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Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/pt

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This module handles generating the descriptions and categorization for Portuguese category pages of the format "Portuguese LABEL" where LABEL can be any text. Examples are Category:Bulgarian conjugation 2.1 verbs and Category:Russian velar-stem neuter-form nouns. This module is part of the poscatboiler system, which is a general framework for generating the descriptions and categorization of category pages.

For more information, see Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/documentation.

NOTE: If you add a new language-specific module, you must add the language code to the list at the top of Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific in order for the module to be recognized.

local labels = {}

--                                                                         --
--                                METAPHONY                                --
--                                                                         --

for _, pos in ipairs { "adjectives", "nouns", "participles", "suffixes" } do
	labels[pos .. " with metaphony"] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} " .. pos .. " characterized by [[Appendix:Portuguese pronunciation#Metaphony|metaphony]] in their plural and feminine inflections; i.e. stressed {{IPAchar|/o/}} in the lemma changes to {{IPAchar|/ɔ/}}.",		parents = {"verbs by inflection type"},
		breadcrumb = "with metaphony",
		parents = {name = pos .. " by inflection type", sort = "metaphony"},

--                                                                         --
--                                  VERBS                                  --
--                                                                         --

local conjugations = {
	["ar"] = "{{{langname}}} first conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin first conjugation verbs|first conjugation (-āre) verbs]].",
	["er"] = "{{{langname}}} second conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin second conjugation verbs|second conjugation (-ēre)]] or [[:Category:Latin third conjugation verbs|third conjugation (-ere)]] verbs.",
	["ir"] = "{{{langname}}} third conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin third conjugation verbs|third conjugation (-ere)]] or [[:Category:Latin fourth conjugation verbs|fourth conjugation (-īre)]] verbs.",
	["or"] = "{{{langname}}} verbs ending in {{m|pt||-or}} or {{m|pt||-ôr}}, all of which are derivatives of {{m|pt|pôr}}.",

labels["verbs by conjugation"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by conjugation.",
	parents = {"verbs by inflection type"},

for conj, conjdesc in pairs(conjugations) do
	labels["verbs ending in -" .. conj] = {
		description = conjdesc,
		displaytitle = "{{{langname}}} verbs ending in {{m|pt||-" .. conj .. "}}",
		parents = {
			{name = "verbs by conjugation", sort = conj},
		breadcrumb = "{{m|pt||-" .. conj .. "}}",

labels["verbs by vowel alternation"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by type of vowel alternation.",
	parents = {"verbs by inflection type"},

labels["verbs by consonant alternation"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by type of consonant alternation.",
	parents = {"verbs by inflection type"},

-- Add labels for e.g. [[Category:Portuguese verbs with e becoming i when stressed]].
local vowel_alternations = {
	["i-e alternation in present singular"] = {
		desc = "with <i> in the first-person singular present indicative and throughout the present subjunctive, and <e> "
			.. "elsewhere when the stem is stressed",
		displaytitle = "<i-e> alternation in present singular",
	["e becoming i when stressed"] = {
		desc = "with <i> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative and imperative, third-person "
			.. "plural present indicative and imperative) and throughout the present subjunctive, and <e> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "<e> becoming <i> when stressed",
	["i becoming í when stressed"] = {
		desc = "with <í> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative, subjunctive and imperative; "
			.. "third-person plural present indicative, subjunctive and imperative) and <i> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "<i> becoming <í> when stressed",
	["u-o alternation in present singular"] = {
		desc = "with <u> in the first-person singular present indicative and throughout the present subjunctive, and <o> "
			.. "elsewhere when the stem is stressed",
		displaytitle = "<u-o> alternation in present singular",
	["o becoming u when stressed"] = {
		desc = "with <u> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative and imperative, third-person "
			.. "plural present indicative and imperative) and throughout the present subjunctive, and <o> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "<o> becoming <u> when stressed",
	["u becoming ú when stressed"] = {
		desc = "with <ú> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative, subjunctive and imperative; "
			.. "third-person plural present indicative, subjunctive and imperative) and <u> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "<u> becoming <ú> when stressed",
	["e becoming ei when stressed"] = {
		desc = "with <ei> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative, subjunctive and imperative; "
			.. "third-person plural present indicative, subjunctive and imperative) and <e> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "<e> becoming <ei> when stressed",
	["i becoming ei when stressed"] = {
		desc = "with <ei> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative, subjunctive and imperative; "
			.. "third-person plural present indicative, subjunctive and imperative) and <i> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "<i> becoming <ei> when stressed",

for alt, obj in pairs(vowel_alternations) do
	local function replace_angle_brackets(spec)
		local retval = spec:gsub("<(.-)>", "{{m|pt||%1}}") -- discard second return value
		return retval
	local breadcrumb = replace_angle_brackets(obj.displaytitle)
	labels["verbs with " .. alt] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} verbs " .. replace_angle_brackets(obj.desc) .. ".",
		displaytitle = "{{{langname}}} verbs with " .. breadcrumb,
		parents = {{name = "verbs by vowel alternation", sort = alt}},
		breadcrumb = breadcrumb,

-- Add labels for e.g. [[Category:Portuguese verbs with c-qu alternation]].
local consonant_alternations = {
	["c-qu"] = {"qu", "c"},
	["c-ç"] = {"c", "ç"},
	["g-gu"] = {"gu", "g"},
	["g-j"] = {"g", "j"},
	["gu-gü"] = {"gü", "gu"},

for alt, frontback in pairs(consonant_alternations) do
	local desc
	local front, back = unpack(frontback)
	desc = "{{{langname}}} verbs whose final consonant alternates between ''" .. front .. "'' before front vowels (''e'', ''i'') " ..
		"and ''" .. back .. "'' before back vowels (''a'', ''o'', ''u'')."
	labels["verbs with " .. alt .. " alternation"] = {
		description = desc,
		displaytitle = "{{{langname}}} verbs with {{m|pt||" .. alt .. "}} alternation",
		parents = {{name = "verbs by consonant alternation", sort = alt}},
		breadcrumb = "{{m|pt||" .. alt .. "}}",

labels["third-person-only verbs"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs with forms that exist only in the third person, and have no imperatives.",
	parents = {{name = "defective verbs"}},
	breadcrumb = "third-person-only",

labels["verbs with irregular short past participle"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs with an irregular short past participle (typically used with {{m|pt|ser}} "
		.. "and {{m|pt|estar}}) that contrasts with a regularly formed \"long\" past participle (typically used with "
		.. "{{m|pt|ter}} and {{m|pt|haver}}).",
	parents = {{name = "irregular verbs", sort = "short past participle"}},
	breadcrumb = "irregular short past participle",

--                                                                         --
--                                 REFORMS                                 --
--                                                                         --
labels["forms superseded in 1911"] = {
	description = "The following word forms were used in European Portuguese until the [[w:Portuguese Orthographic Reform of 1911|Portuguese Orthographic Reform of 1911]]. This category does not include terms that fell out of use prior to 1911; for that, see {{category|Portuguese obsolete forms}}.<br>Note that, prior to 1911 in Portugal and 1943 in Brazil, there wasn’t an official standardized orthography for the language. “Standard” spellings were defined by common usage.",
	parents = {
        {name = "superseded forms"},
        {name = "archaic forms"},

labels["forms prescribed by the 1931 Agreement"] = {
	description = "The following word forms were prescribed by the 1931 Orthographic Agreement between Brazil and Portugal; however, in practice this spelling reform was not successfully implemented. As such, no real changes to the Portuguse orthography were seen until [[:Category:Portuguese forms superseded in 1943|1943]] in Brazil, when the country’s first successful reform was implemented, and [[:Category:Portuguese forms superseded in 1945|1945]] in Portugal, the country’s second spelling reform.",
	parents = {"superseded forms"},

labels["forms superseded in 1943"] = {
	description = "The following word forms were used in Brazilian Portuguese until the [[w:1943_Portuguese_Orthographic_Form|Portuguese Orthographic Reform of 1943]]. This category does not include terms that fell out of use prior to 1943; for that, see {{category|Portuguese obsolete forms}}.<br>Note that, prior to 1911 in Portugal and 1943 in Brazil, there wasn’t an official standardized orthography for the language. “Standard” spellings were defined by common usage.",
	parents = {
        {name = "superseded forms"},
        {name = "archaic forms"},

labels["forms superseded in 1945"] = {
	description = "The following word forms were officially used in European Portuguese until the implementation of the [[w:pt:Acordo_Ortográfico_de_1945|Portuguese Orthographic Reform of 1945]], on January 1st 1946, via Decree 35,228/45.",
	parents = {
        {name = "superseded forms"},
        {name = "dated forms"},

labels["forms superseded in 1971"] = {
	description = "The following word forms were officially used in Brazilian Portuguese from the implementation of the [[w:1943_Portuguese_Orthographic_Form|Portuguese Orthographic Reform of 1943]] until it was modified by Law 5,765/71, which came into effect on January 17th 1972.",
	parents = {
        {name = "superseded forms"},
        {name = "dated forms"},

labels["forms superseded in 1973"] = {
	description = "The following word forms were officially used in European Portuguese from the implementation of the [[w:pt:Acordo_Ortográfico_de_1945|Portuguese Orthographic Reform of 1945]] until its modification by Decree-Law 32/73 on February 6th 1973.",
	parents = {
        {name = "superseded forms"},
        {name = "dated forms"},

labels["forms superseded by AO1990"] = {
	description = "The following word forms were officially used in both the Brazilian and European variations of Portuguese until December 2015, when the period of transition between the previous spelling standard and the [[w:Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990|Orthographic Agreement achieved in 1990]] ended in all countries that had put it into practice. These may still be encountered as occasional misspellings.",
	parents = {
        {name = "superseded forms"},
        {name = "misspellings"},

labels["toponyms inconsistent with AO1990"] = {
	description = "According to the [[w:Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990|Portuguese-Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990]], the toponyms below should be spelled differently. Nevertheless, their official name remains unchanged.",
	parents = {"forms superseded by AO1990"},

return {LABELS = labels}