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Documentation for Module:dump. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the module.

See Module:Dump on Wikipedia for documentation.

testcase = {  -- table_1
    [-1] = "negative one",
    [0.5] = "one half",
    [99] = "ninety nine",
    [100] = "one hundred",
    [" "] = "space",
    ["1 –◆— z"] = "unicode",
    alpha = "aaa",
    beta = "bbb",
    c = 123,
    data = {  -- table_2
        __metatable = {
            __index = function_1,
            __tostring = function_2,
        [false] = "F",
        [true] = "T",
        function_3 = "dumper",
        F = false,
        T = true,
        alpha2 = "aaa2",
        beta2 = "bbb2",
        c2 = 1234,
        data2 = {
            alpha3 = "aaa3",
            beta3 = "bbb3",
            c3 = 12345,
            fruit = {  -- table_5
                [0] = "zero",
                back = table_2,  -- repeat
                table_6 = "anon",
            me = table_1,  -- repeat
            table_5 = "fruit",
        dumper = function_3,
        me = table_2,  -- self
    testcase = table_1,  -- self
    z = "zoo",