaiekhirif", 
			"subpresnihirif", "subpreshurahirif", "subpresguhirif", "subpreshaiekhirif",
			"subhypnihirif", "subhyphurahirif", "subhypguhirif", "subhyphaiekhirif",
			"subpastnihirif", "subpasthurahirif", "subpastguhirif", "subpasthaiekhirif"
		list_ake_nake = m_table.listToSet {
			"hconsnihirif", "hconshurahirif", "hconsguhirif", "hconshaiekhirif", 
			"potpresnihirif", "potpreshurahirif", "potpresguhirif", "potpreshaiekhirif",
			"pothyponihirif", "pothypohurahirif", "pothypoguhirif", "pothypohaiekhirif"
		list_akeen_nakeen = m_table.listToSet {
			"pconsnihirif", "pconshurahirif", "pconsguhirif", "pconshaiekhirif",
			"potpastnihirif", "potpasthurahirif", "potpastguhirif", "potpasthaiekhirif"
		list_ala_nala = m_table.listToSet {
			"subpreslanihirif", "subpreslahurahirif", "subpreslaguhirif", "subpreslahaiekhirif",
			"subpastlanihirif", "subpastlahurahirif", "subpastlaguhirif", "subpastlahaiekhirif"
	elseif type == "nornork-eduki" then
		wikicode = table_nornork_eduki
		title = '{{{info}}} ― NOR-NORK paradigm'
		list_k_n = m_table.listToSet {"1b", "11b", "17b", "31b", "73b", "89b", "109b", "125b", "364b", "372b"}
		list_n_nan = m_table.listToSet {"37b", "53b"}
	elseif type == "nornork-eroan" then
		wikicode = table_nornork_eroan
		title = '{{{info}}} ― NOR-NORK paradigm'
		list_k_n = m_table.listToSet {"11b", "31b", "227b", "247b"}
	elseif type == "nornorinork_imp" then
		wikicode = table_nornorinork_imp
		title = '{{{info}}} ― NOR-NORI-NORK paradigm'
		list_k_n = m_table.listToSet {"i1sb", "i1pb", "i4sb", "i4pb", "i7sb", "i7pb", "i10sb", "i10pb"}
	local function repl(param)
		if param == "info" then
			return mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(data.info or "")
		local forms = data.forms[param]
		if not forms then
			return "—"
		local ret = {}
		for key, subform in ipairs(forms) do
			if subform == "NA" then
				table.insert(ret, "")
			elseif list_k_n[param] then
				table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "n"}))
			elseif list_n_nan[param] then
				table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "nan"}))
			elseif list_ake_nake[param] then
				table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "nake"}))
			elseif list_akeen_nakeen[param] then
				table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "nakeen"}))
			elseif list_ala_nala[param] then
				table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "nala"}))
				table.insert(ret, m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform}))
		return table.concat(ret, "<br/>")
	if title ~= nil then
		wikicode = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ 
			title = 'inflection-table-top', 
			args = {
				title = title,
				palette = 'custom',
				tall = 'yes',
				class = 'wide',
		} .. wikicode .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ 
			title = 'inflection-table-bottom',
	return mw.ustring.gsub(wikicode, "{{{[#!]?([a-z0-9|]+)}}}", repl)

function get_wikicode(type)
	local code = ""
	local newtense = ""
	local tensenum = 0
	local tenseheader = ""
	--should slots for archaic forms be shown?
	local show_arch = false
	local list_show_arch = m_table.listToSet {"nornori-ibili", "nornori-izan"}
	if list_show_arch[type] then
		show_arch = true
	local list_show_subhyp = m_table.listToSet {"nornori-izan"}
	local show_subhyp = false
	if list_show_subhyp[type] then
		show_subhyp = true
	--default data
	local indic_list = {
		{true, 1, "pres", "present", table_nornori_tense}, 
		{true, 1, "past", "past", table_nornori_tense}, 
		{true, 0, "cond", "conditional", table_nornori_tense},
		{true, 1, "hcons", '<abbr title="hypothetic consequence">hyp. cons.</abbr>', table_nornori_tense}, 
		{true, 0, "pcons", '<abbr title="past consequence">past cons.</abbr>', table_nornori_tense}, 
		{show_arch, 0, "fut", "future<sup>1</sup>", table_nornori_tense}
	local potential_list = {
		{true, 0, "potpres", "present", table_nornori_tense}, 
		{true, 0, "pothypo", "hypothetic", table_nornori_tense},
		{true, 0, "potpast", "past", table_nornori_tense}, 
		{show_arch, 0, "clcond", '<abbr title="close conditional">close cond.</abbr><sup>1</sup>', table_nornori_tense},
		{show_arch, 0, "dicond", '<abbr title="distal conditional">distal cond.</abbr><sup>1</sup>', table_nornori_tense},
	local subjunctive_list = {
		{true, 0, "subpres", "present", table_nornori_tense}, 
		{show_subhyp, 0, "subhyp", "hypothetic", table_nornori_tense},
		{true, 0, "subpast", "past", table_nornori_tense}, 
	local imperative_list = {
		{true, 1, "imp", "imperative", table_nornori_third_only_tense}, 
	local moods = {
		{table_header_indic, indic_list},
		{table_header_potential, potential_list}, 
		{table_header_subjunctive, subjunctive_list}, 
		{table_header_imperative, imperative_list}, 
	--case-by-case data
	if type == "nornori-jariatu" then
		indic_list[1][5] = table_nornori_third_only_tense
		indic_list[2][5] = table_nornori_third_only_tense
		indic_list[4][5] = table_nornori_third_only_tense
	elseif type == "nornori-ibili" then
		show_arch = true
		indic_list[3][2] = 1
		indic_list[5][2] = 1
		indic_list[6][2] = 2
		indic_list[6][6] = "potential present"
		potential_list[1][2] = 1
		potential_list[2][2] = 2
		potential_list[2][6] = "indicative hypothetic consequence"
		potential_list[3][2] = 2
		potential_list[3][6] = "indicative past consequence"
		potential_list[4][2] = 1
		potential_list[5][2] = 2
		potential_list[5][6] = "indicative conditional"
		--subjunctive and imperative
		subjunctive_list[1][2] = 1
		subjunctive_list[3][2] = 2
		subjunctive_list[3][6] = "indicative past"
		imperative_list[1][5] = table_nornori_second_third_tense
	elseif type == "nornori-izan" then
		show_arch = true
		indic_list[3][2] = 1
		indic_list[5][2] = 1
		indic_list[6][2] = 0
		potential_list[1][2] = 1
		potential_list[2][2] = 1
		potential_list[3][2] = 1
		potential_list[4][2] = 1
		potential_list[5][2] = 1
		--subjunctive and imperative
		subjunctive_list[1][2] = 3
		subjunctive_list[1][3] = {"subpres", "subpresla"}
		subjunctive_list[1][5] = table_nornori_double
		subjunctive_list[2][2] = 1
		subjunctive_list[3][2] = 3
		subjunctive_list[3][3] = {"subpast", "subpastla"}
		subjunctive_list[3][5] = table_nornori_double
		imperative_list[1][5] = table_nornori_second_third_tense
	--generate the code
	code = table_nornori_head
	for i, mood in ipairs(moods) do
		tensenum = 0
		for _, tense in ipairs(mood[2]) do
			if tense[1] == true then
				tensenum = tensenum + 1
		tenseheader = mood[1]
		if type == "nornori-izan" then
			tenseheader = mw.ustring.gsub(tenseheader, "NOTES", "<sup>2</sup>")
			tenseheader = mw.ustring.gsub(tenseheader, "NOTES", "")
		code = code .. mw.ustring.gsub(tenseheader, "TENSE_NUM", tostring(tensenum*2-1))
		for j, tense in ipairs(mood[2]) do
			if tense[1] == true then
				if tense[2] == 1 then
					newtense = mw.ustring.gsub(tense[5], "TENSE_NAME", tense[4])
					newtense = mw.ustring.gsub(newtense, "TENSE_ABBR", tense[3])
				elseif tense[2] == 0 then
					newtense = mw.ustring.gsub(table_empty_tense, "TENSE_NAME", tense[4])
				elseif tense[2] == 2 then
					newtense = mw.ustring.gsub(table_see_tense, "TENSE_NAME", tense[4])
					newtense = mw.ustring.gsub(newtense, "SEE_TENSE", tense[6])
				elseif tense[2] == 3 then
					newtense = mw.ustring.gsub(tense[5], "TENSE_NAME", tense[4])
					newtense = mw.ustring.gsub(newtense, "TENSE_ABBR2", tense[3][2])
					newtense = mw.ustring.gsub(newtense, "TENSE_ABBR1", tense[3][1])
				code = code .. newtense
				if j < tensenum then
					code = code .. table_tense_sep
		if i < #moods then
			code = code .. table_mood_sep
	--add notes if necessary to the bottom of the table
	local ending = table_standard_ending
	if string.find(code, "<sup>2</sup>") then
		ending = table_edin_ending
	elseif string.find(code, "<sup>1</sup>") then
		ending = table_archaic_ending
	code = code .. ending 
	return code

--new tables
table_nornori_head = [=[
<div class="NavFrame" style="clear:both;width:100%;">
<div class="NavHead" align=left>&nbsp;&nbsp; {{{info}}} ― NOR-NORI paradigm </div>
<div class="NavContent" align="center">
{| style="background:#F9F9F9;width:100%;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:2px;" class="inflection-table"
|- style="background:#DEDEDE;"
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" stylef="width:15%;vertical-align:bottom;" | Mood / Tense
! colspan="7" style="width:70%;" | NOR (absolutive)
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="width:15%;vertical-align:bottom" | NORI (dative)
|- style="background:#DEDEDE;"
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
|- style="background:#ECECEC;"
! ni !! hi !! hura !! gu !! zu !! zuek !! haiek

table_standard_ending = [=[

table_archaic_ending = [=[
| colspan="9" style="text-align:left" |1. Archaic or dialectal.

table_edin_ending = [=[
| colspan="9" style="text-align:left" |1. Archaic or dialectal.<br/>2. Forms belong to the reconstructed verb *edin.

table_header_indic = [=[
! rowspan="TENSE_NUM" style="background:#c0cfe4;width:8.7%;" | indicative

table_header_potential = [=[
! rowspan="TENSE_NUM" style="background:#e2e4c0;width:8.7%;" | potentialNOTES

table_header_subjunctive = [=[
! rowspan="TENSE_NUM" style="background:#c0e4c0;width:8.7%;" | subjunctiveNOTES

table_header_imperative = [=[
! style="background:#e4d4c0;width:8.7%;" | imperativeNOTES

table_tense_sep = [=[
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 

table_mood_sep = [=[
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 

table_nornori_tense = [=[
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | TENSE_NAME
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhiniri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhuraniri}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuniri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuekniri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekniri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | niri
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{TENSE_ABBRnihirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBRnihirif}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurahirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBRhurahirif}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRguhirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBRguhirif}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhirif}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hiri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRnihari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRhihari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRhurahari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRguhari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRzuhari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRzuekhari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhari}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hari
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhiguri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhuraguri}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuguri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuekguri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekguri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | guri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{TENSE_ABBRnizuri}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurazuri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRguzuri}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekzuri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{TENSE_ABBRnizuei}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurazuei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRguzuei}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekzuei}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuei
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{TENSE_ABBRnihaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhihaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurahaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRguhaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuhaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuekhaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhaiei}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiei
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>

table_nornori_double = [=[
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | TENSE_NAME
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1hiniri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2hiniri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1huraniri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2huraniri}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1zuniri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2zuniri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1zuekniri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2zuekniri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1haiekniri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2haiekniri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | niri
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1nihirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBR1nihirif}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2nihirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBR2nihirif}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1hurahirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBR1hurahirif}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2hurahirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBR2hurahirif}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1guhirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBR1guhirif}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2guhirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBR2guhirif}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1haiekhirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBR1haiekhirif}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2haiekhirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBR2haiekhirif}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hiri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="seTENSE_ABBR1-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBR1nihari}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2nihari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBR1hihari}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2hihari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBR1hurahari}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2hurahari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBR1guhari}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2guhari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBR1zuhari}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2zuhari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBR1zuekhari}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2zuekhari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBR1haiekhari}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2haiekhari}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hari
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1higuri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2higuri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1huraguri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2huraguri}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1zuguri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2zuguri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1zuekguri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2zuekguri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1haiekguri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2haiekguri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | guri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1nizuri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2nizuri}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1hurazuri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2hurazuri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1guzuri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2guzuri}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1haiekzuri}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2haiekzuri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="seTENSE_ABBR1-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1nizuei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2nizuei}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1hurazuei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2hurazuei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1guzuei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2guzuei}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1haiekzuei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2haiekzuei}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuei
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="seTENSE_ABBR1-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1nihaiei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2nihaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1hihaiei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2hihaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1hurahaiei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2hurahaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1guhaiei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2guhaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1zuhaiei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2zuhaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1zuekhaiei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2zuekhaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBR1haiekhaiei}}},<br/>{{{TENSE_ABBR2haiekhaiei}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiei
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>

table_nornori_third_only_tense = [=[
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | TENSE_NAME
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhuraniri}}}
| ―
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekniri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | niri
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurahirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBRhurahirif}}}
| ―
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhirif}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hiri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | ―
| style="width:11.78%;" | ―
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRhurahari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | ―
| style="width:11.78%;" | ―
| style="width:11.78%;" | ―
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhari}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hari
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhuraguri}}}
| ―
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekguri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | guri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurazuri}}}
| ―
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekzuri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurazuei}}}
| ―
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekzuei}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuei
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurahaiei}}}
| ―
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhaiei}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiei
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>

table_nornori_second_third_tense = [=[
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | TENSE_NAME
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhiniri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhuraniri}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuniri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuekniri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekniri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | niri
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurahirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBRhurahirif}}}
| ―
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhirim}}}{{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhirif}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hiri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | ―
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRhihari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRhurahari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | ―
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRzuhari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRzuekhari}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhari}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hari
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhiguri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhuraguri}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuguri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuekguri}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekguri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | guri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurazuri}}}
| ―
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekzuri}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuri
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurazuei}}}
| ―
| ―
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekzuei}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuei
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhihaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhurahaiei}}}
| ―
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuhaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRzuekhaiei}}}
| {{{TENSE_ABBRhaiekhaiei}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiei
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>

table_empty_tense = [=[
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | TENSE_NAME
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
! style="background:#ECECEC;" colspan = "2" | 

table_see_tense = [=[
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | TENSE_NAME
| style="background:#ECECEC;" colspan="7" | <div class="center">same as SEE_TENSE</div>
! style="background:#ECECEC;" colspan = "2" | 

table_nor_izan =[==[
<div class="NavFrame" style="clear:both;width:80%;">
<div class="NavHead" align=left>&nbsp;&nbsp; {{{info}}} ― NOR paradigm </div>
<div class="NavContent" align="center">
{| style="background:#F9F9F9;width:100%;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:2px;" class="inflection-table"
|- style="background:#DEDEDE;"
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="width:23%;vertical-align:bottom;" | Mood / Tense
! colspan="7" style="width:77%;" | NOR (absolutive)
|- style="background:#DEDEDE;"
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
|- style="background:#ECECEC;"
! ni !! hi !! hura !! gu !! zu !! zuek !! haiek
! rowspan="6" style="background:#c0cfe4;width:11.5%;" | indicative
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:11.5%;" | present
| {{{1}}}
| {{{2}}}
| {{{3}}}
| {{{4}}}
| {{{5}}}
| {{{6}}}
| {{{7}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | past
| {{{8}}}
| {{{9}}}
| {{{10}}}
| {{{11}}}
| {{{12}}}
| {{{13}}}
| {{{14}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | conditional
| {{{15}}}
| {{{16}}}
| {{{17}}}
| {{{18}}}
| {{{19}}}
| {{{20}}}
| {{{21}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | <abbr title="hypothetic consequence">hypothetic cons.</abbr>
| {{{22}}}
| {{{23}}}
| {{{24}}}
| {{{25}}}
| {{{26}}}
| {{{27}}}
| {{{28}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | <abbr title="past consequence">past cons.</abbr>
| {{{29}}}
| {{{30}}}
| {{{31}}}
| {{{32}}}
| {{{33}}}
| {{{34}}}
| {{{35}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | future<sup>1</sup>
| {{{36b}}}
| {{{37b}}}
| {{{38b}}}
| {{{39b}}}
| {{{40b}}}
| {{{41b}}}
| {{{42b}}}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="9" | 
! rowspan="5" style="background:#e2e4c0;" | potential<sup>2</sup>
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | present
| {{{36}}}
| {{{37}}}
| {{{38}}}
| {{{39}}}
| {{{40}}}
| {{{41}}}
| {{{42}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hypothetic
| {{{43}}}
| {{{44}}}
| {{{45}}}
| {{{46}}}
| {{{47}}}
| {{{48}}}
| {{{49}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | past
| {{{50}}}
| {{{51}}}
| {{{52}}}
| {{{53}}}
| {{{54}}}
| {{{55}}}
| {{{56}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | <abbr title="close conditional">close cond.</abbr><sup>1</sup>
| {{{15c}}}
| {{{16c}}}
| {{{17c}}}
| {{{18c}}}
| {{{19c}}}
| {{{20c}}}
| {{{21c}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | <abbr title="distal conditional">distal cond.</abbr><sup>1</sup>
| {{{15b}}}
| {{{16b}}}
| {{{17b}}}
| {{{18b}}}
| {{{19b}}}
| {{{20b}}}
| {{{21b}}}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="9" | 
! rowspan="3" style="background:#c0e4c0;" | subjunctive<sup>2</sup>
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | present
| {{{57}}},<br/>{{{57b}}}
| {{{58}}},<br/>{{{58b}}}
| {{{59}}},<br/>{{{59b}}}
| {{{60}}},<br/>{{{60b}}}
| {{{61}}},<br/>{{{61b}}}
| {{{62}}},<br/>{{{62b}}}
| {{{63}}},<br/>{{{63b}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hypothetic
| {{{64}}}
| {{{65}}}
| {{{59c}}}
| {{{67}}}
| {{{68}}}
| {{{69}}}
| {{{63c}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | past
| {{{64}}},<br/>{{{64b}}}
| {{{65}}},<br/>{{{65b}}}
| {{{66}}},<br/>{{{66b}}}
| {{{67}}},<br/>{{{67b}}}
| {{{68}}},<br/>{{{68b}}}
| {{{69}}},<br/>{{{69b}}}
| {{{70}}},<br/>{{{70b}}}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="9" | 
! style="background:#e4d4c0;" | imperative<sup>2</sup>
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | present
| {{{71}}}
| {{{72}}}
| {{{73}}}, {{{73b}}}<sup>3</sup>
| {{{74}}}
| {{{75}}}
| {{{76}}}
| {{{77}}}, {{{77b}}}<sup>3</sup>
| colspan="9" style="text-align:left" |1. Archaic or dialectal. <br/> 2. Forms belong to the reconstructed verb *edin. <br/> 3. Not used as auxiliaries.

table_nor_allocutive_izan = [==[
<div class="NavFrame" style="clear:both;width:80%;">
<div class="NavHead" align=left>&nbsp;&nbsp; {{{info}}} ― NOR allocutive forms </div>
<div class="NavContent" align="center">
{| style="background:#F9F9F9;width:100%;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:2px;" class="inflection-table"
|- style="background:#DEDEDE;"
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="width:23%;vertical-align:bottom;" | Mood / Tense
! rowspan="3" style="width:10%;vertical-align:bottom;" | Addressee
! colspan="7" style="width:77%;" | NOR (absolutive)
|- style="background:#DEDEDE;"
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
! style="width:11%;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
|- style="background:#ECECEC;"
! ni !! hura !! gu !! haiek
! rowspan="10" style="background:#c0cfe4;width:11.5%;" | indicative
! rowspan="2" style="background:#ECECEC;width:11.5%;" | present
! style="background:#ECECEC" | male
| {{{1m}}}
| {{{3m}}}
| {{{4m}}}
| {{{7m}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC" | female
| {{{1f}}}
| {{{3f}}}
| {{{4f}}}
| {{{7f}}}
! rowspan="2" style="background:#ECECEC;" | past
! style="background:#ECECEC" | male
| {{{8m}}}
| {{{10m}}}
| {{{11m}}}
| {{{14m}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC" | female
| {{{8f}}}
| {{{10f}}}
| {{{11f}}}
| {{{14f}}}
! rowspan="2" style="background:#ECECEC;" | <abbr title="hypothetic consequence">hypothetic cons.</abbr>
! style="background:#ECECEC" | male
| {{{22m}}}
| {{{24m}}}
| {{{25m}}}
| {{{28m}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC" | female
| {{{22f}}}
| {{{24f}}}
| {{{25f}}}
| {{{28f}}}
! rowspan="2" style="background:#ECECEC;" | <abbr title="past consequence">past cons.</abbr>
! style="background:#ECECEC" | male
| {{{29m}}}
| {{{31m}}}
| {{{32m}}}
| {{{35m}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC" | female
| {{{29f}}}
| {{{31f}}}
| {{{32f}}}
| {{{35f}}}
! rowspan="2" style="background:#ECECEC;" | future<sup>1</sup>
! style="background:#ECECEC" | male
| {{{36bm}}}
| {{{38bm}}}
| {{{39bm}}}
| {{{42bm}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC" | female
| {{{36bf}}}
| {{{38bf}}}
| {{{39bf}}}
| {{{42bf}}}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="9" | 
! rowspan="6" style="background:#e2e4c0;" | potential<sup>2</sup>
! rowspan="2" style="background:#ECECEC;" | present
! style="background:#ECECEC" | male
| {{{36m}}}
| {{{38m}}}
| {{{39m}}}
| {{{42m}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC" | female
| {{{36f}}}
| {{{38f}}}
| {{{39f}}}
| {{{42f}}}
! rowspan="2" style="background:#ECECEC;" | hypothetic
! style="background:#ECECEC" | male
| {{{43m}}}
| {{{45m}}}
| {{{46m}}}
| {{{49m}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC" | female
| {{{43f}}}
| {{{45f}}}
| {{{46f}}}
| {{{49f}}}
! rowspan="2" style="background:#ECECEC;" | past
! style="background:#ECECEC" | male
| {{{50m}}}
| {{{52m}}}
| {{{53m}}}
| {{{56m}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC" | female
| {{{50f}}}
| {{{52f}}}
| {{{53f}}}
| {{{56f}}}
| colspan="9" style="text-align:left" |1. Archaic or dialectal. <br/> 2. Forms belong to the reconstructed verb *edin.

table_nornork_eduki = [=[
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom;" | Mood / Tense
! colspan="7" | NORK (ergative)
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom" | NOR (absolutive)
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd&nbsp;sg inf.</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! class="secondary" | nik
! class="secondary" | hik
! class="secondary" | hark
! class="secondary" | guk
! class="secondary" | zuk
! class="secondary" | zuek
! class="secondary" | haiek
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="33" class="outer" | indicative
! rowspan="7" | present
| ―
| {{{1a}}}{{{1b}}}
| {{{2}}}
| ―
| {{{3}}}
| {{{4}}}
| {{{5}}}
| class="secondary" | ni
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{6}}}
| ―
| {{{7}}}
| {{{8}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{9}}}
| class="secondary" | hi
! <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd&nbsp;sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{10}}}
| {{{11a}}}{{{11b}}}
| {{{12}}}
| {{{13}}}
| {{{14}}}
| {{{15}}}
| {{{16}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| ―
| {{{17a}}}{{{17b}}}
| {{{18}}}
| ―
| {{{19}}}
| {{{20}}}
| {{{21}}}
| class="secondary" | gu
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{22}}}
| ―
| {{{23}}}
| {{{24}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{25}}}
| class="secondary" | zu
! <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{26}}}
| ―
| {{{27}}}
| {{{28}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{29}}}
| class="secondary" | zuek
! <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{30}}}
| {{{31a}}}{{{31b}}}
| {{{32}}}
| {{{33}}}
| {{{34}}}
| {{{35}}}
| {{{36}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="7" | past
| ―
| {{{37a}}}{{{37b}}}
| {{{38}}}
| ―
| {{{39}}}
| {{{40}}}
| {{{41}}}
| class="secondary" | ni
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{42}}}
| ―
| {{{43}}}
| {{{44}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{45}}}
| class="secondary" | hi
! <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd&nbsp;sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{46}}}
| {{{47}}}
| {{{48}}}
| {{{49}}}
| {{{50}}}
| {{{51}}}
| {{{52}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| ―
| {{{53a}}}{{{53b}}}
| {{{54}}}
| ―
| {{{55}}}
| {{{56}}}
| {{{57}}}
| class="secondary" | gu
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{58}}}
| ―
| {{{59}}}
| {{{60}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{61}}}
| class="secondary" | zu
! <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{62}}}
| ―
| {{{63}}}
| {{{64}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{65}}}
| class="secondary" | zuek
! <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{66}}}
| {{{67}}}
| {{{68}}}
| {{{69}}}
| {{{70}}}
| {{{71}}}
| {{{72}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="7" | conditional
| ―
| {{{73a}}}{{{73b}}}
| {{{74}}}
| ―
| {{{75}}}
| {{{76}}}
| {{{77}}}
| class="secondary" | ni
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{78}}}
| ―
| {{{79}}}
| {{{80}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{81}}}
| class="secondary" | hi
! <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd&nbsp;sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{82}}}
| {{{83}}}
| {{{84}}}
| {{{85}}}
| {{{86}}}
| {{{87}}}
| {{{88}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| ―
| {{{89a}}}{{{89b}}}
| {{{90}}}
| ―
| {{{91}}}
| {{{92}}}
| {{{93}}}
| class="secondary" | gu
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{94}}}
| ―
| {{{95}}}
| {{{96}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{97}}}
| class="secondary" | zu
! <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{98}}}
| ―
| {{{99}}}
| {{{100}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{101}}}
| class="secondary" | zuek
! <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{102}}}
| {{{103}}}
| {{{104}}}
| {{{105}}}
| {{{106}}}
| {{{107}}}
| {{{108}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="7" | <abbr title="hypothetic consequence">hypothetic cons.</abbr>
| ―
| {{{109a}}}{{{109b}}}
| {{{110}}}
| ―
| {{{111}}}
| {{{112}}}
| {{{113}}}
| class="secondary" | ni
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{114}}}
| ―
| {{{115}}}
| {{{116}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{117}}}
| class="secondary" | hi
! <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd&nbsp;sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{118}}}
| {{{119}}}
| {{{120}}}
| {{{121}}}
| {{{122}}}
| {{{123}}}
| {{{124}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| ―
| {{{125a}}}{{{125b}}}
| {{{126}}}
| ―
| {{{127}}}
| {{{128}}}
| {{{129}}}
| class="secondary" | gu
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{130}}}
| ―
| {{{131}}}
| {{{132}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{133}}}
| class="secondary" | zu
! <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{134}}}
| ―
| {{{135}}}
| {{{136}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{137}}}
| class="secondary" | zuek
! <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{138}}}
| {{{139}}}
| {{{140}}}
| {{{141}}}
| {{{142}}}
| {{{143}}}
| {{{144}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! <abbr title="past consequence">past cons.</abbr>
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! rowspan="3" class="outer" | potential
! present
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! hypothetic
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! past
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-green"
! rowspan="2" class="outer" | subjunctive
! present
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-green"
! past
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
! rowspan="2" class="outer" | imperative
! rowspan="2" | present
| ―
| {{{364a}}}{{{364b}}}
| {{{365}}}
| ―
| {{{366}}}
| {{{367}}}
| {{{368}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
| ―
| {{{372a}}}{{{372b}}}
| {{{373}}}
| ―
| {{{374}}}
| {{{375}}}
| {{{376}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>

table_nornork_eroan = [=[
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom;" | Mood / Tense
! colspan="7" | NORK (ergative)
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom" | NOR (absolutive)
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd&nbsp;sg inf.</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! class="secondary" | nik
! class="secondary" | hik
! class="secondary" | hark
! class="secondary" | guk
! class="secondary" | zuk
! class="secondary" | zuek
! class="secondary" | haiek
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="12" class="outer" | indicative
! rowspan="2" | present
| {{{10}}}
| {{{11a}}}{{{11b}}}
| {{{12}}}
| {{{13}}}
| {{{14}}}
| {{{15}}}
| {{{16}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{30}}}
| {{{31a}}}{{{31b}}}
| {{{32}}}
| {{{33}}}
| {{{34}}}
| {{{35}}}
| {{{36}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="2" | past
| {{{46}}}
| {{{47}}}
| {{{48}}}
| {{{49}}}
| {{{50}}}
| {{{51}}}
| {{{52}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{66}}}
| {{{67}}}
| {{{68}}}
| {{{69}}}
| {{{70}}}
| {{{71}}}
| {{{72}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! conditional
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="2" | <abbr title="hypothetic consequence">hypothetic cons.</abbr>
| {{{118}}}
| {{{119}}}
| {{{120}}}
| {{{121}}}
| {{{122}}}
| {{{123}}}
| {{{124}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{138}}}
| {{{139}}}
| {{{140}}}
| {{{141}}}
| {{{142}}}
| {{{143}}}
| {{{144}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! <abbr title="past consequence">past cons.</abbr>
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! rowspan="3" class="outer" | potential
! present
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! hypothetic
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! past
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-green"
! rowspan="2" class="outer" | subjunctive
! present
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-green"
! past
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
! rowspan="2" class="outer" | imperative
! rowspan="2" | present
| —
| {{{227a}}}{{{227b}}}
| {{{228}}}
| —
| {{{230}}}
| {{{231}}}
| {{{232}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
| —
| —
| {{{248}}}
| —
| —
| —
| {{{252}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>

table_nornorinork_imp = [=[
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom;" | Mood / Tense
! colspan="7" | NORK (ergative)
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom" | NORI (dative)
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd&nbsp;sg inf.</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! class="secondary" | nik
! class="secondary" | hik
! class="secondary" | hark
! class="secondary" | guk
! class="secondary" | zuk
! class="secondary" | zuek
! class="secondary" | haiek
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
! rowspan="4" class="outer" | imperative
! rowspan="4" | present
| ―
| {{{i1sa}}}{{{i1sb}}}<br/>{{{i1pa}}}{{{i1pb}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{i2s}}}<br/>{{{i2p}}}
| {{{i3s}}}<br/>{{{i3p}}}
| ―
| class="secondary" | niri
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
| ―
| {{{i4sa}}}{{{i4sb}}}<br/>{{{i4pa}}}{{{i4pb}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{i5s}}}<br/>{{{i5p}}}
| {{{i6s}}}<br/>{{{i6p}}}
| ―
| class="secondary" | hari
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
| ―
| {{{i7sa}}}{{{i7sb}}}<br/>{{{i7pa}}}{{{i7pb}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{i8s}}}<br/>{{{i8p}}}
| {{{i9s}}}<br/>{{{i9p}}}
| ―
| class="secondary" | guri
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
| ―
| {{{i10sa}}}{{{i10sb}}}<br/>{{{i10pa}}}{{{i10pb}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{i11s}}}<br/>{{{i11p}}}
| {{{i12s}}}<br/>{{{i12p}}}
| ―
| class="secondary" | haiei
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>


function export.make_table_nornork(data)
	local function repl(param)
		if param == "info" then
			return mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(data.info or "")
		local forms = data.forms[param]
		if not forms then
			if param == "11b" or param == "31b" or param == "227b" or param == "247b" then
				return ""
				return "&mdash;"
		local ret = {}
		for key, subform in ipairs(forms) do
			if param == "11b" or param == "31b" or param == "227b" or param == "247b" then
				table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "n"}))
				table.insert(ret, m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform}))
		return table.concat(ret, "<br/>")
	local wikicode = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ 
		title = 'inflection-table-top', 
		args = {
			title = '{{{info}}} ― NOR-NORK paradigm',
			palette = 'custom',
			tall = 'yes',
			class = 'wide',
	} .. [=[
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom;" | Mood / Tense
! colspan="7" | NORK (ergative)
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom" | NOR (absolutive)
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd&nbsp;sg inf.</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! class="secondary" | nik
! class="secondary" | hik
! class="secondary" | hark
! class="secondary" | guk
! class="secondary" | zuk
! class="secondary" | zuek
! class="secondary" | haiek
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="13" class="outer" | indicative
! rowspan="2" | present
| {{{10}}}
| {{{11a}}}{{{11b}}}
| {{{12}}}
| {{{13}}}
| {{{14}}}
| {{{15}}}
| {{{16}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{30}}}
| {{{31a}}}{{{31b}}}
| {{{32}}}
| {{{33}}}
| {{{34}}}
| {{{35}}}
| {{{36}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="2" | past
| {{{46}}}
| {{{47}}}
| {{{48}}}
| {{{49}}}
| {{{50}}}
| {{{51}}}
| {{{52}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{66}}}
| {{{67}}}
| {{{68}}}
| {{{69}}}
| {{{70}}}
| {{{71}}}
| {{{72}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="2" | conditional
| {{{82}}}
| {{{83}}}
| {{{84}}}
| {{{85}}}
| {{{86}}}
| {{{87}}}
| {{{88}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{102}}}
| {{{103}}}
| {{{104}}}
| {{{105}}}
| {{{106}}}
| {{{107}}}
| {{{108}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="2" | <abbr title="hypothetic consequence">hypothetic cons.</abbr>
| {{{118}}}
| {{{119}}}
| {{{120}}}
| {{{121}}}
| {{{122}}}
| {{{123}}}
| {{{124}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
| {{{138}}}
| {{{139}}}
| {{{140}}}
| {{{141}}}
| {{{142}}}
| {{{143}}}
| {{{144}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! <abbr title="past consequence">past cons.</abbr>
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! rowspan="3" class="outer" | potential
! present
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! hypothetic
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! past
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-green"
! rowspan="2" class="outer" | subjunctive
! present
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-green"
! past
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
! rowspan="2" class="outer" | imperative
! rowspan="2" | present
| {{{226}}}
| {{{227a}}}{{{227b}}}
| {{{228}}}
| {{{229}}}
| {{{230}}}
| {{{231}}}
| {{{232}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
| {{{246}}}
| {{{247a}}}{{{247b}}}
| {{{248}}}
| {{{249}}}
| {{{250}}}
| {{{251}}}
| {{{252}}}
| class="secondary" | haiek
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
]=] .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'inflection-table-bottom' }

	return mw.ustring.gsub(wikicode, "{{{[#!]?([a-z0-9|]+)}}}", repl)

function export.make_table_nornork_sing(data)
	local function repl(param)
		if param == "info" then
			return mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(data.info or "")
		local forms = data.forms[param]
		if not forms then
			if param == "11b" or param == "31b" or param == "227b" or param == "247b" then
				return ""
				return "&mdash;"
		local ret = {}
		for key, subform in ipairs(forms) do
			if param == "11b" or param == "31b" or param == "227b" or param == "247b" then
				table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "n"}))
				table.insert(ret, m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform}))
		return table.concat(ret, "<br/>")
	local wikicode = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ 
		title = 'inflection-table-top', 
		args = {
			title = '{{{info}}} ― NOR-NORK paradigm',
			palette = 'custom',
			tall = 'yes',
			class = 'wide',
	} .. [=[
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom;" | Mood / Tense
! colspan="7" | NORK (ergative)
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom" | NOR (absolutive)
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd&nbsp;sg inf.</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! class="secondary" | nik
! class="secondary" | hik
! class="secondary" | hark
! class="secondary" | guk
! class="secondary" | zuk
! class="secondary" | zuek
! class="secondary" | haiek
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! rowspan="9" class="outer" | indicative
! present
| {{{10}}}
| {{{11a}}}{{{11b}}}
| {{{12}}}
| {{{13}}}
| {{{14}}}
| {{{15}}}
| {{{16}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! past
| {{{46}}}
| {{{47}}}
| {{{48}}}
| {{{49}}}
| {{{50}}}
| {{{51}}}
| {{{52}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! conditional
| {{{82}}}
| {{{83}}}
| {{{84}}}
| {{{85}}}
| {{{86}}}
| {{{87}}}
| {{{88}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! <abbr title="hypothetic consequence">hypothetic cons.</abbr>
| {{{118}}}
| {{{119}}}
| {{{120}}}
| {{{121}}}
| {{{122}}}
| {{{123}}}
| {{{124}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! class="separator" colspan="10" | 
|- class="inflection-table-blue"
! <abbr title="past consequence">past cons.</abbr>
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! rowspan="3" class="outer" | potential
! present
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! hypothetic
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-yellow"
! past
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-green"
! rowspan="2" class="outer" | subjunctive
! present
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
|- class="inflection-table-green"
! past
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| class="secondary" colspan="2" |
! class="separator" colspan="11" | 
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
! class="outer" | imperative
! present
| {{{226}}}
| {{{227a}}}{{{227b}}}
| {{{228}}}
| {{{229}}}
| {{{230}}}
| {{{231}}}
| {{{232}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
]=] .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'inflection-table-bottom' }

	return mw.ustring.gsub(wikicode, "{{{[#!]?([a-z0-9|]+)}}}", repl)

function export.make_table_nornork_imp(data)
	local function repl(param)
		if param == "info" then
			return mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(data.info or "")
		local forms = data.forms[param]
		if not forms then
			if param == "11b" or param == "31b" or param == "227b" or param == "247b" then
				return ""
				return "&mdash;"
		local ret = {}
		for key, subform in ipairs(forms) do
			if param == "11b" or param == "31b" or param == "227b" or param == "247b" then
				if subform == "igorna" then
					table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "na"}))
					table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "n"}))
				table.insert(ret, m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform}))
		return table.concat(ret, "<br/>")
	local wikicode = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ 
		title = 'inflection-table-top', 
		args = {
			title = '{{{info}}} ― NOR-NORK paradigm',
			palette = 'custom',
			tall = 'yes',
			class = 'wide',
	} .. [=[
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom;" | Mood / Tense
! colspan="7" | NORK (ergative)
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:bottom" | NOR (absolutive)
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd&nbsp;sg inf.</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
! <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
! <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd&nbsp;pl</abbr>
|- class="inflection-table-grey"
! class="secondary" | nik
! class="secondary" | hik
! class="secondary" | hark
! class="secondary" | guk
! class="secondary" | zuk
! class="secondary" | zuek
! class="secondary" | haiek
|- class="inflection-table-orange"
! class="outer" | imperative
! present
| {{{226}}}
| {{{227a}}}{{{227b}}}
| {{{228}}}
| {{{229}}}
| {{{230}}}
| {{{231}}}
| {{{232}}}
| class="secondary" | hura
! <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd&nbsp;sg</abbr>
]=] .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'inflection-table-bottom' }

	return mw.ustring.gsub(wikicode, "{{{[#!]?([a-z0-9|]+)}}}", repl)

function export.make_table_nornork_complete(data)
	local function repl(param)
		if param == "info" then
			return mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(data.info or "")
		local forms = data.forms[param]
		if not forms then
			return "&mdash;"
		local ret = {}
		for key, subform in ipairs(forms) do
			if param == "1b" or param == "11b" or param == "17b" or param == "31b" or param == "73b" or param == "89b" or param == "109b" or param == "125b" or 
			param == "181b" or param == "191b" or param == "197b" or param == "211b" or param == "217b" or param == "233b" or
			param == "361b" or param == "364b" or param == "369b" or param == "372b" or param == "377b" or param == "393b" or param == "413b" or param == "423b" or
			param == "429b" or param == "443b" or param == "479b" or param == "465b" or param == "459b" or param == "449b" then
				table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "n"}))
			elseif param == "37b" or param == "53b" or param == "253b" or param == "269b" or param == "289b" or param == "299b" or param == "305b" or param == "319b"
			or param == "325b" or param == "341b" or param == "145b" or param == "161b" then
				table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "nan"}))
			elseif param == "319bla" or param == "305bla" or param == "299bla" or param == "289bla" or param == "341bla" or param == "325bla" then
				table.insert(ret, "/" .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, alt = "nala"}))
				table.insert(ret, m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = subform}))
		return table.concat(ret, "<br/>")
	local wikicode = [=[
<div class="NavFrame" style="clear:both;width:100%;">
<div class="NavHead" align=left>&nbsp;&nbsp; {{{info}}} ― NOR-NORK paradigm </div>
<div class="NavContent" align="center">
{| style="background:#F9F9F9;width:100%;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:2px;" class="inflection-table"
|- style="background:#DEDEDE;"
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="width:15%;vertical-align:bottom;" | Mood / Tense
! colspan="7" style="width:70%;" | NORK (ergative)
! colspan="2" rowspan="3" style="width:15%;vertical-align:bottom" | NOR (absolutive)
|- style="background:#DEDEDE;"
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
! style="width:10%;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
|- style="background:#ECECEC;"
! nik !! hik !! hark !! guk !! zuk !! zuek !! haiek
! rowspan="11" style="background:#c0cfe4;width:8.7%;" | indicative
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | present
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
|  ―
| {{{1a}}}{{{1b}}}
| {{{2}}}
|  ―
|  {{{3}}}
|  {{{4}}}
|  {{{5}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{6}}}
| ―
| {{{7}}}
| {{{8}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{9}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{10}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{11a}}}{{{11b}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{12}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{13}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{14}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{15}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{16}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| ―
| {{{17a}}}{{{17b}}}
| {{{18}}}
| ―
| {{{19}}}
| {{{20}}}
| {{{21}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{22}}}
| ―
| {{{23}}}
| {{{24}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{25}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{26}}}
| ―
| {{{27}}}
| {{{28}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{29}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"
| {{{30}}}
| {{{31a}}}{{{31b}}}
| {{{32}}}
| {{{33}}}
| {{{34}}}
| {{{35}}}
| {{{36}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | past
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{37a}}}{{{37b}}}
| {{{38}}}
| ―
| {{{39}}}
| {{{40}}}
| {{{41}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{42}}}
| ―
| {{{43}}}
| {{{44}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{45}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{46}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{47}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{48}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{49}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{50}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{51}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{52}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{53a}}}{{{53b}}}
| {{{54}}}
| ―
| {{{55}}}
| {{{56}}}
| {{{57}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{58}}}
| ―
| {{{59}}}
| {{{60}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{61}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{62}}}
| ―
| {{{63}}}
| {{{64}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{65}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{66}}}
| {{{67}}}
| {{{68}}}
| {{{69}}}
| {{{70}}}
| {{{71}}}
| {{{72}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | conditional
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{73a}}}{{{73b}}}
| {{{74}}}
| ―
| {{{75}}}
| {{{76}}}
| {{{77}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{78}}}
| ―
| {{{79}}}
| {{{80}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{81}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{82}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{83}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{84}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{85}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{86}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{87}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{88}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{89a}}}{{{89b}}}
| {{{90}}}
| ―
| {{{91}}}
| {{{92}}}
| {{{93}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{94}}}
| ―
| {{{95}}}
| {{{96}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{97}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{98}}}
| ―
| {{{99}}}
| {{{100}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{101}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{102}}}
| {{{103}}}
| {{{104}}}
| {{{105}}}
| {{{106}}}
| {{{107}}}
| {{{108}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | <abbr title="hypothetic consequence">hyp. cons.</abbr>
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{109a}}}{{{109b}}}
| {{{110}}}
| ―
| {{{111}}}
| {{{112}}}
| {{{113}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{114}}}
| ―
| {{{115}}}
| {{{116}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{117}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{118}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{119}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{120}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{121}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{122}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{123}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{124}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{125a}}}{{{125b}}}
| {{{126}}}
| ―
| {{{127}}}
| {{{128}}}
| {{{129}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{130}}}
| ―
| {{{131}}}
| {{{132}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{133}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{134}}}
| ―
| {{{135}}}
| {{{136}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{137}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{138}}}
| {{{139}}}
| {{{140}}}
| {{{141}}}
| {{{142}}}
| {{{143}}}
| {{{144}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | <abbr title="past consequence">past cons.</abbr>
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{145a}}}{{{145b}}}
| {{{146}}}
| ―
| {{{147}}}
| {{{148}}}
| {{{149}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{150}}}
| ―
| {{{151}}}
| {{{152}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{153}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{154}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{155}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{156}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{157}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{158}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{159}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{160}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{161a}}}{{{161b}}}
| {{{162}}}
| ―
| {{{163}}}
| {{{164}}}
| {{{165}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{166}}}
| ―
| {{{167}}}
| {{{168}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{169}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"  
| {{{170}}}
| ―
| {{{171}}}
| {{{172}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{173}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{174}}}
| {{{175}}}
| {{{176}}}
| {{{177}}}
| {{{178}}}
| {{{179}}}
| {{{180}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | future<sup>1</sup>
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{413a}}}{{{413b}}}
| {{{414}}}
| ―
| {{{415}}}
| {{{416}}}
| {{{417}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{418}}}
| ―
| {{{419}}}
| {{{420}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{421}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{422}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{423a}}}{{{423b}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{424}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{425}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{426}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{427}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{428}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{429a}}}{{{429b}}}
| {{{430}}}
| ―
| {{{431}}}
| {{{432}}}
| {{{433}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{434}}}
| ―
| {{{435}}}
| {{{436}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{437}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{438}}}
| ―
| {{{439}}}
| {{{440}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{441}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{442}}}
| {{{443a}}}{{{443b}}}
| {{{444}}}
| {{{445}}}
| {{{446}}}
| {{{447}}}
| {{{448}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! rowspan="9" style="background:#e2e4c0;width:8.7%;" | potential<sup>2</sup>
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | present
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{181a}}}{{{181b}}}
| {{{182}}}
| ―
| {{{183}}}
| {{{184}}}
| {{{185}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{186}}}
| ―
| {{{187}}}
| {{{188}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{189}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{190}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{191a}}}{{{191b}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{192}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{193}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{194}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{195}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{196}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{197a}}}{{{197b}}}
| {{{198}}}
| ―
| {{{199}}}
| {{{200}}}
| {{{201}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{202}}}
| ―
| {{{203}}}
| {{{204}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{205}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{206}}}
| ―
| {{{207}}}
| {{{208}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{209}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{210}}}
| {{{211a}}}{{{211b}}}
| {{{212}}}
| {{{213}}}
| {{{214}}}
| {{{215}}}
| {{{216}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hypothetic
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{217a}}}{{{217b}}}
| {{{218}}}
| ―
| {{{219}}}
| {{{220}}}
| {{{221}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{222}}}
| ―
| {{{223}}}
| {{{224}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{225}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{226}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{227}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{228}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{229}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{230}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{231}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{232}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{233a}}}{{{233b}}}
| {{{234}}}
| ―
| {{{235}}}
| {{{236}}}
| {{{237}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{238}}}
| ―
| {{{239}}}
| {{{240}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{241}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{242}}}
| ―
| {{{243}}}
| {{{244}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{245}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{246}}}
| {{{247}}}
| {{{248}}}
| {{{249}}}
| {{{250}}}
| {{{251}}}
| {{{252}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | past
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{253a}}}{{{253b}}}
| {{{254}}}
| ―
| {{{255}}}
| {{{256}}}
| {{{257}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{258}}}
| ―
| {{{259}}}
| {{{260}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{261}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{262}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{263}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{264}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{265}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{266}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{267}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{268}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{269a}}}{{{269b}}}
| {{{270}}}
| ―
| {{{271}}}
| {{{272}}}
| {{{273}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{274}}}
| ―
| {{{275}}}
| {{{276}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{277}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{278}}}
| ―
| {{{279}}}
| {{{280}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{281}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{282}}}
| {{{283}}}
| {{{284}}}
| {{{285}}}
| {{{286}}}
| {{{287}}}
| {{{288}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | <abbr title="close conditional">close cond.</abbr><sup>1</sup>
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{449a}}}{{{449b}}}
| {{{450}}}
| ―
| {{{451}}}
| {{{452}}}
| {{{453}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{454}}}
| ―
| {{{455}}}
| {{{456}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{457}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{458}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{459a}}}{{{459b}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{460}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{461}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{462}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{463}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{464}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{465a}}}{{{465b}}}
| {{{466}}}
| ―
| {{{467}}}
| {{{468}}}
| {{{469}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{470}}}
| ―
| {{{471}}}
| {{{472}}} 
| ―
| ―
| {{{473}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{474}}}
| ―
| {{{475}}}
| {{{476}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{477}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{478}}}
| {{{479a}}}{{{479b}}}
| {{{480}}}
| {{{481}}}
| {{{482}}}
| {{{483}}}
| {{{484}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | <abbr title="distal conditional">distal cond.</abbr><sup>1</sup>
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{377a}}}{{{377b}}}
| {{{378}}}
| ―
| {{{379}}}
| {{{380}}}
| {{{381}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{382}}}
| ―
| {{{383}}}
| {{{384}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{385}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{386}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{387}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{388}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{389}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{390}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{391}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{392}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{393a}}}{{{393b}}}
| {{{394}}}
| ―
| {{{395}}}
| {{{396}}}
| {{{397}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{398}}}
| ―
| {{{399}}}
| {{{400}}} 
| ―
| ―
| {{{401}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{402}}}
| ―
| {{{403}}}
| {{{404}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{405}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{406}}}
| {{{407}}}
| {{{408}}}
| {{{409}}}
| {{{410}}}
| {{{411}}}
| {{{412}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! rowspan="5" style="background:#c0e4c0;width:8.7%;" | subjunctive<sup>2</sup>
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | present
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{289a}}}{{{289b}}},<br/>{{{289ala}}}{{{289bla}}}
| {{{290}}},<br/>{{{290la}}}
| ―
| {{{291}}},<br/>{{{291la}}}
| {{{292}}},<br/>{{{292la}}}
| {{{293}}},<br/>{{{293la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{294}}},<br/>{{{294la}}}
| ―
| {{{295}}},<br/>{{{295la}}}
| {{{296}}},<br/>{{{296la}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{297}}}<br/>{{{297la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{298}}},<br/>{{{298la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{299a}}}{{{299b}}},<br/>{{{299ala}}}{{{299bla}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{300}}},<br/>{{{300la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{301}}},<br/>{{{301la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{302}}},<br/>{{{302la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{303}}},<br/>{{{303la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{304}}},<br/>{{{304la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{305a}}}{{{305b}}},<br/>{{{305ala}}}{{{305bla}}}
| {{{306}}},<br/>{{{306la}}}
| ―
| {{{307}}},<br/>{{{307la}}}
| {{{308}}},<br/>{{{308la}}}
| {{{309}}},<br/>{{{309la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{310}}},<br/>{{{310la}}}
| ―
| {{{311}}},<br/>{{{311la}}}
| {{{312}}},<br/>{{{312la}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{313}}},<br/>{{{313la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{314}}},<br/>{{{314la}}}
| ―
| {{{315}}},<br/>{{{315la}}}
| {{{316}}},<br/>{{{316la}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{317}}},<br/>{{{317la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{318}}},<br/>{{{318la}}}
| {{{319a}}}{{{319b}}},<br/>{{{319ala}}}{{{319bla}}}
| {{{320}}},<br/>{{{320la}}}
| {{{321}}},<br/>{{{321la}}}
| {{{322}}},<br/>{{{322la}}}
| {{{323}}},<br/>{{{323la}}}
| {{{324}}},<br/>{{{324la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hypothetic
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{325a}}}{{{325b}}}
| {{{326}}}
| ―
| {{{327}}}
| {{{328}}}
| {{{329}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{330}}}
| ―
| {{{331}}}
| {{{332}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{333}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{334}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{335}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{336c}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{337}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{338}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{339}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{340c}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"  
| ―
| {{{341a}}}{{{341b}}}
| {{{342}}}
| ―
| {{{343}}}
| {{{344}}}
| {{{345}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"  
| {{{346}}}
| ―
| {{{347}}}
| {{{348}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{349}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"  
| {{{350}}}
| ―
| {{{351}}}
| {{{352}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{353}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"  
| {{{354}}}
| {{{355}}}
| {{{356c}}}
| {{{357}}}
| {{{358}}}
| {{{359}}}
| {{{360c}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | past
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{325a}}}{{{325b}}},<br/>{{{325ala}}}{{{325bla}}}
| {{{326}}},<br/>{{{326la}}}
| ―
| {{{327}}},<br/>{{{327la}}}
| {{{328}}},<br/>{{{328la}}}
| {{{329}}},<br/>{{{329la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| {{{330}}},<br/>{{{330la}}}
| ―
| {{{331}}},<br/>{{{331la}}}
| {{{332}}},<br/>{{{332la}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{333}}},<br/>{{{333la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{334}}},<br/>{{{334la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{335}}},<br/>{{{335la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{336}}},<br/>{{{336la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{337}}},<br/>{{{337la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{338}}},<br/>{{{338la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{339}}},<br/>{{{339la}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{340}}},<br/>{{{340la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"  
| ―
| {{{341a}}}{{{341b}}},<br/>{{{341ala}}}{{{341bla}}}
| {{{342}}},<br/>{{{342la}}}
| ―
| {{{343}}},<br/>{{{343la}}}
| {{{344}}},<br/>{{{344la}}}
| {{{345}}},<br/>{{{345la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"  
| {{{346}}},<br/>{{{346la}}}
| ―
| {{{347}}},<br/>{{{347la}}}
| {{{348}}},<br/>{{{348la}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{349}}},<br/>{{{349la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"  
| {{{350}}},<br/>{{{350la}}}
| ―
| {{{351}}},<br/>{{{351la}}}
| {{{352}}},<br/>{{{352la}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{353}}},<br/>{{{353la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide"  
| {{{354}}},<br/>{{{354la}}}
| {{{355}}},<br/>{{{355la}}}
| {{{356}}},<br/>{{{356la}}}
| {{{357}}},<br/>{{{357la}}}
| {{{358}}},<br/>{{{358la}}}
| {{{359}}},<br/>{{{359la}}}
| {{{360}}},<br/>{{{360la}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.25em" colspan="11" | 
! style="background:#e4d4c0;width:8.7%;" | imperative<sup>2</sup>
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | present
| colspan="9"|
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="width: 100%; background:#F9F9F9; border-spacing: 0"
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{361a}}}{{{361b}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{362}}}
| {{{363}}}
| ―
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:8.7%;" | ni
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="3" |
! style="background:#DEDEDE;width:8.7%;" | <abbr title="first-person singular">1st sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hi
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular informal">2nd sg inf.</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
| style="width:11.78%;" | ―
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{364a}}}{{{364b}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{365}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | ―
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{366}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{367}}}
| style="width:11.78%;" | {{{368}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | hura
| style="background#F9F9F9; width:0.5px" rowspan="9" |
! class="vsToggleElement" style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person singular">3rd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{369a}}}{{{369b}}}
| ―
| ―
| {{{370}}}
| {{{371}}}
| ―
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | gu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="first-person plural">1st pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zu
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person singular">2nd sg</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
| ―
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | zuek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="second-person plural">2nd pl</abbr>
|- class="vsHide"
| style="border-bottom: 0.5 solid #F9F9F9;" colspan="10" |
|- class="vsHide" 
| ―
| {{{372a}}}{{{372b}}}
| {{{373}}}
| ―
| {{{374}}}
| {{{375}}}
| {{{376}}}
! style="background:#ECECEC;" | haiek
! style="background:#DEDEDE;" | <abbr title="third-person plural">3rd pl</abbr>
| colspan="9" style="text-align:left" |1. Archaic or dialectal. <br/>  2. Forms belong to the reconstructed verb *ezan.

	return mw.ustring.gsub(wikicode, "{{{[#!]?([a-z0-9|]+)}}}", repl)

return export