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Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/sk

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

This module handles generating the descriptions and categorization for Slovak category pages of the format "Slovak LABEL" where LABEL can be any text. Examples are Category:Bulgarian conjugation 2.1 verbs and Category:Russian velar-stem neuter-form nouns. This module is part of the poscatboiler system, which is a general framework for generating the descriptions and categorization of category pages.

For more information, see Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/documentation.

NOTE: If you add a new language-specific module, you must add the language code to the list at the top of Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific in order for the module to be recognized.

local labels = {}
local handlers = {}

local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match

local en_utilities_module = "Module:en-utilities"

--------------------------------- Nouns --------------------------------

local decltypes = {
	{"dub", "oak tree", "m-in", "hard"},
	{"chlap", "man", "m-an", "hard"},
	{"mesto", "city", "n", "hard"},
	{"stroj", "machine", "m-in", "soft"},
	{"kosť", "bone", "f", "soft", "a pure ''i''-stem with genitive in ''-i''"},
	{"vysvedčenie", "report card", "n", "soft", "with vocalic stem"},
	{"dlaň", "palm of the hand", "f", "soft", "a mixed ''i''-stem with genitive in ''-e''"},
	{"hrdina", "hero", "m-an", "hard", "ending with ''-a''"},
	{"dievča", "girl", "n", "soft", "with ''t''-stem endings outside of the nominative and accusative singular"},
	{"srdce", "heart", "n", "soft"},
	{"gazdiná", "housewife", "f", "hard", "with adjectival endings in most cases"},
	{"kuli", "coolie", "m-an", "soft or hard", "of foreign origin, ending with a vowel"},
	{"žena", "woman", "f", "hard"},
	{"ulica", "street", "f", "soft"},

local possible_genders = {
	["m-an"] = "masculine animate",
	["m-in"] = "masculine inanimate",
	["f"] = "feminine",
	["n"] = "neuter",

labels["nouns by declension"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} nouns categorized by the declension they follow.",
	additional = "Declensions are described using a common noun of that declension.",
	parents = {{name = "nouns by inflection type", sort = "by declension"}},
	breadcrumb = "declension",

for _, declspec in ipairs(decltypes) do
	local sample_term, meaning, gender, softhard, extra = unpack(declspec)
	labels["terms with declension " .. sample_term] = {
		description = ("{{{langname}}} nouns forming their declension like {{m|sk|%s||%s}}."):format(
			sample_term, meaning),
		additional = ("These are %s %s%s."):format(softhard, possible_genders[gender], extra and ", " .. extra or ""),
		parents = {{name = "nouns by declension", sort = sample_term}},
		breadcrumb = sample_term,
		displaytitle = ("{{{langname}}} terms with declension {{m|sk||%s}}"):format(sample_term),

labels["adjectival nouns"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} nouns with adjectival endings.",
	parents = {"nouns"},
	breadcrumb = "adjectival",

--------------------------------- Adjectives --------------------------------

local adj_like_poses = {"adjective", "pronoun", "determiner", "numeral", "suffix"}
for _, pos in ipairs(adj_like_poses) do
	local plpos = require(en_utilities_module).pluralize(pos)
	for _, adjtype in ipairs { "hard", "soft" } do
		labels[adjtype .. " long " .. plpos] = {
			description = "{{{langname}}} " .. adjtype .. "-stem " .. plpos .. " ending in a long vowel.",
			breadcrumb = adjtype .. " long",
			parents = {{name = plpos .. " by inflection type", sort = adjtype .. " long"}},
		labels[adjtype .. " short " .. plpos] = {
			description = "{{{langname}}} " .. adjtype .. "-stem " .. plpos .. " ending in a short vowel.",
			additional = "The short vowel occurs due to the {{w|Slovak_orthography#Rhythmical_rule|Slovak rhythmic law}} when the preceding syllable is long.",
			breadcrumb = adjtype .. " short",
			parents = {{name = plpos .. " by inflection type", sort = adjtype .. " short"}},

--------------------------------- Misc maintenance categories --------------------------------

local function define_maint_label(lb, desc)
	labels[lb] = {
		description = desc,
		parents = {"entry maintenance"},
		breadcrumb = lb,
		hidden = true,
		can_be_empty = true,

define_maint_label("terms with obsolete declension parameters",
	"Pages are placed here if the sk-headword module receives any of the obsolete parameters: decl or declqual.")
define_maint_label("terms with obsolete inflection parameters",
	"Pages are placed here if the sk-headword module receives any of the obsolete parameters: pl, plqual, gen, genqual, genpl, or genplqual.")
define_maint_label("terms without declension paradigm",
	"Pages are placed here if the sk-decl-noun template doesn't receive a paradigm parameter.")
define_maint_label("terms with IPA literal transcriptions",
	"Pages are placed here if any transcriptions in the sk-IPA template are literal.")
define_maint_label("terms with IPA predictive transcriptions",
	"Pages are placed here if any transcriptions in the sk-IPA template are not literal.")

return {LABELS = labels, HANDLERS = handlers}