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This module needs documentation.
Please document this module by describing its purpose and usage on the documentation page.

local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("da")
local m_utils = require("Module:utilities")

local export = {}

function export.determine_class(frame)
	local args = frame.args
	local ret = ""
	local cat = {}
	--local head = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	if args.class then
		class = args.class
	elseif string.sub(args[4], -2, -1) == "de" or args[4].sub(-2, -1) == "te" then
		return "weak verb" .. m_utils.format_categories("Danish weak verbs", lang)
		local _, _, pres_vowel = string.find(args[1], "([aeiouyæøå])-^")
		local _, _, past_vowel = string.find(args[4], "([aeiouyæøå])-^")
		local _, _, perf_vowel = string.find(args[6], "([aeiouyæøå])-et")
		local class = nil
		if pres_vowel == "i" and past_vowel == "e" then
			class = 1
		elseif pres_vowel == "y" and past_vowel == "ø" then
			class = 2
		elseif string.find(pres_vowel, "[æiy]") and past_vowel == "a" then
			if perf_vowel == "u" then
				class = 3
			elseif perf_vowel == "å" then
				class = 4
		elseif string.find(pres_vowel, "[æie]") and past_vowel == "a" and string.find(perf_vowel, "[æe]") then
			class = 5
		elseif string.find(pres_vowel, "[æa]") and past_vowel == "o" then
			class = 6
	return "class " .. class .. " strong verb" .. m_utils.format_categories("Danish class " .. class .. " strong verbs", lang)
